Geoff's Journal (CFW + Regeneration + Elixir)

Listening day 1

Listed to cfw solo this morning then passed out hard, been killing it at work. Slept 9 hours then woke up still feeling tired. Had a very ungrounded feeling for the first 4 hours after waking up.

Unfocused is the word I’d use to describe my night. Not really thinking much and not doing much. But when I go to do something, I have no issue doing it. So kinda weird

Deep sense of irritation carried over from yesterday, I get the feeling some big issue is being worked on. Sat and sun are both rest days so that should help some before I listen to elixir for the first time then Regeneration.

On a positive note, my boss came over to me this morning and told me my raise takes effect next week once approved by his boss(ceo). So in 2 weeks, that paycheck will reflect it. I’m not 100% sure the amount but I’m leaning towards 2.50/hr increase.

Never thought cfw + regeneration would cause me to pursue a raise. I know chosen is touted as the promotion sub but this last stack caused me to realize how much of a stand down attitude I had towards myself.
It caused me to to look at myself and see what I didn’t like and gave me what I needed to do something about it. It worked :slight_smile:

I bought stuff to juice this weekend, made and drank a lemon ginger blast tonight. Back on the fruits and veggies after this past week’s failure.

“If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again” & “The Saints are sinners who keep trying”

Quotes that came to mind during writing this. Words to live by.


Rest day 2

Slept most of day, woke up then laid in bed another 4 hours before juicing then grabbing groceries.

The anxiousness yesterday went away with cfws loop.

I feel in a daze mentally when I run cfw. Like it’s a big push broom pushing all the thoughts away. I’m used to thinking and overthinking, as peaceful as it is I seem to be missing that mental business…old comfort I guess. But I do acknowledge this makes me feel uneasy or uncomfortable or else I wouldn’t bring it up so often.

I don’t feel confident in running my selected subs, I’m not sure why. Is recon trying to get me to stop? I’ve been second guessing myself all week. Maybe I just don’t like the idea of running 3 subs this cycle. Who knows, but I’m going to stick to it.

Not sure how long I’m supposed to or need to run these but this will be cycle 3 for cfw, 2nd for regeneration and 1st for elixir.

Maybe I’ll cut cfw after this is done. Feeling quite unsure, indecisive and lost in what I should do…my confidence in knowing where I am and where I’m going is not gone but it’s being shaken. What is good for me…that is not easily answered as it used to be.

I guess questioning myself and things in general is good. So far my moods been light hearted and passive. Unattached and positive. Quiet and reserved.


Rest day 3

Woke up for work, have a headache most likely detox related.

On the way to work I started thinking about being bullied in school, and the nature of innocence being young. I was such an open, friendly boy. However the world rejected me, people bullied me.

As I grew up, early twenties, I turned to the dark side. Drinking, trouble making, bad attitude ect. All in an effort to cope with the coldness of this world. I couldn’t understand what was wrong with me, why I was so ridiculed and rejected. Did they hate my purity and innocence? I had manners, was helpful and giving.

It seems that I’ve spent the last 20 years in isolation, anger and pain. Rejecting the world and those in it. I keep to myself to avoid the common fears of rejection, judgment ect.

Though I’ve been positive lately, helpful and closer to my true self, I haven’t forgotten my past but I think I’m able to not let it effect my present as much as it used to. I can says “okay yes that happened, but it doesn’t mean it will happen everytime”

I think I’m more willing to take a chance when opportunities come up instead of thinking the worst will happen. We are all damaged in some way, it wasn’t always personal. Sometimes I was just “there” and people say me as an easy target or punching bag so to speak. Don’t hide your shine for the benefit of others.

I guess this means I’m maturing and growing through my past.


Listening day 4

Ran 1 loop elixir, 1 loop regeneration with ascension chamber at the end this morning. I fell asleep quickly.

It’s crazy how good I sleep with regeneration, I woke up feeling great.

So far, I stopped to see my exgf at her work to pick up some pants she sewed for me. As soon as I saw her, it’s like switch got flipped on me and I became playful immediately.

Physically, I feel charged up and ready to go. I’ve been quite productive since starting these subs. A reoccurring theme for me is Zero negative self talk, none. I used to feel spiteful at work or harbor animosity for people but it’s all gone. I just seem to do what needs to be done at work like it’s automatic.

Mentally, I feel light, cheerful and have a playful attitude. Internally gleeful or giddy almost. :thinking:
A little inward focused as usual, takes away from being in the now or present but so far nothing bad has happened as a result from being somewhat disconnected. My mind is just either neutral or positive. If something negative pops out, it’s immediately changed. There is no dwelling or worrying. I’m aware of things but it’s not a burden and it doesn’t hound me.

I have noticed a slight decrease in memory. I’m forgetting little things now, but I guess 3 healing titles can make you a little preoccupied.


Will be following this journal, good luck with the healing ! I am currently running Dragon St1 + paragon + CFW for mine

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Did you run healing subs before tackling DR?

Has DR hit you hard or has it been okay.

I was advised to not run DR at first, so I’m going full healing then I’ll start building a foundation with ascension plus whatever.

I’ll have to check out your journal soon.

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Ive started with khan stage 1 actually and a little rebirth. It removed alot of my nervous ticks but not much of my childhood trauma from what ive seen.

DR hit me like a freakin train the first day i ran it if you want to check out my jourmal. I was angry and literally gritting my teeth. Im currently on day 22. And i already feel brand new, the results are next level for me so far!

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Quick addendum:

I noticed at work that I don’t sit down much anymore. I used to chill while my machines were running but if I sit down, it’s no more than a few minutes tops then I stand up.

Also, most days I recognize that I’m standing up straighter and walk more upright than I used to. It’s not perfect posture nor am I fully erect, shoulders back with chest out…lol but I’m definitely more upright than before


Man… I don’t know where this drive came from but I’ve been running my ass off at work. 8.5 out of 10 hours just straight grinding. I ran more machines, blew out the backlog in another area and still did more than average in my own area.

What is in Elixir that caused this? All I can guess is some limiting beliefs were broken through that allowed me to choose to do more. I’ve gone from a “why, what’s the point” guy and turned into a “why not” guy.

Challenges become opportunities. I’m really quite surprised, I thought I’d be in my head all night, thinking of the past but I’ve actually been in my physical all night…just working and working hard.

My muscles are sore and I’m beat but damn, what a night.


Rest day 5

Definitely in my mind and feelings today. Woke up 3 hours before I needed to. Decently rested, minorly sore from last night’s work-a-thon.

Put my foot in my mouth at my exgfs work while I grabbed a drink on the way to work, I felt cringy the whole way to work then made amends when I got to work, she wasn’t mad but it just did not fit the context what was said in public with other ears nearby. Lol…facepalm moment.

Then, as mentioned in other thread under questions, I misrepresented a situation to my coworker, I don’t think it was malicious but misrepresented nonetheless and even though I came clean and rectified the lie…I’m quite disappointed in myself, more so than I have been.

Exchanging texts with my exgf, marriage came up and as usual things didn’t go far(reason we fell off twice before). She’s damaged as we all are but the e change really had me looking at myself more than looking at her.
Why do I want commitment, what signs am I ignoring with my tunnel vision fueled desire. Giving her credit for “putting up with me” being able to “handle me” when she’s left twice lol. If only I could see the many truths staring at me.

I think elixir is taking whatever situation or subject that I experience…and then intensifying it. Things feel a little deeper than usual. With cfw and regeneration, it was quick memories, then acknowledgement then they go.

With elixir I’m more present but these aren’t memories of past mistakes/traumas. These are simply moments today that have been explored deeper than if elixir was not part of my stack. I’ve only run it once so I won’t say this is the case definitively but I have my suspicions as this is new, unrelated to the past cycles without elixir.

Motivation is not as pronounced as last night but I’m going steady. No negativity, but slightly less “happy” feeling. I’ve felt a Lil sad for a moment last night and again tonight during the exgf text exchange but it passed. Since elixir so far, that hyped up positivity has evened out and I feel that my positive baseline has reduced. But there is no negative self talk, just more awareness of the things I’m unhappy with thus kinda dropping that happy feeling a tad.


Rest day 5, part 2

Elixir hit me good last night. Childhood issues, relationship issues. Personal accountability issues. It’s definitely different compared to cfw and regeneration. Where’s all the past stuff or is that coming, as it says in description exlixir starts with the present then tunnels backwards.

I wish I could add in heartsong lol but I can’t run 4 subs nor do I think that I could handle it.
It’s possible this might get too heavy but for now I’m holding steady.

Talked to my mom last night for a few and boy did I get emotional. She’s always been emotionally unavailable. I mentioned my pending raise and there was no real questioning or support from her after I gave a range of possible amount.

All I wanted was for her to celebrate my victory with me. To acknowledge or validate my hard work. To tell me she was proud of me.

This is just a small taste as to why I date emotionally unavailable women. Women I chase that are a self fulfilling prophecy for me. I’m consistently abandoned, first emotionally and then later they actually leave.

Oh well, I’ll spare you the monolog.

Elixir really hit the ground running tonight.



Listening day 6,

Ran CFW solo this morning. Passed out quickly after and slept 11 hours. I haven’t woken up to my alarm in…I can’t even remember.

