Ginseng vs. Coffee vs Tee

For me since ive tried everything under the sun being a nootropic junkie

1. Animal Pak is literally the best multivitamin ive ever had in my life… like I was so virile and horny and wanting to take action after this… It was like a testosterone boost.

2. Creatine will not explain further

3. Taurine legit… I realized my stamina has increased… like my endurance and mental capacity to stay focused? damn near doubled

4. Cordyceps forgot this one… like Taurine but muscle wise… amazing. I always hit PRs on this

How much Taurine do you take?

For me I just stopped and narrowed it to 4 lmao

OHH I FORGOT one more thing


This is my sleep stack. This thing will have u in the best, deepest sleep ever. And you’ll wake up ON.

@Luther24 @Deadpool you may love this bro

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One thing about Ashwagandha

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yeah but the amount of ashwagandha is very minimal trust.

It makes me feel weird too so I definitely get it

Not sure 800mg is quite a lot for an extract. I have an extract with 500mg and definitely noticing the effect, I mean not depression but overall anti-stress and calm. But it also depends on the strength of the extract.

This is basically black, green tea, white tea etc. Because they naturally contain L-theanine and Theine (Caffeine)


And regarding Ginseng, maybe you can try it with Royal jelly like this

Another good stuff for an energy

Shilajit Benefits and Uses

Shilajit Benefits and Uses
PrimaVie® Shilajit has been shown to support healthy mitochondrial function.* Moreover, PrimaVie® may improve CoEnzyme Q10 (CoQ10) benefits - another dietary supplement known for supporting mitochondrial function. Shilajit may also promote endurance during physical exercise and helps support overall fitness level (hence it being referred to as the “destroyer of weakness”).*

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You want a non-caffeinated alternative to coffee that gives you energy/focus/motivation in the same way?

Crush some adderall into a cup of water lol

Other than that, I have no idea, let us know here if you find something though

Disinformation. Ashwagandha has been widely used for over 6000 years in India in the Ayurvedic system. Check out some of the competing answers to someone asking about these anecdotes on reddit:

Some are even suggesting its a symptom of magnesium deficiency induced by the use.

EDIT to add: I have personally used ashwagandha myself in the powdered form of the root extract without any of the ill effects described arising. Chronic regular prolonged use, which is different to its typical usage I can’t vouch for.

That looks like a dope stack! I’m tempted to try and replicate this using my existing supps. I suspect a proportional amount of GABA could be used in place of theanine since that’s what theanine tends to increase. I’ve used gaba + arginine keto glutarate stacked before; tastes like ass but a good combination.

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Caffeine doesn’t make you more relaxed. It’s a stimulant that blocks adenosine receptors, stimulates the release of adrenaline and activates the “fight or flight” system. It increases heart rate, elevates blood pressure and makes you more alert while ramping up your stress hormones.

Caffeine is anti-relaxation down to the molecule.

This is why drinking a cup of coffee before bed makes it difficult to sleep.

You can’t sleep when your “fight or flight” system is activated because you need to run from the lion.

When you say that coffee makes you less anxious and relaxed, that makes zero sense from a biological and neurochemical standpoint.

Many will argue that “everyone is different bro, everyone responds differently”.

This is a form of lawyer gaming in my opinion.

Where there is addiction involved, best believe that there is coping involved.

Caffeine is classified as a psychoactive drug and it is very addictive.

I am willing to bet that 90%+ cases of where people experienced calmness and relaxation from caffeine intake has to do with alleviation of withdrawal rather than their own “unique” individualistic response to the poison that is caffeine (because aren’t we all special).,years%20of%20caffeine%20withdrawal%20research

As little as one standard cup of coffee a day can produce caffeine addiction.

In fact, 1 cup of coffee can produce withdrawal for 2-9 days.

Doses as low as 100 milligrams can also produce withdrawal.

“When people don’t get their usual dose they can suffer a range of withdrawal symptoms, including headache, fatigue, difficulty concentrating.”

“For example, the satisfying feelings and perceived benefits that many coffee users experience from their morning coffee appear to be a simple reversal of the negative effects of caffeine withdrawal after overnight abstinence.”

My guess (I could be wrong, this is just my opinion/theory) is that, you are alleviating withdrawal symptoms, giving you the illusion that caffeine is relaxing you (which is biologically unlikely).

What sounds more plausible? This? Or that you have some unique response to caffeine due to your neurochemistry and biology.



Coffee doesn’t give you energy. Lol.

Let’s say you’re out alone in the jungle and you encounter a lion. The lion looks at you and starts licking his chops…

You suddenly feel a rush of adrenaline and “energy”.

Is the lion giving you energy?

That’s literally what people are saying when they claim that “coffee gives me energy bro”.

Coffee doesn’t give you energy, it forces you to spend more.

If you want energy, motivation and focus… go back to old school nutrition.

A lot of people don’t want to give up their coffee because when they do… they have to face the reality of shit-tier dieting and poor habits.

(all my opinion lol)


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Everyone can have a different reaction to caffeine, there is no one-size-fits all.

Me? I do well on 1 mug a day - 3 heaping tablespoons of whole beans (freshly ground), in 12oz of water, medium roast… to give a sense of what’s in it. I do have a 2nd coffee around lunchtime, but that’s decaf now… Oura says I sleep better when I do that, and my experiences back that up. I don’t get jitters unless I go overboard… 4 cups in a row, or multiple cold-brew nitro shots. Normal usage though? works fine for me.

My sister and my dad though? They can both drink a pot of coffee after dinner and still fall asleep no problem. :man_shrugging:

@Luther24 is spot on, caffeine doesn’t give you energy. If anything it reduces it, and any boost you feel is a combination of returning to the former baseline and/or an increased expenditure borrowed against future rest (aka the credit card analogy)

I did about a year of no caffeine after the neurofeedback program I went to in 2019, and only started drinking it again when my daughter was born the following year and I needed it to be functional in the first few weeks. I might do another experiment again to see how I fare without it… those withdrawal headaches though… yeesh.

That being said… I still love my coffee; 1.5tbsp of C8 MCT and a bit of Lakanto and heavy cream… yum. But, I really like mushroom “coffee” too… Four Sigmatic is one of my favs.


This is the same as taking Melatonin when they have problems sleeping. It will disrupt your reality.