How to achieve a higher flow factor (Not Official from Subclub)

Thanks, I somehow guess that your usage of Mind’s eye has to do something with this. What titles and modules would you suggest to help with this?

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Hahah it’s been way too long since I used Mind’s Eye properly for longer than a couple days :rofl:

I would say Rebirth and Naturalizer.

But tbh, it will still require a lot of work from within, because at the end of the day, you’re the one who needs to reframe your beliefs, and relying on a sub or a module for that is the exact opposite :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

You need to fully believe that it’s not the sun giving the results, it’s you.

Subs are just tools.


Thanks, almighty Invictus :slight_smile:


I don’t think this should be given out as a general advice. Infact, I was in the same club as yours but after leaving this I can see how I am changing and regaining masculinity. Porn literally takes away self esteem, confidence and masculinity.

I am reprogramming myself through Khan St2


Hence why I didn’t post it as an advice.

What I’m saying is that “No PMO” isn’t actually gonna contribute much towards a higher flow factor, however, if it’s an addiction that someone suffers from at an extreme level, then stopping it is gonna change you regardless of sub use.


Btw do give this post a read. I personally love this post very much.


That post mainly talks about jerking off to porn.

I jerk off to my own videos with my girl :rofl:
There’s a difference :stuck_out_tongue:


Oh sir Invictus, you’re chadliness was unnoticed by me!

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+1 on this

I embody all of these traits too

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I do these things too automatically

only thing I have aciddently found which increases it even more is imagestreaming, espesially when you focus on your weaker senses.


I 5000% agree lol.

Like Invictus said, that post was mainly anti-PMO.

The anti-masturbation in that post was mainly a motivator.

Masturbation occasionally without stimuli shouldn’t affect your results or development too much - it’s nowhere near the same realm as PMO.

Just make sure you’re not using masturbation as a coping mechanism or wasting hours of your day doing it.

Watching internet porn and pleasuring yourself to it, is like shooting yourself in the foot lol.

edit: all my opinion, porn addicts please dont attack me



This is key.

This is also a huge key. I felt my personal flow factor increase drastically when I started to clean up my diet since last October/November, which I attributed solely to ZP2. I now realize that my improved diet was also a huge factor in this massive boost in flow factor.


I do want to upon something from the opening post that, in my opinion, is a huge element of @Invictus 's high flow factor.

I speak to him on a near daily basis, and one characteristic that I see him do more than any other person I’ve ever met is his ability to positively frame everything.

This isn’t just an optimism thing or a gratitude thing. It is as though everything that happens either is good in a way or will lead to good. It’s the synergy between points 4 and 5 (gratitude and opening your mind) that lead to this consistent, healthy approach to life. Your life is bound to improve with this mentality, because it becomes substantially more difficult for negativity to penetrate through that kind of armor.


Man you’re overhyping it :rofl:
Reality just doesn’t have the consent to influence me negatively, unless I decide to allow it (like when I use the forbidden pre workout :eyes:)


Thanks for the advice on going back over old journal entries brother I’ve only now just started doing it and can definitely see how beneficial this will be moving ahead

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To manifest something, you feel it in you so it communicates to the subconscious mind.

To maintain that manifestation, you feel grateful for it.

Gratitude is what keeps good manifestations stick around in your life.

Good post!


Did anyone tried this as a custom?

try what exactly?

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I meant

Did someone tried to create a custom subliminal from what you put in your OP?

For me the 4 first points are achievable with some good work. The open your mind is more challenging, as I believe there are physical limits in this world.

For example, this

This needs me to just drop, not for once but for good, my current understanding of how the physical word works or what (Christian) God says in the Bible. And to be honest, “scientific” explanations out there for these kind of things (insert any Quantum things) are not (yet) validated by science.
So I need to create I guess my own model of reality. Maybe Limit Destroyer.

@Prioritas this is good

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