I’m a goat baaaa (Muay Thai Mastery/spartan)

since im here being grateful, more things i want to thank subclub for in terms of modules.

achilles heel: literally magical, must have for any skill based or learning based or…even seduction I MEAN its just for me at this point a staple i have to have. its a bit of a humbling tool too, as to make sure things don’t get to my head, because ive been training muay thai now in america for 6 months! and i never slacked off mentally with an attitude of (im the king) with little training like old me woulda done, I am always cognizant of the deeply grueling prices i happily pay and I know not to sleep on things, even when rested, my mind should still keep the eyes on the prize.

submodel alpha: I am able to visualize, superbly, muay thai technique, against an opponent, with such a deep focus, it feels like im actually doing it, and this is building the mind muscle connection as if i actually am doing it, so this module is helping me train while resting and im guessing also while i sleep and even while i do anything, because my skill is godlike now.

all-seeing: deeply spiritual growth ive had for the last 6 months since this has been in both my muay thai customs, as the title says, i see all!


Another beautiful day, my manifestation practices are coming to life. I listened to my custom today and I got to self reflect a lot. All in all I feel a lot braver these days, my conviction in my success has made me look deeper past the physical and has grounded me in faith. I’m grateful for my ability to find the opportunity in every obstacle; opportunity in abundance, and milk it to its max. :slight_smile: I’m also grateful once again another shoutout to wanted and how deeply it rewrote my brain in the year I was on it till now.

I’m grateful for the beautiful place I live in San Francisco that’s close to everything and is so homey


Wow today I’m feeling the bloom from my emperor black runs with a whole new value shift in my life, I’m going to spend my night shift tonight, the four hours j have of it, working on my fighting. I’m going to focus on things a few posts above I said I should focus on more in combination with a few other things, I’ll see what will be needed. I’ll revise my content from 8-10 and then sleep from 10-12 then begin my shift midnight :slight_smile:


Alright it’s almost 8. I’ll just begin beforehand.

First with a feeling journal. I really like my evolution through my Muay Thai custom; believe it or not, it’s been 6 months. I went from “I’ll sacrifice everything to become the best” to “I am the best, how do I enjoy this to the max?”. Of course the manifestation journal helped greatly. My gameplan for tonight will consist of things I’d like to work on.
hip CARS
shoulder CARS
Knee exercises
Foot flow exercises (duck walks etc)
Gabriel Varga kick improvement video
Varga kick height video
Varga footwork beginner
Varga advanced footwork
Thai “walking” routine with all techniques (100 minimum each technique)
Core balance exercises

Four hours is more than enough, I’ll finish writing in manifestation journal soon so that I don’t have to think about it during my night shift and can focus on these above things. I’m also going to visualize deeply before my pre work nap, as to draw some deep inspiration for how beautiful life is.


Would greatly appreciate it if you can post the link to the Thai walking routine you’ve been doing.

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Holy shit, Samart has a YouTube channel? This is super valuable, thank you.

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Today was a good day, lots of stuff happened here and there that could be interpreted many different ways but I see that I’m moving smoothly to my desired destinations whilst enjoying the ride to the max


Little updates on looks, emperor black flow and I let the beard go a bit, loving my look these days


Today was awesome and lately I’ve been finding it way easier to return to center and feel good, in combination with a stronger awareness to how beneficial it is to return to center when bad thoughts try to invade and take over.

I’ve shed a boatload of people that I realized due to emperor black just take me for granted, unconsciously I am just super nice and that’s because that’s how I was raised, I am now consciously choosing who I talk to and who I share my table with.

Life is amazing and I keep falling in love with it daily because i keep manifesting. My Muay Thai skills are getting absolutely dangerous, I’ve become so studious into the art that I enjoy it more than I’ve ever enjoyed it because the more aspects and concepts about fighting I learn the more advantage I get, I’m enjoying it to the max, I understand how champs stay champs so long,


Alright there’s definitely a huge bloom materializing in my Muay Thai skill, i actually believe this is a cheat code; I actually believe that using the program consistently is enough

Im loving the sport more and more and understanding it on a deep strategic level I feel as if I’m finally red pilled on the inner workings of fight greatness.


A cool result I noticed, apart from my sweeps being absolutely superb and greatly timed, I have become a great user of angles, to leap behind the enemy and then chop at the side of their leg (calf)

But yesterday, I showed insane levels of dirty boxing
I was using my jab hand (keeping it at my enemy face when I strike) and then either hooking at their right hand (if were both orthodox) and pulling it down, then slamming their face (gently, because I’m a cool man and this is sparring) I’ve also become really good at changing levels, feinting with strikes (I won’t do one combo without first throwing a feint or pumping my shoulder) and I am absolutely skilled
I’ve become balanced, my technique has become legendary despite me thinking it’ll take months or years for me to get refined, I look like a pro boxer with my hands and footwork, I look like a golden era thai boxer in terms of tactical awareness, and I am like the underdog from a fighting movie that ends up winning cuz he’s so tough.

It’s looking good, I’m already about to finish this cycle and I’m ordering a custom with Muay Thai mastery legacy of the spartan emperor fitness one (for technique refinement) and it’ll have new modules I believe are more interesting for me

Heracles makes it again
Void of creation again
Mastermind (new)
Subconscious flow (duh)
Serum X
Energy augmentation
Joi do vivre
Equilibrium again (amazing)
Merger of worlds (new)
Inner voice
Carpe diem
Immortal’s courage
Legs (again)
Deep state

Here’s the best part

Paired with mind’s eye drops mic

Now I can train while meditating even more, I’m literally imagining myself fighting right now and it’s infinitely more realistic than I used to see it, I consider balance, actual average skill of a man against me, real momentum and body mechanics, realistic psychological taxation

Imagine what I can do next!!! Wow, being a fighter is the coolest thing I’ve ever done, just how awesome I feel making all these awesome plans and overcoming all the tough body preparation and evolutions with a smile on my face is so satisfying and it’s so fulfilling and it shows my essence so well it makes me as happy and care free as I was as a child, and I feel so safe knowing that spiritually as long as keep myself centered (which I always am) I’m on the top of credit karma.

Edit: Achilles heel definitely making it again


As for my workout tonight (gym closed today due to Easter, I’ll be doing my workout during my night shift)
Usual walking stance technique balance, angling, Gabriel Varga kick video and also his footwork beginner video (finished halfway two nights ago, has done wonders in half a video of drilling, has made my footwork feel like that of greats) hip CARS and core stability

I’d also love to focus on regressing kick techniques as to really drill balance, along with actual balance drills (standing on one foot, eyes closed head turned whatever it takes to challenge me neurologically and mentally.

affirmation EDIT: core stability! this is achilles heel talking!

Another note: I’ve removed fight specific modules like berserker and will add master’s coordination and keep blink and Heracles as I’m coming to understand my own unique style, it’s going to be very interesting.


I was going to recommend RAIKOV for your new custom, but I suspect that Muay Thai Mastery already has strong RAIKOV functionality.

The custom looks amazing. When it comes to focused use and when it comes to ratio of (consistent) Action to (consistent) Subliminal Exposure, I would not be surprised if you are the top user on here.

Tagging @SaintSovereign and @Fire just in case; though I assume they’re already aware of what you’re doing.

How many years are you into working with Muay Thai Mastery X now? 2?


It’s been 6 months, 3 of them consistently, at one year you won’t be reading my reviews you will be seeing highlights.


however, the reason you may associate me to years on a program is because i ran for khan for a year and a half on qv1, half a year on qv2 (it’s entire duration) and then again for 8 months on ZP, so i have a very Khany base. )

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i will be using this time where i dont have so much brain cloud to enjoy my space here

heres a video on core stability for me to much on and begin understanding

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It was because I saw this post from February 2021:

I thought you were probably running it then. haha.

But at that time the journey with Muay Thai Mastery was still to come. And it’s looking great now.

Wish you continued unfolding, bruh.

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more drafting for my custom

1- Muay Thai Mastery
2- Legacy of the Spartan (“we here at subliminal club believe in every body being physically designed in accordance to it’s nature”) I am the muay thai God.
3- Spartan OR Emperor fitness stage 3 (Will ask support which is better for martial arts and combat skill accumulation.
4- Heracles: <3
5- Matser’s coordination: Actually licensed it for last custom, didn’t end up making it in the last page (despite me actually thinking I ordered it)
6- DNA modulator: Let’s hack the Avatar and become OP
7- Submodel alpha: Let’s conquer the chess game of every single atom involved in fighting, unconsciously, and present the best fighter possible.
8- Subconscious Flow: obvious reasons
9- Equilibrium: Literally a phenomenal program to understanding life
10- Blink: Speed = power, this is heracles squared, and fighting marvel tier
11- Mastermind: those who did it best did it with their heads.
12- Legs : Strong legs= easy fight
13- omnidimensional
14- Yggdrasil
15- carpe diem ascended
16- Mystery: i’d like to uncover deeper secrets of what makes ME such a good fighter.
17. Merger of worlds.
18 energy augmentation
19. Deep state: Bread and butter of this OP ASS CUSTOM
20. Achilles Heel: Keep the train rolling smoothly by going directly to the parts lagging behind last, alternatively, used to find other people’s achilles heel.

i dont need mosaic, i trust in my conscious ability to guide the programs to work with each other.


Thank you my brother, and thank you for following my journal, you are a man of focus.
And sheer will

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