Holy freaking .... Minds eye is amazing

Honestly hats off to you subclub. I bought minds eye today. To make my shadow work session, Meditation, Metta more effective. And after the first loop I got considerably better at visualising like i could feel heat from the visualsation among other things.

Just wow,


Mindā€™s eye is great. I think everybody should run it because visualization is very important


What is the use of visualization ?

Sorry am a noob in this one .


Minds eye is really awesome. Only played two loops and it works really fast.


No idea why but I am unable to visualize at all
I was hoping Minds Eye would help but so far no such luck


It seems you have Aphantasia

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Canā€™t you visualise sounds or anything? I more audiotory so sound have always been easy for me. But touch have been super hard

As @StateOfBeing said I probably have Aphantasia which isnā€™t difficult to believe as I recently discovered I am on the spectrum

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Have to agree.

I used to always make visualisation a thing of the past because I thought I could never do it but one of the videos I watched regarding Law of Assumption said to imagine a golf ball, a football, something else and a lemon in your hand and I could feel all of them in my hands with my eyes open. I could literally feel them.

I could see them, feel the heaviness between them, the look etc. It was crazy. This could be from Alchemist and Sage included but Minds Eye for sure also.


I watched the exactly same video, right before I bought minds eye.

Thatā€™s awesome

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I just imagined you two watching that video, holy molyā€¦ :joy:

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Iā€™m similar @James.

largely aphantasic.

be on the lookout, though, for non-typical forms of imagination. youā€™ve clearly got a sensitive and highly imaginative mind. itā€™s just not expressing itself (consciously) through the typical visual mode that weā€™ve come to expect.

in my case, i find that i seem to download concepts, insights, and ā€œknowingsā€. it just happens.

Those Greek ideas of the muses and of the inner daimon, I find really easy to accept. Sometimes, my consciousness feels like an antenna. Like Iā€™m getting insights and contents delivered to me. I think thatā€™s another form of imagination-based knowing. (Thankfully, itā€™s not heightened to the level of psychotic experiences.)

Youā€™ll have your own modes and avenues of knowing. I think that Mindā€™s Eye works first with those. In my year-plus with Mindā€™s Eye, Iā€™ve found some gradual increase in visual imagery-based cognition, but itā€™s been like an improvement from 23% to 34%-40% or something like that. On the other hand, itā€™s still happening now; still continuing to increase and improve over time. So thatā€™s interesting.

In the meantime, though, sometimes Iā€™ve found an even greater spike in that other form of knowing that I mentioned. Itā€™s not visual; itā€™s more like pure conceptual or pure knowing.



Perhaps Mindā€™s Eye Q+ can be so powerful that it takes you to 100% @Malkuth!


I think it may be quite particular @SubliminalUser.

Possibly not a case of simple skill or capacity development.

When I was around 19, I came across the ideas of Dawna Markova. She said that specific sensory modalities were associated with different altitudes of cognition. In other words, deep, unconscious processes were associated with a particular sense channel; subconscious, dream-like processes primarily with another channel, and conscious, problem-solving cognition with another channel.

She said that each individual had his/her own sense-cognition combinations.

That framework has stayed with me over the years, and I think it may explain how my mind uses visual-imagery-based cognition.

Itā€™s there. But I access it more easily when Iā€™m dreaming or if Iā€™m in an altered state. Itā€™s associated, in other words, with some deeper cognitive modes.

Donā€™t know if this is true for you @James, but even though I donā€™t really access much visual imagery when Iā€™m consciously alert and awake, I do have visual experiences in my dreaming.

So thatā€™s an example of what Iā€™m talking about.

Mindā€™s Eye has helped me to access visual imagery by helping me to access altered states of consciousness.

But Iā€™m not sure if Iā€™m supposed to just switch visual cognition to be my conscious, alert style of processing. Because those other levels of cognition have their own special purposes and functions. Kind of like how itā€™s easier to do ā€˜automatic writingā€™, when you use your non-dominant hand. If both hands were equally skilled, automatic writing might become very difficult to do.

Something like that.

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I didnā€™t really quite express the point as I intended, so Iā€™m trying again:

You may find, @James, that you are capable of accessing a state of pure abstraction; accessing knowing, in other words, without the need for a sensory modality.

Do you think this might be the case? Think of your style of relating to concepts and working with ideas.


Itā€™s entirely possible. I was told recently by a good friend of mine that she feels I am on the spectrum so the abstraction aspect definitely makes sense


Oh wow thatā€™s cool. Good to know. Did it help with meditation/metta as well?

Honestly it seems to help with a lot of things. Like visualising people, Circulating sexual energy and more.


@James I challenge you not to visualize a PINK elephant !!

I bet you saw one !! so you can visualize