How to achieve a higher flow factor (Not Official from Subclub)

I’ve been thinking about posting something like for quite some time now, but wanted to go through multiple testing phases with my customs in order to organize and present my thoughts in the best way possible, so without further ado, here are my tips:

1- Be mindful of every behavioral change:

Behavioral changes are going to be the first obvious sign of results being manifested, but it can often take time for people to realize or notice their own results till something actually happens, or they switch the sub they’re running, so in order to avoid that and start snowballing the effects, you should start noticing every little thing, this includes your choices of words, clothing, perfume, food choices, the places you choose to go out, the type of music you listen to, the type of media you’re leaning more towards, your way of walking, your way of socializing.

Every little change matters, and once you allow yourself to observe the little things, it will become much easier for you to manifest the bigger changes.

For example: any time I run WANTED, the first change I always see in my behavior is that I end up wearing more layers, and even experimenting with oversized clothes, compared to on Stark, where I always go for more fitted clothes.

This applies to modules as well.

2- Don’t just journal, compare your different journals and posts.

I don’t know how many do this, but when you want the biggest reminder for your subconscious to have a reason to manifest more results for you, then you need to give it some reaffirmation of everything you have already experienced before, and compare yourself from that time to today, cause regardless of who you are, sometimes you’re gonna become ignorant to all the results you got in the past, which will inevitably cause some overthinking and/or second-guessing results.

This is why I still find all my journals to be incredibly valuable for myself, because there’s wisdom in experiences, and if you don’t use that wisdom, then you’re halting future progress.

3- Health, health, and health.

Nutrition, Exercise, and Sleep.
It doesn’t matter if you’re 18, or 45, if you can’t hold yourself accountable for fixing those and/or take action towards bettering those, then you don’t really get to complain about subs not working well.

It doesn’t have to be extreme, you don’t have to work out 3 hours a day, sleep for 10 hours, or eat the most expensive foods out there, but what you should do is be mindful of your body, cause it’s gonna reflect outwards, and the best way to make sure you’re functioning at 100% is by taking care of your health needs.

4- Gratitude.

I’ll just say this:
If you can’t be thankful for the smallest things in life, then that ungratefulness will be taken into account by your subconscious as you not wanting more of that.

There are always going to be more of the smaller manifestations compared to the huge ones, but the less grateful you are for the small ones, the more you express disinterest in results to your subconscious.

5- Open your mind.

I know, “we are all open-minded already”, yeah, but how many of you believe that it’s pretty easy to get the ability to predict events before they happen?
I got that pretty easily with Mind’s Eye, but how many others?

Here’s the thing, you need to stop worrying about what’s possible when you use subs, if you’re gonna laugh off at certain aspects of a sub, or believe that some parts of the description are just “marketing crap”, then that’s a limit YOU decided to put on yourself, and that’s gonna take conscious effort to remove.

You can believe to have the best genetics for these subs, and watch yourself physically change at abnormal speeds, or you can choose to think that it’s gonna be impossible to physically change because of your age or “audios can only affect us mentally”, the choice is ultimately yours to make.


Wou very nice said. All of it. Just wanna ask about this part, how can we change our perception? I can tell myself (consciousness) to believe that everything is possible but my subconsciousness can have a different opinion. How can we mold that?


I think “no PMO” for seduction or alpha subs is a must addition. You literally bombard yourself with negative conditioning from PMO.


Telling yourself and believing something are 2 different things, and in order to fully believe in something, you need to start behaving like you do belief in them.

For example, I usually sound like a pretty intelligent guy, but what impression would you get about me if I told you that just earlier today, while showering, I was imagining myself transforming like a shapeshifter, and honestly believed it, and ended up feeling even more energized for work (even my behavior is showing changes; used an oud-based perfume today, and @bombayduck knows the significance of this behavioral change).

All I’m trying to say here is don’t just tell yourself that you can be great, words are empty without you backing them up, show your subconscious that what you’re trying to do is actually reminding it of your true limitless potential, and not creating a new belief with an intended goal.

Don’t strive for something when you already are that thing.

I mean, I get results all the time at great speeds, and I jerk off often without any issues haha

If you’re gonna see it as an issue, it will become an issue.


Thanks, I somehow guess that your usage of Mind’s eye has to do something with this. What titles and modules would you suggest to help with this?

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Hahah it’s been way too long since I used Mind’s Eye properly for longer than a couple days :rofl:

I would say Rebirth and Naturalizer.

But tbh, it will still require a lot of work from within, because at the end of the day, you’re the one who needs to reframe your beliefs, and relying on a sub or a module for that is the exact opposite :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

You need to fully believe that it’s not the sun giving the results, it’s you.

Subs are just tools.


Thanks, almighty Invictus :slight_smile:


I don’t think this should be given out as a general advice. Infact, I was in the same club as yours but after leaving this I can see how I am changing and regaining masculinity. Porn literally takes away self esteem, confidence and masculinity.

I am reprogramming myself through Khan St2


Hence why I didn’t post it as an advice.

What I’m saying is that “No PMO” isn’t actually gonna contribute much towards a higher flow factor, however, if it’s an addiction that someone suffers from at an extreme level, then stopping it is gonna change you regardless of sub use.


Btw do give this post a read. I personally love this post very much.


That post mainly talks about jerking off to porn.

I jerk off to my own videos with my girl :rofl:
There’s a difference :stuck_out_tongue:


Oh sir Invictus, you’re chadliness was unnoticed by me!

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+1 on this

I embody all of these traits too

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I do these things too automatically

only thing I have aciddently found which increases it even more is imagestreaming, espesially when you focus on your weaker senses.


I 5000% agree lol.

Like Invictus said, that post was mainly anti-PMO.

The anti-masturbation in that post was mainly a motivator.

Masturbation occasionally without stimuli shouldn’t affect your results or development too much - it’s nowhere near the same realm as PMO.

Just make sure you’re not using masturbation as a coping mechanism or wasting hours of your day doing it.

Watching internet porn and pleasuring yourself to it, is like shooting yourself in the foot lol.

edit: all my opinion, porn addicts please dont attack me



This is key.

This is also a huge key. I felt my personal flow factor increase drastically when I started to clean up my diet since last October/November, which I attributed solely to ZP2. I now realize that my improved diet was also a huge factor in this massive boost in flow factor.


I do want to upon something from the opening post that, in my opinion, is a huge element of @Invictus 's high flow factor.

I speak to him on a near daily basis, and one characteristic that I see him do more than any other person I’ve ever met is his ability to positively frame everything.

This isn’t just an optimism thing or a gratitude thing. It is as though everything that happens either is good in a way or will lead to good. It’s the synergy between points 4 and 5 (gratitude and opening your mind) that lead to this consistent, healthy approach to life. Your life is bound to improve with this mentality, because it becomes substantially more difficult for negativity to penetrate through that kind of armor.


Man you’re overhyping it :rofl:
Reality just doesn’t have the consent to influence me negatively, unless I decide to allow it (like when I use the forbidden pre workout :eyes:)


Thanks for the advice on going back over old journal entries brother I’ve only now just started doing it and can definitely see how beneficial this will be moving ahead

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To manifest something, you feel it in you so it communicates to the subconscious mind.

To maintain that manifestation, you feel grateful for it.

Gratitude is what keeps good manifestations stick around in your life.

Good post!