Initial Results: Limit Destroyer ZP, Emperor ZP and Building Custom Today

Hey everybody, I’m brand new to this, to all of this, but there really is something going on here and I’ll get to that in a second.
*TL;DR: I used to think Subliminals were BS, but the more I learned about math, science, and the world, the more I realized that almost nothing that we take for granted as “facts” are as stable as we want them to be. We don’t even know what math and logic are and they are two of the most important things for our modern lives.
*I was led to subs slowly. Over the many years of college and life experiences, I slowly learned that almost nothing that is “common knowledge” is on stable ground, it is arguable how much is known about anything at all–like what even is math? How can these non-physical things (numbers) be so damn powerful? What even is logic? Think about it, you can’t reach out and touch logic, it’s what? A mental construct? There is nothing physical about math or logic, yet, math and logic (two things that are may not exist outside the brains of advanced life forms) directly make the computer I’m typing on possible. How is it possible that two of the most important “things” for modern life (math and logic) can be used to create the physical, yet they don’t exist in any tangible sense. Then you could ask, are math and logic (two sides of the same coin, really) inherent to reality and discovered or are they invented by the human mind. I used to believe (without any good reason) that Subliminals were BS. If I had to put my finger on why I thought they were BS, I’d say it’s because I was really into magic as a kid–Criss Angel, David Blane, Penn and Teller, the whole nine, which led me to become a “skeptic.” By “skeptic” I mean an obnoxious person who doubts everything on first encounter and demands proof for the smallest, most inconsequential claims, I don’t mean a level headed perso. I also probably believed they were BS because “common knowledge” says that subliminals are BS.

So, here I am. I’m running Limit Destroyer ZP, Emperor ZP, and I’m building a custom ZP title today to complete my stack. I’m following the 1 day on, 1 day off protocol, as the doctor ordered and so far have listened for 3 days on–I literally just started.

Day 1: 1 loop Emperor, one Loop Limit Destroyer
The very first day I listened, I hit what I think was mild reconciliation. I was at work and started getting pissed (very, very, very out of character for me. I’m the guy that people accuse of being “too calm”). I felt like everyone around me was disrespecting me. My coworker (funny guy, a bit of a trickster type) tried to play a harmless practical joke on me by stealing my stocking cart (a daily occurance, nothing out of the ordinary) while my back is turned. I snaped around and said his name like a stern, disapproving parent “John.” He, clearly a little taken aback by my response, replied with my name “praisetheurdtree,” and walked away. It was a small moment, but completely out of character for me on about 10 levels. Me and John mess with eachother everyday and have for months and I’ve never reacted to him like that before. After that, I realized that the sub was doing something, so I took my break early, smoked a cigarette, and read up on reconciliation, deciding that the symptoms fit. I go back into work, and I’m trying to use my innertalk to calm myself down. I’m going about my buisness and a 10/10, beautiful woman, exactly my type, locks eyes with me, I smile through my face mask, she looks away, pretends like shes about to go down a different isle. I get back to work. A few seconds later, she’s standing right beside me, grabbing a bag of frozen fruit, lingering in the freeze beside me, then she’s gone around the corner. An old lady asks where the eggs are, I show her, and guess who I see? Ms. Beautiful, we lock eyes for a solid 5 seconds, I eventually break because I have to be professional.
Looking back, I KNOW I shit the bed. She was trying to approach so I would talk to her, it was obvious as could be. If a girl isn’t interested, you’re either invisible or avoided. Girls don’t lock eyes for prolonged periods of time with dudes they aren’t into. This day, the first day, was honestly shocking. There is no way the subs aren’t doing SOMETHING to me. This is not my ordinary day.

Day 2: Rest day.
More reconciliation, another girl? Work was hell! Very out of character for me. I work at a grocery store (while I’m finishing college) and I almost always have a good attitude about it. I go above and beyond not because I like to impress, I do it because it makes work more enjoyable. Normally, I gamify work, and generally have some fun while doing it. Today was different, and I’ll get to that. One of the girls from another department (Jane, 6/10) was standing near my department, she took a selfie, so I walked up behind her and gave her shit, “I think the cameras saw that, Jane” I said (I can’t remember, I was a bad student and didn’t journal on the day it happened). She laughed, and literally fell into me–deliberately exaggerating her movements in order to physically touch me. I let it happen, laughed with her, and fell into a deep contemplation. What the hell was going on!? How much more clear can it get than that!? This event was so shocking to me (I played it cool in the moment) that I spent the next several hours thinking about what to do next. I checked her out from afar, seriously considering if she was someone I was going to pursue, and a voice from my innermost parts said, “no, don’t bother, you can do better.” She’s pretty, she’s nice, but I’m not the kinda guy that’s gonna pursue just because some girl is interested. I’m not gonna mess with my coworkers, and on some level, I felt like she wanted things I can’t give her, and that she isn’t what I want. The only way to be a good dude is to disengage so nobody gets hurt.
Following that, work became hell. Remember how I said I normally enjoy work? For the last several hours of my shift, I was waging an internal battle with myself. I was seriously considering just quitting (super out of character for me) or asking my manager if I could just leave (also super out of character.) Toward the tail end of my shift (an eternity later) I got the random thought that I should apply at a specific company. So, I went home apllied, and…

Day 3: Emperor ZP, and Limit Destroyer ZP
I woke up to a voice mail asking if I wanted to do an interview. I called back, scheduled an interview, and that was that. Never had such a quick turn around, also, this is not an easy company to get hired at.
I then got an email from my college soliciting inspirational stories from the graduating seniors, so I wrote a draft.
The rest of the day was pretty uneventful and I mostly felt like trash emtionally.

Day 4 rest day:
Pretty uneventful, except I was super vocal in one of my classes, pretty much carrying the discussion. There was also a group exercise and a group of dudes invited me to be part of their group–that’s NOT NORMAL FOR ME! I’m typically a wall flower that doesn’t get invited to anything or anywhere. It was a small thing, but had huge implications.

Day 5: Limit Destroyer ZP, Emperor ZP
I’ll be honest, I stopped keeping a personal journal, so these entries are getting shorter because my memory is lapsing.
Interview day. I get to the place and I’m literally shaking nervous. Do the interview, feel okay about it, my inner voice is saying “this is just a limit to over come” that makes me feel better. Go across the street after the interview to buy a pack of smokes, have a cool conversation with the cashieer (her daughter has my birthday) and go home. I get home and get a call asking if I want to schedule a second interview. WHAT!? Yeah, that’s cool. Rest of the day is pretty univentful. Worked out for the first time in months, killed it, procrastinated on homework, broke my diet, but things ARE changing. It’s weird.

Day 6 rest, current day:
More to come, got some stuff to do.


I applaud you @praisetheurdtree on keeping an open mind and being willing to question yourself on your viewpoints regarding subliminals. Am sure that sort of thinking will serve you well on other matters too and help you grow. Too many these days aren’t willing to take up the challenge of challenging themselves and remain stunted in their mindset.

Your results are great. Just like your taste in Elden Ring.


Hello friends. Day 7, of my first 21 day ZP cycle (still waiting on my custom I built yesterday to finish my stack). I had to post because I had a win today that I know had everything to do with my subs. But before that, a quick note about yesterday (Day 6):

Day 6: Felt calm and centered on the inside, like reality is something I can bend to my will, I felt no fear, but I did feel some resentment toward a person that I used to love very much–not super productive. In regards to action, I did NOTHING besides post on here, build my custom, and watch hours of Berserk YouTube video essays (RIP Kentaro Miura). I smoked too much (cigarettes), drank three hard ciders, and ate fast food for dinner–three expensive habits that are not compatable with my goals, health or wealth. I put off homework, even though I’ve very behind, and didn’t really talk to anybody. It wasn’t what I would call a bad day (there was some internal productivity) but it wasn’t a good day. Maybe my subconscious was showing me the laziness that is still inside me? Not sure.

Day 7: On my second day of the cycle, I had a rough but good day, had a random intuition to apply for a job, and got a call for an interview the next day. Did the interview on day 5, got home and got a call for a second interview–very cool, I like this.
Today I did my second interview. I felt a little nervous but the words flowed effortlessly, no dip in the conversation, and…I GOT HIRED ON THE SPOT at 2 bucks more an hour than I’m currently making–keep in mind, that’s one dollar less than the maximum pay for this position. I even lowballed myself asking for less money than the max that was offered and I got more than I asked for.
When I tell you that I’ve never had an interview process go so dang well before, I mean it from the bottom of my heart.
From here on out, I’m gonna be journaling personally and updating once a week with my progress.
My plan is to run Emperor, Limit Destroyer, and my custom sub for the rest of the year. After this first 21 day cycle (all ZP), I’m gonna experiment with running a 21-day cycle with qv2 Emperor and Ultima Limit Destroyer + my custom sub (ZP) just to see how I respond. If things go well, then I’m just going to alternate between qv2/Ulitma and ZP every cycle for the rest of the year. I’ve been feeling the reconciliation urge to switch programs (I really wanna try Khan now), but I’m putting my foot down and sticking to what I have for the rest of the year. Next year, I’ll switch Emperor for Khan multistage, but until then, I see no reason to change what’s clearly working. Emperor is also better for me at this stage in my life because I need to maximize my available resources to get what I want, which I seem to be doing.

Bye for now,

Praise The Urd Tree!

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Love it! Not a lot of people track their experiences with Limit Destroyer ZP!

Excited to see what happens

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Welcome and enjoy!

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I said I was gonna wait a week between posts, that’s still my intention, but today feels like a crisis point. To put it bluntly, I just don’t care about school anymore and I’m 6 weeks from graduation and walking the razor’s edge of failing. Here’s why this is a big deal, I’m one of the best students at my university (not this moment, but I was in the top 10%), I’m part of multiple honors societies, and my GPA was above 4.0–little chance of keeping it that high now. None of this is a brag, it’s evidence against whatever the heck I’m going through right now–how I’m feeling, is not reflective of my past achievements. So, I’m not sure what to do. I know this is reconciliation, I know it is (I think it is), because the shift is happening daily (got hit on by my manager today, not my type, but she’s funny), but why this apathy toward everything I’ve worked so hard to achieve? I could have been the valedictorian, and even saying that, I just don’t care. It’s strange.

Maybe I’m having trouble caring BECAUSE I’ve been such a complete academic for so long. Never partied, walked the straight and narrow, spent my whole college career (until two months ago, both of us better off not in a relationship with each other) in a serious, committed relationship?

Rant over, action time.

What do I do? I’m still waiting on my custom sub (naturally, I bought it over the weekend) and now I’m feeling hesitant to add it to my stack. I’ll go ahead and list my build so the more experienced among us can hopefully tell me if it’s a good idea or if it’ll be too much with Limit Destroyer and Emperor. Or maybe I should just run my custom and Limit Destroyer? Or maybe I’m reconning so hard right now that I can’t think straight and I’m trying to ruin my stack, lol. If this helps, Emperor, my custom, and Limit Destroyer is everything I know deep down that I want right now.

APS: Hair
Emperor Fitness Height Inducer
Male Enhancement
Voice Master
Daredevil Core
Primal Seduction Core
Furious Ascent
Ethereal Presence
Ebon Maneuver

Thank you everyone for being so cool!

Praise The Urd Tree!

if you’re ever in a state where you NEED to perform, it’s better to listen to less subliminals, because sometimes the subliminals, while they help in the long term, can make the short term difficult.

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In that case, it’s better to listen to subs maybe even just 3-5 minutes, 2-3x a week. Or maybe you need subs that are aligned with your short-term goals. AKA Limitless. Because Emperor and Limit Destroyer will both make you say FUDGE SOCIETY AND THEIR EXPECTATIONS, WHY DO I NEED TO DO WELL AT SCHOOL, LET IT ALL BURN, WHO CARES IF IM 6 WEEKS AWAY.

But limitless will re-invoke your love of learning.

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Oh yeah, that’s exactly how they make me feel. I did an experiment a few days ago, I worked on school for about 8 hours BEFORE running emp and LD, literally minuets after running them the IDGAF attitude was back in full swing. So kinda proves the theory. I’ve been seriously looking into limitless and quantum limitless

What’s your current stack? Is it that Study in the morning, listen in the evening routine?

And what are all the subclub subs you own?

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I would HIGHLY recommend NOT building a custom until you have a stack that is serving you in every area of your life, and really getting your great results.

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Stack is Custom, Emperor, and LD all ZP. I was listening at the start of each morning with all of them. Rest day in between. Don’t own any other atm.

Jumped the gun on that one, lol.

You are overexposing yourself.

Maximum of 2 ZP titles per day.

So… THIS is what the guidelines are.

Day 1: Emperor + LD
Day 2: Rest
Day 3: Custom
Day 4: Rest
Day 5: Emperor + LD
Day 6: Rest
Day 7: Custom
Day 8: Rest


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So that will be the #1 reason why you’re experiencing so much recon.

You probably would be better off listening to 2 titles 3x per week.

Like this.

Mon/Wed/Fri: Title 1, Title 2

Tues/Thu/Sat/Sun: Rest


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This is a wonderful custom but how does it help you succeed at your last few weeks of school? Simple answer is it doesn’t. maybe it’s even counterproductive. While you’re sitting there studying, you’re just wishing that you could be out dating instead. And then because you’re running emperor and limit destroyer, you’re more likely to listen to those impulses then finish up at school.

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I’m wondering if running solo stark or stark + limitless until you’re done school might be the best bet.

If you don’t want to buy two new titles, then maybe run

stark/limitless + emperor or

stark + limit destroyer


You may want to take a look at the Zero Point Listening Instructions article.

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Sorry, should have made it clear. I’m following the listening instructions and have been the while time.