Interesting Trend

Up to you man; why you would choose to give advice so someone who didn’t ask for it? I would never do this by choice, maybe I do get carried away sometimes. At max, I would tell them: if you want my advice, I’m always here.
The way I see things is about treating the other person as your equal. If you’re talking to a child, sure give him an advice. If you’re talking to an adult, give him the benefit of considering him mature enough to ask for help if he needs it. If you disconsider him, his aggressive reaction is justified.

“Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply.” Stephen R. Covey

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I remember when a coach told me that men have a tendency to want to fix and take action on anything they can. At least in their head. Which is why women get so annoyed with us when all they want is for somebody to listen to them without trying to fix everything.

I’ve been noticing the trend for a bit longer now and am very curious as to what causes it. Harder-hitting subs can be a cause, could also be that all the COVID measures are starting to take their toll on people. Or that we have begun attracting a broader audience. Our customer and user base continues to grow after all.

Whatever the case, it’s a curious phenomenon.

One such case has now reached an unfortunate conclusion. I feel we did really try our best there and remain optimistic (pun intended) that there won’t be too many incidents like it in our community’s future. I like this place and its people. And the lack of a PvP area.

Thanks for taking the time to make this thread, Ninjistic. As is my habit, I wrote you a much longer post, but then I deleted it. :wink:




I didnt read a single word of this thread,

but it makes sense.

thank you


I agree.
but sometimes a bit of PvP is good, to keep you moving forward.

we are humans and as ambitious and hard working we are here, we still love to be entertained sometimes.:grin:

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Back in the day someone taught me to write out all the bad stuff in my head for 1 hour in the morning and then destroy it. I guess it was one of my mentors/friends. Powerful exercise to start the day fresh.

There also was a mental clearing exercise I remember by a marketing guru. I think it was called brain reboot or something like that. It was more complex with writing down unfinished business, goals etc. Sadly, I don’t remember the name of the guru. He gave the method away for free.

I just mentioned it because I love writing as a tool for transformation.

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Well, I’m not usually the type to offer advice to anyone unsolicited lol, but when I do, I drink Dos E- I mean, I usually give a disclaimer.

My spiritual mentor actually was the first person to caution me against giving people advice without them asking first, for the exact reason you said.

I’m the type of person that irl people come to to vent to, to ask for a higher/different perspective, etc etc…

All of this to say

I generally wouldn’t IRL, but on a public forum, I think the rules are just slightly …looser.

@DarkPhilosopher I am one of those people that enjoy when you or @RVconsultant has a lengthy post, because neither of you posts frivolously :slight_smile:

I only wanted to post this so it could (potentially) help someone that didn’t have simple tools to interact. It seems to me that most of our community is (unsurprisingly) level headed, mature and healthy in their response to people online and on here in particular.

I just rolled out of bed to hail the sun with squinted eyes, so I can only assume that the situation you are referring to is probably the inspiration of this post, but if so, I want to commend yourself and RV once again for how you guys handle… Rumbles in the community, lol.

@Rapsta I didn’t read a single word of your reply, but, you could also consider ever word before here a lie and replace it with thank you!


If I still had photoshop, and I knew what Saint or fire looked like, I would photoshop one of their heads onto Gerald Butler in 300. Perfect meme.

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Thanks for your support and appreciation man!

Well, this was our last company retreat, in front of one of our research locations:

I’m the one not wearing a hood this time.

Does that help? :wink:

PS Does this count as a frivolous post?

PPS Just in case there’s any confusion, that isn’t us…

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Can you all stop posting in this thread as all of your opinions are useless to me?

Cheers :+1::rofl:


@Sage_Ninjistic - it’s very good advice at the same time the whole interaction which @DarkPhilosopher was talking about was very surreal. We all love a good controversy and the guy was knowlingly or unknowingly whipping us up into a frenzy.

At first, I was reigning a lot in until I too snapped and called him a two word name (and instantly regretted it a bit expecting SaintSovereign or Fire to warn me to not do so). I think I got away cause the guy was going way overboard and was deaf to the admins many explanations. He rubbed us all the wrong way, a sure sign that we ourselves have loads of lessons to learn when it comes to such volatile experiences

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Well, let’s not speak of the banned any further when they can’t stand up for themselves any more. I wish him all the luck on his journey, I genuinely mean that.

Who knows, maybe if he comes back when the ban ends in 3021 we’ll all laugh about it over a synthetic drink.


It is important for us all to obey the rules, even us moderators.

I think you scolded your self enough.


I did apologize to him on his journal but he plain ignored it. And eventually the usual “don’t talk to me” speech from him. Made me realize that we were dealing with something more dangerous. So inspite of what I initially felt, it was good riddance. And that’s that

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There needs to be an update to terms and conditions that stops that scenario happening again, even if a forum is not as formal as selling goods.

However a lot of great advice was given and a few golden wisdom nuggets dropped. So I’m hoping that thread gets repurposed into a “General subs advice thread” or something, to co-opt whatever intention it was started with and turn it into a positive.

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I’m glad you too felt this part, cuz honestly he (I mean ‘they’) were a catalyst to me to examine parts of myself

Oh, was this the Paris Retreat?! Fuck yeah, I’ve been…






:thinking::face_with_monocle: I…I don’t…


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In my mind you have an substantial history of beneficence, and I thank you for that. :person_in_lotus_position:

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You are both mature and wise. :person_in_lotus_position:

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Screenshots and places into ‘Ammo’ folder for future disagreements with the lady
