Getting Promoted with Emperor, Chosen, and RICH

In the last 24 hours, I’ve had 2 clients mention something about setting me up with their daughters. They both essentially said I would be a wonderful partner for their daughters and complimented me on my work ethic and competence. It definitely felt really good to hear that.

I’ve also been noticing a lot of women checking me out when I’m out and about…it’s like they can sense something in me


Ever since adding RICH back into the mix, stress and worry over finances has gone down significantly. It’s like I know the money will be there when I need it, so no need to stress.


Also I had a headhunter reach out to me about a very lucrative job opportunity with a competitor company. This would be a similar type of position as the one I’m applying for, but would require me to move across the country. Hey…if the money is right :wink:

  • Very close to hitting sales quota this quarter which is a pleasant surprise to the entire team since our head sales rep left a month into the quarter. Nailing this quota will solidify the promotion for me, so needless to say I am highly motivated at the moment.

  • Another job opportunity fell into my lap, ever since adding RICH

  • CHOSEN really showed itself today. I walked into a room and introduced myself to a group of strangers and they all gathered around and started curiously asking me questions related to my product. It’s like I drew them in like a magnet.


Debt Annihilator in my custom really shining. I determined a way to pay $300 extra per month towards my debt. I should be debt free in no time.

The solution was right in front of my face, yet not obvious at all, and I am convinced that this module (+ Yggdrasil) really helped to facilitate this realization.


A few more modules that have been executing nicely so far:


Love that you’re getting good results off your carpe! I put it in mine as well. I scrolled up to look for it but never saw what your custom is made of. Can you post it again for this dear old hobbit?

Also I think you’d love the stack I’m slowly building up to.

Right now my custom is mogul/rich, plus 11 non-xore modules. Pretty light. And I’ll listen to booster subs on the side like emperor, hom, eog, etc, kinda like how I believe it"# simon who says he has a main sub and then plays with othher subs, but his core never deviates.

Then once I’ve listenes to mogul/rich + 11 modules for long enough, I’ll rebuild if with 20 modules and listen to that. Reaaaaally wanna hammer in all wealth related programming.

THEN custom #2 will be the second custom in my stack.

Emperor/chosen for all things social/alpha/masculinity.

These two customs combined will be super similar to your rich/emp/chosen stack!

Final custom would be hom/eog, and those three customs would be my 3-custom stack. But that’s a long time out. I’m going super light with all these customs.


Things are really lining up on the career front and continuing to crush it in my current role. Got some interviews with other companies lined up this week while patiently awaiting the job posting for the promotion at my current company. An abundance of good options await :slight_smile:


Absolutely smashed a spontaneous interview today. And by spontaneous, I mean literally it wasn’t planned until a few hours ahead of time.

I received a call from a recruiter I’ve been working with for a particular job opportunity that excites me and she says “Hey @Ice I know this is super last minute but [HIRING MANAGER] is in town and he wanted to see if you could sit down with him this afternoon for an interview.”

I told her I’d look into it, and my mind was trying to give excuses that I wasn’t ready, not a good time, blah blah blah…Then I was immediately hit with this wave of inspiration and encouragement saying “f*** it let’s do it now!” - Carpe Diem kicking it saying SEIZE THE DAY as I may not have another opportunity to meet this guy in person.

I dropped everything and went home to prepare with less than 2 hours to spare. In that time the most incredible revelations just came to me. Yggdrasil and True Sell definitely guiding me towards how I could make the the greatest impression on the hiring manager. The things that came together were beyond comprehension and must have been some ZP magic.

I randomly remembered writing a college essay 9 years ago on the exact same specific niche topic that this company’s product is about. I had the sense to track down this paper in my external hard drive, print it out and bring it to the interview. When I handed it to the hiring manager he was extremely impressed and I could tell it really stood out as something unique and memorable for him.

Long story short, the interview went FANTASTIC, and I am onto the next round. Despite being very under-qualified based on work experience, I successfully sold him on my talent and potential. Everything about the interview went as smooth as can be, and I am feeling very good about my opportunities at the moment.

I have now 5 distinct promotional opportunities I am in the process of interviewing for. Much thanks to RICH and Yggdrasil as they seemingly keep falling into my lap. Having all these potential opportunities truly allows me to perform at these interviews from a state of abundance, and takes much of the normal pressure off that most people experience out of desperation.

I truly cannot wait to see how the future unfolds from here.


Lifeblood Fable really showing its magic this week. Just yesterday in a conversation with my manager he said he’s been “singing your praises to [Names of guys in upper management]”

And today I was speaking with one of the other sales reps who’s in a completely different city and different sales territory than me. He’s not someone I interact with much at all, but he even told me he’s heard I’ve been doing big things down in my area.


And again today got a congratulatory text from that guy in upper management who was giving me props for a job well done this past quarter. Very cool seeing this module in effect, as it’s one of the coolest concepts of all modules in my opinion.


Made it to the final round of an interview for a different company but very exciting opportunity with something I have a lot of passion for.

Also the promotion job with my current company was finally released so I should be interviewing for that fairly soon


One thing Emperor is helping me to realize is that I deserve so much more than what I’m getting in my current role. I’ve been busting my ass and should soon see the fruits of my labor :wink:

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Lifeblood Fable strikes again! I was speaking to one of my clients today and I guess someone from my company had reached out to him asking about me. He told me that he responded with very high praise for me, which should go a very long way towards landing the promotion.

Finally interviewing for that next week, along with the final round interview for that other job mentioned a couple posts above.

Really excited to see how this pans out, but also feeling a strong urge to switch gears towards a more social/seduction stack, as I’m starting to become burnt out from pure grind mode these past 6 months.


Just curious! What are your thoughts on daredevil now that you’ve had some time to experience it and add it then remove it from your stack. Why didnt it make the final cut of your stack and how much did it ultimately help sales at the end of the day

Can you add more Insight into this discussion perhaps?

Daredevil was awesome man! Really helped with sales and having amazing interactions and most importantly not being socially fatigued after a long day of sales calls. It felt like I had limitless energy to interact with others, whereas without Daredevil in the stack I need time to “recharge my batteries”

The reason I eliminated it from my stack was because…

Saint indicated RICH was all about manifesting wealth opportunities, and right now as I’m on the verge of a big step up in my career I needed the manifestation powers of RICH more than the social powers of Daredevil. I can see myself adding Daredevil back into the mix someday soon though.

Today I had a final interview with the CEO of my dream job. I feel really good about my performance and did absolutely everything in my power to make an incredible impression. I have a very good feeling I will be getting this job and will have an answer by next week.



I totally get why you switched out for RICH. Thanks for clarifying. Hopefully it helps you get your dream job!

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