Main Disc. Thread - Zero Point Customs NOW LIVE

I suspect that the program that might make a crucial difference here is one that you already got for free: Ascension Chamber.


See it as an investment. What is your priority ?

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@SaintSovereign detail oriented question.

Diamond in the Q custom shop.

Is the Diamond in the Q custom shop WITH male enhancement, or is it WITHOUT male enhancement?


@SaintSovereign another detail oriented question.

Libertine in the Q custom shop.

There was an improved version in which the person we were talking with would act very obvious they are attracted to us. Is this the version in the Q custom shop?


Elaborate on that please


Two loops so far and already seeing really profound results from my custom. A few modules already showing themselves powerfully:

Carpe Diem - I’ve been waking up truly motivated and energized every day. Last night I did not get great sleep but was still able to wake up at 5:30am before my alarm clock and work consistently for 12 straight hours. This one keeps you going.

Transcendental Connection - My relationships with both clients and friends / family are fantastic! Even with those people I haven’t spoken to in over a year. People I’ve just met are treating me like a long time friend.

True Sell - My sales performance and sales abilities have never been better. This module combined with Direct Influencing Aura has made selling nearly effortless.

ZP customs are the real deal @SaintSovereign


Free program. You already downloaded it.

Let’s try the experiment.

Just play it. One loop. 15 minutes. Once per week. Rest when you’re washing out.

That’s all that is required.

And then notice what happens.

Ideas for things to try, actions to take, websites to visit, books to read, people to contact, shows to watch.

When you get a good idea, just try it.

Not to fix your life;

to exercise your will.

and see where it takes you.

You can’t fail.

This is not a pass-fail situation.

It’s an unfolding.

You’re allowed to freak out, to be hopeful, to be hopeless, to be fine.

Doesn’t matter. It’s all part of it. Just grist for the mill.

And see where it takes you.


We should compose a total healing custom that no one should use :slight_smile: you know with 2 cores being Dragon St4 and Regen and the Iam… Like a challenge, something that would bring you to a total shut down for a while.

Not a recommendation, just me being creative.

Kind of, The custom I would play to my Arch- enemy!

For me I just got lucky. Minimal debt, single, a consistent job, and I was paying low rent so I could make the investment in them. I just want to say, it’s not you. People are far closer to homelessness in the US then they realize. One mistake can set off a chain reaction of events that screws you. I’ll leave it at that because I can feel a rant coming on and this isn’t the the thread for it.

I don’t have a good answer for you because I’m about to transition to a point in my life where my expenses go up and I’m gonna be in a similar boat. But keep on challenging those financial beliefs. It’s tough to feel financially secure if all your life has been anxiety about where the money is going to come from and how to survive.


Anyone here get a solace build custom and have it end up as the old mask? Already submitted a ticket, just wanted to make sure this wasn’t a bug in the build process. I know rebuilding these costs money for the company.

Internal hygiene

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That’s a mistake for sure. If you chose the Solace build (+$30) it’s the new ‘tickling’ sound, only the standart option is the ‘old’ masked.

Huh? What is this super strategy you speak of?

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Breaking down the custom in smaller, more specific goals.

Ex : Rather than having a goal which is Wealth, you can split that in different categories such as : Wealth manifestation, networking, productivity, creativity, etc.


Consider this:

Question: “How stressful, difficult, or oppressive does life have to become before it’s a good idea to stop brushing your teeth?”

Answer: The question itself is invalid. There’s no relationship between how stressful life is and the need to brush my teeth. As long as I have teeth, it will always be a good idea to brush them.

Now apply the same principle beyond teeth. To every part of you; and especially to Mind.

How stressful or oppressive do external conditions have to become before it’s a good idea to stop cultivating and maintaining resilience, hope, and beneficial qualities of Mind?

The question itself is invalid. There’s no relationship between the difficulty of life and the inherent value of beneficial qualities. In a certain sense, they have nothing to do with each other.

Mental Hygiene.

Internal Hygiene.

We don’t cultivate beneficial qualities and mind states because they’re going to somehow “fix” everything and make life easy.

We cultivate them because no matter how prosperous or poor our circumstances may be, beneficial mind states enable us to derive maximal goodness from the situation.

And when circumstances shift and opportunities arise, beneficial mind states help to ensure that we will 1) recognize those shifts and opportunities, 2) be ready for them, and 3) be able to take appropriate action to benefit from them.

It’s the difference between unrealistic optimism and strategic optimism.

Unrealistic optimism says, “Everything is great, and I’m going to ignore anything around me that suggests that anything unpleasant exists”

Strategic optimism says, “Life is filled with both shit and gold, and I can’t control that. That’s on life. Life has its reasons. But when it comes to ME, there’s a lot that I can CHOOSE. And in that sphere of choice, I choose positive. I choose the direction of Thriving. And as for the rest of it? Well…we’ll deal with that shit.”

Internal Hygiene.

Brushing your teeth.


Just received my new custom Sacred Heart ZP. It is based on two Qv2 customs I made last year. I know some guys here has made similar ones, so I’m leaving this here if someone wants some inspiration and ideas. I’m very pleased with it.

Love Bomb
Blue Skies
Transcendental Connection
Chosen of Venus
Depths of Love
Love Without Attachment
Gratitude Embodiment
Emotions Unfettered
Mercy Protocol
The Wonder
The Flow
Ethereal Presence
Divine Self-Image
Harmonic Singularity
Intuition Enhancer
Deep Sleep


Wow. Can’t wait to see what you do with this.

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Wow, will you even have enemies/haters running this custom?


I’m running it with Khan so I’m sure there will be some :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


ZP custom hitting just right

so, so, soooo gooood