How do we die without dying?

I have had many deaths this lifetime and with each death it has brought me closer to my higher self if you guys only knew fhewww. I am so grateful to be where I am today but I’m only here because I allowed the transformations to take place and it literally felt like I was dying but the beauty of it was the Rebirth


Was this whole text just a stream of consciousness? It’s hard to read and I don’t really understand, other than:
Subs are not enough, you likely also need to do physical practices of which there are many, choosing them according to your natal chart might help.

Is that right?

and, yes, I forgot Mind’s Eye. Definitely a key player!

Idk if Chosen would be necessary, but it definitely raises vibration.

My natal chart has inclinations for spirituality, which is prolly why I keep coming back to it, regardless of the sub.

North Node in Pisces specifically.

But then again, right now it might just be because Jupiter and Neptune both find themselves in Pisces which only happens every 166 years, right?
This might explain the recent surge in everything spiritual in most people.

Yeah, this just keeps coming back to me. I might just finally have to run it lol

But it makes sense. It kind of kills you and your ego, doesn’t it?


I think it’s different for each person.

For a monk in a monastery, Khan might help with this.

And for the guy chasing worldly success, it might be Alchemist.

You have to find the edge of your identity, and then see that your identity is not as solid and all-encompassing as you once thought.

But remember, all of these “spiritual wonders” have downsides. They’re usually written really small and buried somewhere in the footnotes.

Once you remove all the fancy concepts, it all usually comes back down to “Don’t be an Asshole and Keep growing”.


What about Rebirth?

Haven’t had time to watch the video yet, so I may get this wrong, but there’s no way that I’d ever want immortality on Earth. At least the way it is now.


My answer is based on my study of psychological and spiritual practices, FWIW.

Since Dying has 2 meanings here, one metaphorical and one literal, I’ll label each to make it clear which Dying I’m explaining. “How do we die (version A) before we die (version B)?” From here on when I say “die” I’ll be referring to version A.

What it means to die differs between individuals and exists on multiple levels of truth. Different areas of life and experience provide an opportunity to die and gain the resulting knowingness of immortality. Such areas often include: facing and conquering psychological issues (especially conscious re-visiting of trauma to release it), spiritual experiences such as kundalini as mentioned, facing any fear, connecting with your shadow side and utilizing its power which requires death of the old “innocent” self, using drugs to gain a widened perspective, and having a near-death experience. Any form of pain, facing of fear, and experience leading to acceptance of perceived negative conditions will develop this to some extent. “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.”

In each of these, before or during doing them, a great of fear of death is encountered. Upon bravely passing through it, one realizes there was a much wider scope of truth than previously realized and that the original fear was illusory. Upon consciously observing such experiences over a prolonged period, death as a whole is intuited as not so problematic as thought by the ego-self’s original perception. It’s a dialectic process - thesis being the comfort-seeking ego-self, antithesis being awareness of one’s impermanence and narrow perception, synthesis being an intuitive knowing of transcendence of death due to awareness of oneness with a much larger scope.

To provide a concrete example: a person with trauma lives in a struggle. The struggle of trauma continues because the trauma is trapped in the body and avoiding it doesn’t allow its release. The notion of facing and processing trauma seems like stepping straight into death. Choosing to engage in a therapy involving going into the trauma may feel like death during the process with great anxious trembling. But going through it and getting to the other side shows the person that the whole perception of fear was flawed from the beginning, and a misjudgement about what is actually a threat. When the fear was especially intense, its resolution can be extrapolated to questioning the reality of all death.

Another example is those who have died temporarily such as during a surgery. Many such people come back with an immense sense of peace. After dying, they report seeing great beauty and peace and then go on living with a new perspective that death is not the way it is commonly perceived.

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No sub can do it. It’s part of a process known as “The Great Work”, which includes something called “Creation of the Solar Body”, or Crystallization of the Aura. This process, you must spent some great time and effort going through it. Something like a lifetime.

There are many Spiritual Disciplines that can take you to similar ends and you must choose one that fits you better. In that case, Alchemist ST1 is recommended, because, among other things, it will guide you so that you can find which Discipline is the best for you alone.

After having chose, other Alchemist stages will help in the development of said Discipline.


I had someone hypnotize me into thinking I was going to die in 2 hours, and I had two hours to sort out my affairs, figure out what my life’s most important moments were, and figure out what to be most grateful for.

I had enough awareness to realize i wasnt actually going to die and cause a panic. But it was deep enough that for 15 minutes, i had the most intense, scream-inducing cry and mourning imagineable, followed by such an overwhelming gratitude for my life and all that I had cultivated, especially relationships and people i had helped. It was the love for my partner and the people i’d been generous to that gave me the most happiness in my “last moments”


Immortality on Earth would put you in a position to be able to shape society from the background.

