Guidance Needed

Try AM and Libertine then.

I don’t agree with this, if I did i would already be motivated enough :joy:

Libertine wouldn’t give those results ig because it needs internal growth in sexual department and I don’t think I have that as I can’t even make my first approach. i may really sound annoying but I am confised

Whether you agree with it or not doesn’t really matter. :joy:
It’s a widely known fact in pretty much every part of the world and every culture that women are attracted to status and wealth. 🤷

In my opinion it’s just status or else all people with money should have flocks of women going to them. Status is not necessarily money as it is relative social standing between people. This is the reason PUA guys get girls. They show status, not money!

I believe from what I can pick up on from what you are saying and your earlier posts on the forum, is that you don’t actually believe that the subliminal works on a deeper unconscious level. It’s alright to seek inspiration from others, but it seem like you are looking for answers outside of yourself, and thus further reaffirming your self-limiting doubts in that these subs actually works for you.

Many of those that you see have crazy results in here and have that “flow-factor,” is those who has gotten out of their own way, and just trusting the process. If you have been running Wanted for a long time and now you are disappointed with the results, how is that mindset helping you?

Turn it around and say to yourself instead that I will run it for as long as it takes. The program is trying to reverse your actual belief systems 180 degrees, that’s the paradox in it. Luther explains it pretty good in one of his old posts that I bookmarked :point_down:

Simply by not believeing it to work and get frustrated, is the reason for it not working and taking so long time to see results. This is just constructive feedback from me, and obviously just my opinion. But I have been there too where I always were doubting my results… and that doubt is for sure making your subconscious ignore much of the script.


That is a really good perspective. And please don’t hesitate with going harsh on me as I feel I may need this at this age. I need that tough love sometimes haha!!

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This is an interesting topic because I’ve heard people contradict this by saying,

‘You don’t need money for women as long as you are an ambitious, strong man and she can see you will be something in the future.’

But both sides have truth to them. If your young, would she expect you to have loads of money?

Start looking at ways of improving your mindset towards subs and your belief in them. Look at Yazooneh journal, he has really started to kick some ass with the subliminals lately. He talks a bit what actually changed for him, and also how he started to incooperate daily gratitude exercises and other things. Look into different kind of meditation and journaling, be creative, and be open minded.

There’s also the more hardcore way of going deep into healing titles only for a while, takes longer but cleares a lot of things for you. I did a full run of Dragon Reborn back in 2021 which really helped me a lot.

@Melody : This is true but then the guy is on the clock. If after some time that money is not coming in, she’s out. Why do you think money (or lack thereof) is one of the main causes of divorce?

@WinglissStark is talking about status but status has an expiration date. A guy can be as high status as he wants, if there is no financial stability, the clock is already ticking.

EDIT : Kanye West said it best: I ain’t sayin’ she’s a gold digger but she ain’t messin’ with no broke! :joy:

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look… i say this with love… but…

you sound like a somewhat needy/attached person.

there’s an extreme amount of uncertainty within yourself. when you try to focus on money, it seems like you look at dating and your lacking-in-life there… when you focus on dating, you feel a lack of confidence because of your money and think constantly about how you’re lacking in life there…

even both of these statements show how you’re not trusting yourself, and are asking other people not just for advice, but for the “truth” as if what they say is right, and what you say is wrong.

heal THAT tendency. forget about dating, forget about money. focus on your internal sense of self.

run ascension, exclusively… not even ascended mogul.

ascension will give you the fastest results in confidence, and it will give you a core to start making your own decisions from.

this is the issue. ESPECIALLY the no washouts thing.

so… ascension will help with that too, wanted kinda makes you lazy.

run ascension, make a clear plan for your life and goals, and make 1 professional goal and 1 personal/social goal (some hobby to join)


Also, LBFH would be good for that.

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100% true, just trying to keep things simple.

One recommendation is better than a stack, and ascension will help the confidence and money and dating DIRECTLY while LBFH will help confidence directly, but money and dating only indirectly, so ascension is the best solo stack.

However if u wanna add onto the stack, lots of great options exist… LBFH, GLM, and Chosen come to mind.

It depends on your living conditions and financial situation.

If you’re homeless, then you would obviously prioritize money.

Do you live comfortably? Are you financially independent? Are you struggling to pay bills? If you don’t have your life put together as a man, then you shouldn’t be focusing on women.

When you prioritize money, it can happen really fast because of focus + sexual transmutation.

Most people who financially struggle are pissing away their sexual energy when they don’t understand how powerful it is in helping them meet their financial goals. It’s literally one of the most creative, motivating and driving forces that we all have access to and when harnessed you become a goal sniper.

Abstinent people are dangerous, lmao. Tesla and all of them, hahahaha.

Anyways, this is my opinion of what you should do.

Dating and Money. That’s basically wealth and sex life.

2 areas of your life, right.

You need clear goals.

Dating goals:

  • Make first approach
  • Get a girlfriend
  • Have sex once

Whatever you want, just have something clear that is a marker of progression in this area of your life.

Money goals:

  • Make X amount of money
  • Get a job raise
  • Start a business

Again, whatever you want.

Now, you can split up your focus into 50/50 and attain both. Then you wouldn’t have to prioritize. There are men who improve their financial life by day and improve their dating life by night. You don’t necessarily have to be tunnel-visioned on one or the other. There are subliminals that encompass multiple areas of your life, such as Emperor for example.

That can work for some people but not everyone.

If you are the type of person that prefers to focus on 1 area of your life at a time, then I would commit to a progression strategy where:

Say you have zero income and zero sex life.

Money = 0
Dating = 0

I would focus on money, since security is higher priority on Maslows.

Meet a benchmark/checkpoint of progression (landing a job, landing an income, making x amount)

Then switch over to dating.

Meet a benchmark/checkpoint of progression (asking someone out, getting laid, getting a girlfriend)

Then switch over back to money.

Meet a benchmark/checkpoint of progression (doubling income, getting a raise at your job)

Switch over back to dating (develop sex skills, get another girlfriend)

Basically you keep alternating your focus on areas of life, keep meeting new goals and ultimately keep progressing.


Would that apply to a 22-year-old man?

and that’s funny :joy:

i’m curious, how does Ascension help money directly?

@Melody : At 22, you have no money so you date who you can get. Can’t be picky at 22. :rofl:
Status with no money is like a car with no fuel. That takes you nowhere.

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What if making a plan makes you anxious and you end up not taking action repeatedly? Like every time you try to go for something, it ends up being forgotten about. Will ascension with rebirth or LD clear that? It has gotten better now that Im running Rebirth+GLM+LBFH tho.

these are the objectives of ascension @Melody

all of them directly influence success/dating.

  • Develop a sense of endless ambition, passion and drive.
  • Develop an internal and external sense status and authority, as well as improve the perception others have of you.
  • Enhance your romance life and sexual / seduction skills.
  • Improve your wardrobe, body language, speech patterns, etc. to maximize your sexual appeal to others.
  • Develop and Embrace a physically and emotionally healthy lifestyle.
  • Includes scripting to assist with physical shifting: grow physically stronger, with a more aesthetically pleasing body (as defined by you)
  • Eliminate and dissolve any internal sense fear, procrastination, doubt.
  • Unleash your sense of inner power, grow your independence, willpower and confidence.
  • Develop your body language, voice and presence to that befitting of a high-status individual.
  • Experience what masculinity truly means for you, your goals, your desires.
  • Embark on an inner journey to discover who you really are and what you want out of life.
  • Create goals to assist with the above objectives and begin acting upon them.
  • Transition into a new life of power and success.
  • Become empowered to take control of your life and future.
  • Rapid internal growth and transformation.
  • Expand your social circle through the profound status and confidence you develop.
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these are the objectives of love bomb for humanity which do not directly discuss money/confidence/dating/success in that sense, but still could help indirectly

  • Instill an incredible sense of self-love, self-care and self-appreciation like you’ve never experienced before, using a new method of flooding your emotions with universal, pure love for yourself, which…
  • … Changes your mental chatter to that of pure positivity and love for yourself. Attempts to eliminate all negative self-talk,
  • Develop and project an aura of pure love that has the ability to spread amongst those you encounter — if they choose to do so — bringing joy and good will back to the world.
  • Manifest situations in which others will “express universal love” to you through free items, a helping hand, a kind word, smiles, etc.
  • New revolutionary scripting allowing you to develop an inexhaustible reservoir of “love energy” that can be used to gently heal past emotional traumas.
  • Transcend all negativity, doubt and fears.
  • Contains a “protection aura” to ward off negative individuals and situations. Please note that no subliminal or subliminal-generated aura can 100% prevent bad things from happening, nor do we make any claims of the sort.
  • Release stress and tension, be fully focused in the present.
  • Contains significant tranquility scripting, bringing a profound sense of peace and emotional prosperity to your day to day life. Adapted from Chosen: The Way of Nature and Sanguine, rewritten to utilize the “love energy” mentioned above to deepen the effects.
  • Enhances the positive psychological effects of laughter, experience those effects on a much deeper emotional level, allowing you to release past mental traumas with something we do almost automatically.
  • Learn the wisdoms love contains within it.
  • … and much more.
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