How do you feel when reconciliation hits you?

On ZP it’s more like this for me and, especially, on CWoN:


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Used to be mild sadness. Now it’s usually a learning tool based on self discovery on zp.


Reconciliation can make me feel sad, overwhelmed and like I’m missing out. Mostly I just want to switch subs and I nearly did. I would have kicked myself for.


It feels as if my psyche was an onion and recon was peeling off its layers one by one.


Typical recon for me is anger, aggression, irritability, lack of libido.

I don’t think I’ve gotten any recon yet using my current stack but that could change after a few cycles.

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same. or tiredness, drowsiness and brain fog.


Does it diminish after some time or one will always be reconciling?:worried::tired_face:
To make this clear
I know there are alot of beliefs to get reconciled, But Me personally would like to be able to use my new reconciled personality, not just polishing it.
That is possible with a more conservative listening pattern of course. But still concerns should be said in order to create the possibility for receiving better advices.

It diminishes, and it’s almost non-existent if you run a stack that’s actually true to who you are. For example, I get almost no recon on CWON, Mind’s Eye and Sage Immortal, as this encompasses who I am – someone with an intense love and reverence for creation, who wants to study and learn about our existence even more.

I used to get a ton of recon on wealth subs and I thought it was because I had internal wealth ceilings. Now, I’m realizing that money was never my main motivating force – I only needed it to create the lifestyle I have now, where I am free from the corporate world and can spend my time in peace and quiet. Through my life’s passion, I have created that life and it’s transforming me into a better, caring and loving person. Crazy enough, wealth is flowing into my life without issue, and every obstacle that pops up here, I now see as an opportunity to explore myself and others.

If you’re on a washout and you’re getting bad recon, do a partial breakthrough loop of a few minutes. That usually resolves it, and then you can go on a longer washout. Also, remember the strategies for reducing recon as a whole: cut back significantly on loops.

Going out into the sun seems to help recon a lot – most likely because of the fact that sunlight provides your mitochondria with energy, which the brain immediately co-ops and uses for cognitive power. I was recently reading a study about why people get so tired after being in the sun, even if lounging. The process of the mitochondria absorbing that energy and converting it into ATP leads the body to immediately start using that surplus energy to heal itself on a deep level.

I’ve also started using Red Light Therapy, and I have noticed that my recon – what little I still experience – has become even lighter. I believe the lack of processing energy has something to do with recon, hence why you start craving either nutrient rich foods or something with a lot of simple sugars. Your body needs more energy, especially if you overexpose.


I had been getting recon on CWoN that got immediately resolved when I got into the sun and then it got back when I stayed at home for two days and only excessive eating helped me cope with it. I should have got into the sun again instead.

I don’t know if I should accept the fact that there is something such as one’s purpose in life.
Anyways, will recon resolve after sometime even if the scripts are not aligned with us?
Imagine I wanna be a billionaire and my situation is like yours, so I can’t be rich or the recon will be resolved after sometime? As I remember EOG has scripting which makes money making your purpose or sth like that.

Another question which comes to my mind is that how deep subs hit?
There is sth Called karma and it passes from generations to generations via DNA. I may not know my great great grandfather, but his nose is sitting on my face. We human have this from this day until the first time when we were a unicellular creature. How far does subs go?
If it does not go/hit THAT far, then this idea of Dharma or one’s life purpose should be originating from those deep beliefs which subs don’t hit deep enough to change them.

I read it again and I got my answer
Sorry my bad

At the moment, the classic subliminal “flu” has come along during the rest day.

Karma is no different from reconciliation.

With Karma is referred to as the law of cause and effect—Karma being the mediating principle of action.

Reconciliation is that same Law in motion.

So, Karma is the action that leads our lives into reconciliation under the supervision of the Law of cause and effect.

You are referring to ancestral karma, it is in your blood.

If you forefathers had a certain gifted skill you would be gifted in it also, it would be in your blood, those memories in your DNA. Surely, also the curses of whatever ailments, illnesses, traumas just keep on recycling until one person in the family makes an end to that karma and transmutes (reconciles) said karma.

Karma is the motion of action.

I have been thinking about Recon lately -

We know Subs can produce results / stimulate emotionally
but , Humans are wired foremost to avoid pain even if it involves not pursuing the pleasure .

Maybe this is one of the reason , our mind concentrates more of our emotional bandwidth to recon that we get blinded to see amazing changes that are happening in that moment .

Hallo Saint Sovereign

If I get bad recon on day 3, can I do 1-3 min of a loop and then start the new cycle at day 6???

Thank you for your time and answer

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Last night he told me that when you are in the middle of your washout and having bad reconciliation, try to listen to a mini breakthrough loop, and then take a LONGER washout, this mini loop is for smoothing the integration process


Thank you @Alphamale

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You are having a big dragon ride. Support ticket, please, for customized guidance.

This is how I feel .


Scarlett witch = Recon :wink: