Getting Promoted with Emperor, Chosen, and RICH

I’m reflecting on some crazy coincidences leading to the unfoldment of the job, even long before I was searching for a promotion, or knew this job or company even existed. The divine guidance is surreal in this one.

I’ll add some expansions on this later once I have officially secured the position, but for starters I moved into my current place over 6 months ago. When I moved I had a huge variety of options for different cities or areas to live at - as an outside sales rep, I am traveling all over multiple counties, hence the flexibility of where I can live. This place turns out to be the ideal location for me, as well as for this dream job. For a different opportunity (staying internal within my current organization) I would have to move about an hour away to an area that I’m unfamiliar with and not super thrilled to live at. I LOVE where I live now, and this dream job would not only allow me to stay exactly where I’m at, but where I’m at is literally a PERFECT FIT for where I’d need to be for this job.

I was most certainly divinely guided to move here not just as a place I love, but as a stepping stone for this job opportunity that is manifesting now.


I have secured my dream job

I’ll provide more details later, but couldn’t be happier. The pay is significantly higher than expected (thanks RICH) and it is the perfect situation for me and my career. I couldn’t be happier.

Thank you @SaintSovereign @Fire and the wonderful ZP tech you all have created.


Congratulations ma man :muscle:t3:

You deserve it :sunglasses:


Thank you brother. I appreciate all of your support along the way. It really means a lot to me ma man :sunglasses:


:+1: congrats


Thank you @FireDragon !


Woooooooh! Way to go bro


Congratulations man! Well deserved! You’re going to absolutely crush it.


Congrats bro! Honestly with your charisma I’m not even surprised that you got the position;)


Congrats!!! Which subs did you use and what was your listening pattern?


Planning on adding in Daredevil now that you have the promotion you wanted from RICH/CHOSEN?

Thanks everyone! Y’all are awesome, I really appreciate the love and support.

Emperor, Chosen and RICH. Listened to them about once or twice a week in order to minimize recon during the interview process.

Was highly effective and produced great results. For example, I had about 4-5 different potential jobs lined up that I was going through the interview process (RICH manifestation). Once I signed on with my dream job, I ended up dropping out of the process for the rest of them. So needless to say, RICH is awesome for manifesting job opportunities.

I’m gonna mess around with Primal Seduction for a while, while maintaining the wealth portion of my stack. I’ve been itching to try this one out in ZP for a while, and get back into dating now that my career is in a fantastic place. I’ve heard S&S is great for sales so I wanna test out PS with my sales stack, but also to gauge the social and dating effects too.


Congrats man.


I totally missed this thread! Big congrats on that awesome result!

I now finally also came to Emperor Chosen as a combo (custom), and am very much looking forward to a bright future!


Thank you @AlexanderGraves appreciate you my man!


Sooo another RICH manifestation…

Got my commission payment for the first quarter of the year and my current company overpaid me. Not just a little but by several thousand dollars.

I was quite surprised when I saw the paycheck and then dug into the breakdown a little more and saw the way they calculated the comission was incorrect but in an advantageous way towards me :wink:


thank you for the clarification ksub. it is a perception thing