I’m a goat baaaa (Muay Thai Mastery/spartan)

If not I journal for I come here to testify on the beauty of Achilles heel and how well it’s removing my blocks

It seems every day more and more I shift as a human at speeds no subliminal has given me before. I understand.

I’m also appreciating greatly how I am consciously guiding my wanted to be in harmony with my goal of being a Muay Thai fighter. I look less in the mirror and allow others to freely marvel at me without too much pride. Or emotion. I know my effect and I know fighting is in the soul and body.

I also appreciate that wanted gives me a strong mysterious edge so that I may practice my arts without question and suspect, unless from those I need

I also appreciate the infinite amount of things happening under the surface towards my identity

About to purchase an annotated version of the book of five rings.

I experienced intense recon related to physical shifting and a load of manifestations and experiences

I feel amazing, my technique in Muay Thai is becoming something out of a dreamX I feel like super man, spider man after he got bit by the spider

I was so ferocious with my lead hand elbow swing that it hurt my neck since I didn’t expect that force

My kicks are legendary and my gas tank is amazing

I feel ALOT of shifting in my body and sensations

I am in a hostel I haven’t been in for months and everyone tells me they don’t recognize me, everyone is so surprised at how much I’ve changed in 3 months and I can see it in their eyes


I’ve also began to listen to Muay Thai fights from a channel on YouTube called Muay ties

Just to hear the roar of the crowd as I walk

I went from Recon “how can I completely stop caring about what people think about me and stare forward while I walk like Musashi’s stance

To the next day thinking “I can’t care less, I wanna be a fighter”

I won’t be listening to my loop of custom. I’m realizing that when I begin to journal less then my mind is congested with data to execute

I’ll be making a quick summary of things soon when my mind is clear

So i decided to write my journal update, The fact that i can find the peace to write this means that I have gotten the rest i need from subs, i am realizing day by day more and more the relation between a mind congested with subs and the will to journal.

So here are some things i noticed lately:

I love life

I have a very hard time condensing the immense things happening in my life into my journal, after I’ve missed a couple of days, but i broke a giant spirit barrier yesterday

Every single time i had a bad thought about any other being yesterday i defaulted to “That is a lie” followed by the utmost belief in only the best in others. Even when i could see the bad, i treated each and every one of those instances like it was a test, a ruse, an illusion.

Also! I got a new wireless keyboard and im happy to be using it to write from here on in, I know that the warrior should have equal taste for both pen and sword.

I am getting a job at the front desk of my hostel, I have never felt so at home somewhere it’s crazy how god i feel in this hostel right now. I feel the community and i understand why I had to leave the apartment, it was too comfortable.

I needed a place that forced me out of my comfort zone while also forcing me to keep my gentleman ways to a max as to survive, and this place is perfect.

I’ve also realized that if i am to have an almost perfect day spiritually, in which every bad thought is halted and followed by “that’s a lie” then usually the next day is an off day in which i just can’t seem to hold myself erect anymore.

I’m finding myself detaching More and more from anything related to the fairer sex apart from the girl im wit right now who works with me in our art company. I want to win fights and i want to be a very big legend, i know that wanting women is just another base instinct, I’m also keen to see which girl could find the keys to my heart so i will settle off.

I made another testament to subs today mentally, I truly believe you can achieve any goal with any sub here, such as being a Muay Thai champ with Khan only for instance. This is because ZP has a magical mind freeing effect akin to waking up to the real world ad after almost a year on this thing i am beginning to notice it.

I met a guy called grant who was one of the best men i met in my life and i led him here to get into subs too, i hope he becomes as rich as he wants to become.

One thing i struggle with is food these days, I want to follow musashi’s dollops and avoi following the taste of good food but at the sam time, im so hungry a lot of the time and not eating heaps of food just backfires since ill think about it all the time, unsure what to do.


Seeing this myself, less loops, less loop time. The more I play, the less awareness I have and the less I participate on the forum and in my journal.

Have you changed to listening less or just increase days off between loops?

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I seem to like it more when i extend rest between loops. And also, i dislike loops over 3 minutes because wanted I’ve listened to for 9 cycles now so

I mean all in all i think ZP is super powerful, 3 minute loops every 4 days seems to be good.

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At this point im just asserting my dominance with this keyboard because i feel os relieved, I usually find it hard to journal and i kn ow this investment will pay off,

I’d like to learn the mindset of offline journaling, anyone here do it? How does one do it in away that will benefit himself? @DarkPhilosopher you come to mind as someone who knows a thing or two, and also @Malkuth

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Busy for next hour. I’ll come back later to respond.

Short version:

Use your natural style of expression and thinking and channel that. The journal becomes a kind of a mirror that you can use for self-observation, self-exploration, and even course correction. I do mine orally and walking about.

@Sage_Ninjistic does this sometimes too.


Literally asserting my dominance on my reality rn by journaling. I’ve become better at maintaining healthier “highs” as to not allow my lows to be devastating to my health. At one point i believed that perhaps I’m giving up some art of spice from life if i were to accustom myself to “lower highs” (quotations for sarcasm)

But i believe that this is a better way ultimately and that as long as i share my highs and don’t focus too much on feeding myself, i should enjoy life greatly.

Also the other day i felt hopeless about my diet but today its like a new word for me, i am eating perfectly and without running around like a dog looking for sweets, i understand this is going to be a slow and calculated process and that’s fine.

Today after Muay Thai training im getting front desk training at the hostel I stay at. During that time I can use the pen and write write write, journal offline and online.

So good! I like things, also im taking it easy on the loops and allowing blooms to happen.

Limiting belief i just caught! I am worried for a long time now that people are convinced im on roids. I have never done them but the effects subs have on me are insane, and i always look back to the times i watched YouTube videos by fitness dudes debating on whether a man is a natty or not.

My approach to journaling is free-form. Some prefer a more structured approach. You can actually download or buy preset journal templates or apps that guide you to regularly pay attention to important or key areas. There are some really convenient ones that you can put onto your smartphone, tablet, or computer.

Other people place great importance on the physical act of writing in a paper journal. This stimulates the brain-body-mind and facilitates engagement and connection in a way that generates manifestative power. So that’s another great idea.

For me, I journal verbally because of how naturally that comes to me. I walk each day anyway, and so sometimes as I walk, I’ll speak into the digital recorder included with my smartphone. It fits my style more because it feels grounded and connected to the physical movement and my physical existence. I like that.

Anyway, removing all of those high concepts, it’s basically just talking into a recorder. haha.

Journaling whether written or spoken helps you to slow down and take a more systematic appraisal of your experiences. Often when you do this, you will notice connections and make connections that you might otherwise have missed. There are usually many more opportunities than the ones that we may have noticed in the flow of the moment.

It also gives your subconscious mental processes additional channels for expression and communication. So it’s not uncommon to receive information from the deeper mind while I’m journaling.

Okay, those are a few random observations.


Use your journaling as a lever to move your concepts and beliefs.

Use journaling to question and to speak back to your doubts and your unhelpful or challenging assumptions.

The subliminal itself will serve as a kind of lubricating oil that allows you to gradually move your rigid, fixed beliefs and perceptions about not succeeding. Combined with journaling, you’ll see movement happening faster than it otherwise might have.

The actual practice of this is extremely simple.

The challenging part is to allow the possibility that your assumptions might possibly be wrong. You don’t have to ‘have faith’ or pretend to believe something that you don’t believe. Instead, downgrade the negative belief to an unknown or to a doubt and then speak to the doubt.


Beautiful as usual

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Another limiting belief. I’m realizing that I put an amount of unconscious effort into looking admirable in front of the fairer sex. This is very wrong! Am I not capable of deciphering which actions are right or wrong? I am doing it to be selected sexually and honestly I find that weak

I guess somewhere in the middle would be good. I should dress in a way mirroring my values