Have a question for Invictus? then come forth to this AMA

Non-troll question here. I’m curious about what you do for “intuition-based workouts”

What principles do you follow that allows you to allow the rest to be taken over by intuition.

When you pick a workout to do, how many sets do you do minimum, and do you go to failure whenever you pick a set?

If you go to the gym, how set are you on certain body parts for that day? What are the body parts you prioritize most?

What workout principles do you follow while following an inutition based workout is basically the question.

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okay firstly, im currently resetting everything, so I’ve kinda gone back to basics and been doing a program called Greyskull LP (since a week now).

for this, you really need to know how much your body can handle, usually i have a 2 rest days per week rule, as that always keeps my body fresh for every workout, however, now on the new program, i’m taking 4 days off per week instead.

3 is the minimum, but it depends on my what my muscles tell me, so sometimes i might do 8 sets of barbell curls, while other times i might only do 4.
in terms of reps, I only counted when I felt the pain, so first few reps would be considered as warm-up reps, then once i feel the pain, i’d aim for 10.

it really depends on which muscles are being worked.
my split was kinda bro-sciency;

Chest and tri
Back and Bi
Shoulders and forearms

the only “static” thing there is the split, but soon as i enter the gym, i would let my body take me to what it wants to start with and what “style” it wants to do, remember, I’ve had over 8 years of weightlifting experience, and was a track runner for 3 years before it, there were also 3 gaps in those 8 years, where one of them was for muay thai practice for a year, then like 6-8 months due to my Ex’s toxicity, or more recently, due to the lockdown.

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There are real people who apply this to slot machines. They walk through a casino and they notice the energy of the machine and their intuition tells them which one to play. It takes practice to develop that quietness and presence of mind to sensitize yourself to the subtleties of your intuition.

At one time I was spending a lot of time in nature and solitude and it got to the point that I’d be so aware of my subtle thoughts that everytime I thought it was a random thought of some person that’s the next person I would see and I always walk around with headphones on and I’d know when somebody is going to walk around a corner and even know things slightly before they happened but it was so subtle it was like a knowing without knowing.

None of that happened from trying to figure everything out though. I guess for me it was a lot of self inquiry to quiet the mind and to sort of go beyond it. A willingness to let go and surrender to what is and being okay with not knowing.



Did run Qv2 tech, if yes, did you have good results and which titles did you run?


Two questions

  1. What is the flying velocity of a sparrow
  2. Do coconuts migrate?

What are your top 10 books that has had an impact on your life?


Here, read this journal of mine.

It was mainly Wanted and EF st3


James, my man, how could you ask that without giving me any info about the sparrow’s location, if it flew from being at rest or was already flying, how long has it been flying, is it healthy, is it flying with or against the wind?

Too many variables to account for :frowning:

According to Quora:

Coconuts cannot migrate. However, they can be carried by certain species of swallow to climates that normally would be unable to grow palm trees. Said swallows are generally of an African variety, which are very strong and can grip said coconut by the husk for long periods of time, often long enough to cross the ocean.


Hmmm good question, I don’t really have a top 10 as most of the time, I just listen to YouTube summaries of books or end up reading parts of a book online.

However, from the ones I read;

1- the art of seduction.
2- how to win friends and influence people.
3- the wisdom of psychopaths.
4- the 48 laws of power.
5- the art of war.
6- the secret.
7- the subtle art of not giving a f*ck.


Great journal, man.

I understand that some days you skipped recommendations and listened more loops or listened in consecutive days.

Did you mix normal masked and solace versions in alternate days?

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Not with WANTED alone.
Basically I was doing WANTED Qv2 3 days a week, while doing EF stage 3 Q (not Qv2) for 5 days a week, and then having 2 days off.
I kinda did it because I felt like it would be the best listening pattern for me intuitively, and because 5 days a week with WANTED Qv2 was attracting guys as well :rofl: so I kept it at 3.

I tested both and back then, the normal masked was more stable for me, as the solace made me feel like I smoked a joint and people even used to comment on the fact that I seem high (even when I wasn’t).

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I am uncertain if this has already been answered:
Would you rather fight 23 duck sized horses or one horse sized duck?

By the way… I love Robert Greene’s books. Currently, re-reading some of them.


Interesting results you got with WANTED

I can sense that running Wanted is an exciting journey, like a self-improvement roller coaster


You runned it 5 times a week, without rest days? Did you face heavy recon???

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Yes if recon means being so wanted that the same gender wanted him even though he is straight man. Otherwise he is really good at backing off if the recon is adversely affecting his life.

Some recon is to be expected though, but if you’re sabatoging your life by blowing up with people then you’ll need to back off. It’s always better to use the least minimum dosage that way you avoid overexposure and stonewalling.

It seems with QV2 every other day was good for a lot of people but that would vary and you’d really have to be objectively self aware and determine what you were able to handle.

Now on ZP it’s a set guideline for listening and so experimentation is a no-no until further notice or you submit a ticket.


easy man, 23 duck sized horses.
easily crush them with my car :sunglasses: :call_me_hand:t4:


no heavy recon (I don’t really get any recon from WANTED alone), but it was because it felt unnecessary and it was making the aura attract both genders.
like there was this one time some guy thought I was a girl with short hair (before i grew out my facial hair) and asked for my number, but then he realized that I was actually a guy, but still asked for it :sweat_smile: :rofl:


seems like you’re studying me :joy:

unless you were a tester and know how much you can handle :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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There ya go, @Invictus turning hetero guys gay!


I recieved comments like this too when I was running Solace.

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