OK to summarise the video, maybe you have heard of the Eleusis. It was this sacred place in Ancient Greece where you could go to to find death. But not physical death. Death of your “ego” or “the bs you tell yourself” etc.

It was probably done via psychedelics. We don’t know exactly what happened there but people reported COMPLETE CHANGES of their personality. And the ancient greeks reported all their success, everything they invented came after they went there.

And they said this: “When you die before you, you won’t die when you die.”

The idea being through this experience in the Eleusis you discover that you are an infinite soul, living a temporary experience on earth.
So you don’t “die” when your body dies. You just come back to your source.

In other words, an awakening.

Maybe it’s just another description for the kundalini, idk. But it made me very curious.

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Medical Warning to anyone who is inspired to attempt this dangerous experiment.


Stunts Warning

That sounds like a great but also frightening experience.

How did you come to do this?

Sounds similar to lying down in the coffin.

I found it most interesting that you mentioned the Mystery Schools of Eulis.

In our society we have formed an identity about ourselves which imprisons our true being, the Soul.

Like having a the might of a Glorious Sun, all that Light, all that beingness and feeling is then, in a way, morphed to a believe structure it must then conform to.

This is the ego and it is part of the “matrix” we live in.

Imagine for a second that we have creative abilities, much like God and that the lesser conscious parts of our minds are co-creating an illusion we live within.

The illusion, maya, the matrix or whatever you will, is compulsory to our Ego’s.

I am pleased by this thinking because those who seek must ultimately find.

This question being asked seems to have prompted my unconscious to notice an opportunity to utilize the Dying before Dying concept. Here is an example from my personal life where I died and gained immortality in a business situation.

In this case, the quitting is the death.

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Ego death is interesting. Something I’m thinking of more and more though, how do we distinguish what’s a physical problem in origin vs a pattern of thought? Granted thoughts are electrical impulses so they are physical. But the brain is just as much of a physical structure as anything else in our body and we all know how imperfect bodies can be.

I guess what I’m getting at here sometimes you can spend a lot of time chasing these ideas, but they might not even be the answer. There’s complexities to the human body that are absolutely insane and the balance of all those things in all the right places to keep us alive and well.

When I think of these higher concepts and how they relate to improved life I also think about my vision which has been terrible since childhood and I can’t see without glasses. It reminds me of mortality and it reminds me how there still are limits in place with things and we don’t know why.

Show of hands, who’s still got a sticking point they’ve been battling for years but still can’t break past it?

I’d say even with this newfound awareness it wouldn’t really be worth anything unless I could actualize it into something. I’ve been on the glow of hallucinogens before, it goes away if nothing in your reality changes.

I sound like a cynic here lol. It’s just we only ever hear about people that do these things and have life changing paradigms. It fails to account for those that still struggle in some way. And there’s an inherent bias that can make it seem like some ultimate answer when it’s only a piece of the puzzle.


Worthy reminders. Help us to stay grounded.


There are counter-examples for each point.

The way you relatively effortlessly learned to walk, and to talk, and to read, for example. And you did all of this using this complex, imperfect brain and body.

Enlightenment is not about being without flaw.

It’s actually about the recognition of Perfection within the constant flow of chaos and order, within the ever-present interplay between limitation and ability.

Ego death is an unfortunate term.

What dies is not the ego, it is the dysfunctionally excessive influence of ego-based views.

When the Geocentric view of the Cosmos “died”, neither the earth nor the sun actually vanished. They’re still here.

Perfectly imperfect. Powerful. (Like you)

What changed is that they were now contextualized differently.

We gained access to an enhanced, additional frame that enabled us to see, to do, and to imagine more than we previously had.

(And, of course, this did not somehow end mistakes. If anything, it enabled greater and more numerous mistakes…and successes.)


I like how you applied this idea to that circumstance. That makes a lot of sense to die a certain death in a specific area voluntarily, before you actually have to do it later.

Of course, it’s technically “a waste of time” because we have no idea if it does anything.

Still, I like pondering with these things, and since the first meetup with spirituality opened my mind up to many things that I still enjoy, I do see there could be benefits in everyday life, specifically around fear.


I definitely went off the rails a bit with my post. I think your idea for a sub is a very interesting one for experimentation. I think that video just rubbed me the wrong way. It’s really common for people to look in the past and think things were done better. In this example all those stories could very well be the equivalent of modern day Instagram highlight reels. Aimed at the presenter of that video, not you btw.

Well, in this specific case we know from tests with psychedelics that there ARE crazy enlightening benefits with DMT, etc.

Sure, not everything was better in the past, but consciousness was definitely higher (it’s intentionally lower these days) which is def something to strive for. Minus the slavery and all that shit :wink: