I'm truly broken. Need help

Professional boxers often times go up into the mountains to train, secluded from everything so they can be at pure focus and adapt the right mentality to train.

You being a connoisseur for subs would imagine is no different. Free from distraction to create


Man, I know the feeling :confused:

Sometimes we get so caught up trying to accomplish our goals and forget to give ourself some self love :heart:

I know when I start to feel this way, I have my goto remedies…

  1. Washout :+1:

  2. Micro loop LBfH, if I feel like I can tolerate a sub. Fucking works every time :grin: :rofl:

  3. REBIRTH works amazing at reseting and motivation after a hard stack.

  4. Smoking some good bud :ok_hand: :+1: :raised_hands: :relieved: :relaxed:

  5. If do want smoke and keep my lungs 🫁 clean I’ll play https://classicrockflorida.com/

This is not your normal radio station, it’s encoded with high states of bliss and stress releasing technology. As a matter of fact I’m listening to it right now. I woke feeling like shit today :confused: but now I feel way better :relieved: :relaxed:

Hope this helps Bud :pray: :relaxed:


Hey man, much love, really hope you gain some joy and zest for life again!

You’ve gotten a lot of great advice here, but I wanted to ask, what changed recently that brought this on? Could you explain more about your situation and either what you’re struggling with or when you decided it was hopeless?


I could be wrong about this speculation but to me it seemed you have put your emotions under the rug for too long .

And now went into apathy. Had a time like This before when I went on dates repeating routines. Getting girls, . And I did not feel an ounce of joy. Until as I was sleeping with a girl all flood walls broke. And I started crying while having sex . And just ran home. Realizing I was a completely empty piece of shit. After being in that sadness for a while was when everything started to change. My desire went from -10 to 1 . I started enjoying somethings again. Even though they were not a lot.

And the only way out of apathy is actually sadness . And Then from There you can go up the Ladder of emotions quite fast . Sadly is very normal men don’t allow themself to cry.

What I tell clients I Do forgiveness. As forgiveness is a great way to cry .

The practice i teach is very simple . Simply say in your mind I forgive myself for not understanding .

Something pops up, Example i forgive myself for being hard on myself. I really do forgive mysel. And do This kinda practice for like 30 min a day.

Until the flood walls break and you start crying.

That you are writing This post actually show willingness to get out of it. Which is a really good sign. Although your desire is-10 your desire to get out of it is not .

Obviously opening the floodwalls of emotions is not a comfortable process . But atleast for me What was the alternative feel like absolute shit for a few days or feel empty for the rest of my life .

I Hope This post serves you well: and that it can inspire a little bit of light at the end of your tunnel


You got some great replies, if you haven’t been listening to subs for a while maybe run sanguine and lbfh for a cycle if you think it will help you, ofc along with the must do’s like self-care, shower, exercise even for 5 minutes a day, and look into ACT, you are not your thoughts. Good luck.

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@Palpatine @Floridianninja @Fractal_Explorer @FireDragon @ksub @R.E.M.P.O @Deadpool @SaintSovereign @Hoppa

Lol so many people to tag, but it shows how our community is… is wonderful and amazing. I really love everyone here and in my PM tributed their time to give me valuable advice.

I told my father about my problem. Though, I thought he wasn’t that type of person who is not able to understand mental difficulties but is more conservative, nevertheless he actually supported me and told me that everyone had similar episode in their lives, some of them had being in such state for years. Also he told me that people often are being in a state of desperation and depression before something great happens to start in their life and, since we are muslims, he gave prophet Muhammad’s life before he got his revelation as an example. Muhammad (may be peace upon him) had a heavy depression, he could leave his house for weeks to solitude in mountains and be away for people. In one of those days he got his revelation though. After all, it made me to remind @Malkuth 's word from the topic almost 1:1 similar to mine:

Tomorrow I’m visiting a psychotherapist for the first time in my life. I think I will take some rest from subliminals till I feel better.

Thank you everyone. Appreciate all your help.


@Extraordinaire @Lion @KingofClubz @ouroboros @SwedishBuddha @Foreal


Make Uzbekistan great again :slight_smile: !!


Make Slovakia great again!! :slight_smile:


It is already great and I do not wanna shame the US, so I am keeping it rather lowkey, but thanks anyway :slight_smile:




Lol :rofl: Men tushundim


for a second I thought you were from Uzbekistan also hahahha

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Darkest before the dawn am I right?

A powerful quote:
A boy and a horse are in the woods. The boy says to the horse, “I can’t see a way through.” The Horse says, “Can you see your next step?” and the boy says, “Yes.”

Horse says, “Then just take that.”

Sometimes its about just taking the next step forward. Were not always going to be able to see the destination right away. Keep your feet moving.


Lol, no, but not too far either. :wink:

That’s a great decision and I wish you every success.


great. will remember it

interesting… what country?

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I would bet on Turkey

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No it’s not.