Have a question for Invictus? then come forth to this AMA

How many grains of sand are on planet Earth?


I can’t really comment much on my current one (WZP + Chosen + Mogul ZP), but any stack with WANTED and chosen will do :wink:

In fact, I don’t mind running those 2 alone without anything extra, but if I have the option to work on a part I barely touched on, then why not :wink:


Sorry my man, I don’t run QL :rofl:


If you had to choose only 1 sub to listen to for the rest of your life, what would that be?

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WANTED for sure man :sunglasses:

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Underrated troll


Yesterday at the bar I tryed to get two girls to pay me a drink :joy: No banter nothing, just because I’m hot!

They weren’t so down hahahha, and my friends were all confused telling mr the guy have to pay a drink and all, I stayed strong on it : No I want a girl I don’t know to pay me a drink!


Almost 10 likes on that post… You know what’s underrated? WantedTiger’s poster :


Well I just finished watching SM: no way home and didn’t pay for anything :wink:

I have noticed that ever since I started running WANTED, my girl doesn’t ever let me pay for anything, like I’d have to sneak away to go pay or something, or else she just ends up doing it because “I love you too much:wink:


How was it?

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Best marvel movie yet.


Is SM spiderman?

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yes, he is talking about the new SM


Is this the Zen AMA? Huh?

I didn’t think so.

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sorry, you’re right! @Invictus please answer his question regarding SM :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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I read somewhere you said you used to pickup girls doing magic tricks, how did the process look like?

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Yea man :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Well briefly speaking, it used to be done in three tricks to get the number and/or date;

First trick: short and simple to get them hooked.

Second trick: something visual to make them realize I’m too fucking good and magical :wink:

Third trick: one of my “woah woah” routines, after that most girls are just too impressed and end up interested.

But then again, my flirting skills shine with my magic a lot, so that increases their interest as well.


Interesting, I’m doing a similar thing where I approach girls and then ask them if they want to try some hypnosis with me.
But then I thought if I started the process with some simple magic tricks will make them more hooked and much more open to the idea of being hypnotized.
Can you recommend any course/YT channel for learning some cool effects? preferably ones that don’t include cards and are more like mentalism/mind reading effects? that would be really helpful.

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You see, that’s the thing,
If you go on YouTube and try to learn some of the basic stuff, then those are the type I’d categorize in my “trick 1” section, as in, most of it is just simple and basic tricks, it won’t make any panties wet.

However, if you learn something like this;

Then that will make them want more.

P.S. I did my own version of this trick when I first met the girl I’m dating right now, and well, let’s just say that she still keeps asking me to do magic for her everytime we’re out because it gets her wet :rofl: