How to achieve a higher flow factor (Not Official from Subclub)

Did anyone tried this as a custom?

try what exactly?

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I meant

Did someone tried to create a custom subliminal from what you put in your OP?

For me the 4 first points are achievable with some good work. The open your mind is more challenging, as I believe there are physical limits in this world.

For example, this

This needs me to just drop, not for once but for good, my current understanding of how the physical word works or what (Christian) God says in the Bible. And to be honest, “scientific” explanations out there for these kind of things (insert any Quantum things) are not (yet) validated by science.
So I need to create I guess my own model of reality. Maybe Limit Destroyer.

@Prioritas this is good

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For reference
I’ve spent the last two and a half years recovering from 20 years of porn addiction.
Started KB on new year. Last relapse this February. But since then, KB worked wonders. No temptations, no nothing. Only desire for my fiancee.

I don’t see any reason to attack you about this. You’re more than right.

If you want to stop watching porn then you need to develop your self worth, heal your self-love, heal your sexuality, open yourself up emotionally (remove traumas and blocks), and develop your sense of personal power/masculinity.

Running KB and Phoenix opened my eyes to this.
LB is so powerfull. Two weeks of Lovebomb, just two weeks, and I was able to get the first minijob in years (since my burnout/depression).
But LB healed stuff that accompanied me from early childhood.

In terms of masculinity, I am referring to real life Ambition, Strength, Power, Character and Discipline.

Pornaddiction is bleeding you out. It drains everything you mentioned. It reduces you to a piece of pathetic scum. And that’s me talking about how I perceived myself for a long time.


Wow, you just made my day. For you to transcend that is inspiring.

This is a testament to both yourself, and Subliminal Club.

Nobody can touch you now, because you take that overcoming and growth with you into life. That success and courage is embedded in who you are now. Nobody can say shit to you.

That’s all it is, lol. I’m exactly like you, I just grow myself and have the understandings. They’re not “mine”, they belong to the journey. So now when you’re operating in the real world, you have these understandings because you went through shit and grew. You got to where you want to be, and you know what’s required in getting there because you did the work. When you see someone struggling, you know exactly what they probably need because you went through the exact same thing.

It’s only as powerful as you allow it to be. I would give yourself some more credit. Really what happened here, is that you wanted change, and so you were led to the right tools to help in that process. It all started with your decision, you did everything. So hats off to you. You’ll keep going further because you still want change, and it doesn’t matter what tools you use whether you read a book, listen to a subliminal, take a course, or whatever… you’ll just get to where you want to be so long as you have the willingness and courage to do whatever is necessary to get there.