Yesterday was heavy…I still feel quite busy in the head. The difference of adding in Elixir vs just (cfw/regeneration) in last cycle is that before, the mental busyness was there but I wasn’t invited. I didn’t know what my mind was thinking about, dealing with.

Now with Elixir included, I’m aware of things. My minds gone through so many subjects, memories ect it’s hard to keep track. It feels like the floodgates have opened and all these thoughts and memories are rushing out like water from a dam.

That introspective feeling I talked about on cfw + regeneration was strong but this is stronger. Keep in my mind, I ran Elixir ONCE so far, 2 days ago. It hit me yesterday on my rest day.

I’m loving the intensity so far. Feelings things is more strong, it’s hard to deal with at times but it doesn’t last and I overcome. I’ve had the urge to tear up/cry but so far no crying, maybe this weekend will be easier to accept than while at work.

I’m still on my juice fast, I’ve lost 4lbs in 10 days. 146.6 to 142.6 tonight. No desire to eat dirty or stop the discipline train, no pity parties or temptations. I feel grounded in strength mentally and I feel more positive today vs yesterday (cfw)

On the bright side: I GOT MY RAISE!! Lol. It was approved and backdated this week. $1.85/HR more for now.

I know for all the self employed gurus and millionaires here, that must make you chuckle but for me this is huge. It’s not so much the actual raise but the process to achieving it.

I went from quiet, spiteful and envious with a negative attitude in February when i got cussed out by my boss…to the end of April full of positivity, humility and drive in which I turned my relationship with my boss around and made a case for a raise and now becoming on his favorite employees!!!

HOW??.. SUBCLUB!! :slight_smile: :laughing:

I know I took the actions but seriously these tools are amazing. 2 months…2 months and I hardly recognize myself in some ways.

Thank you @SaintSovereign and Thank you @Fire for helping me, help myself.

One goal accomplished, many more to go.


Rest day 7

Super productive yesterday, this morning I got many things done that I normally leave for the weekends when I’m off work. Had a more difficult time falling asleep this morning, I was quite pumped all night at work. Plus thoughts of high school and scenarios that were not to benefit appeared as I was trying to sleep.

Woke up about an hour(ish) early, headed to work. Discussed some things with my mother about my work, raise, union contract and custody with my son this weekend. After just barely finishing all the news, she politely tries to get off the phone. I instantly felt rejected or actually dismissed…yeah that’s more like it.

It’s one thing to be listened to, it’s another be to acknowledged and engaged with. I don’t know why but it bothers the shit out of me when this happens, doesn’t matter who, it’s not mother specific. I didn’t address it or point it out, it would have been in vain as it has been in times past. Hopefully with continued growth this no longer effects me.

My energy is much lower so far, body is sore and I feel run down. Mood is okay. Thinking about getting a massage but the idea makes me uncomfortable.

Funny how I sign up for any and all overtime on weekends yet feel so beat tonight. But a man with goals has to do all he can with the time he has. Maybe I’ll sub out cfw for paragon next cycle.

Reading a lot of threads/journals lately and I see masculinity as a central theme. I’ve changed from being a pessimistic loner to a positive go getter but I do feel the void where masculinity should be. I don’t really stand up for myself, I tend to use humor or self deprecation to deflect conflicts, otherwise plain old avoidance. (Can’t get hurt if you don’t try, can’t get hurt if you never go out) shit like that.

I’m starting to see a path manifest…healing then alpha training, then physical health/power. I’m wondering when will I know it’s time to move to DR, or what it looks like when this stack gives all it can and is done? Is there such a point?

Haven’t spoken to my ex since I went honest Tues night. I feel like I’ve been disrespecting myself for allowing her into my life as one thing when I obviously want something more. I’ve been delusional, thinking if I just gave it time she’d “figure out what she wants” or would “overcome the trauma caused by her 1st marriage”. Sure…women know how they feel, they know wether they would marry you pretty quick. We’ve been off and on for 3 years. Come on…

I don’t respect myself and I think she sees a lot that I don’t. And of course a women will never tell you. So while I’m starting to see things, it’s a long road and all I can do right now, is cultivate some self respect and back away from her…and everything and focus on me. Get my mind and emotions cleared up and continue to pursue my ideal self.



Rest day 7


Speaking about being dismissed: “To treat as unworthy of serious consideration.”

Going back to childhood, I was only ever looked at as a problem. There was something wrong with me. My behavior, my actions and reaction…on an on. The only attention I received from my mother was “corrective attention”.

I’m pretty sure my attachment style is disorganized. I don’t know what to expect basically. Friend or foe depending on the interaction or day. The person I relied on for my survival and upbringing was inconsistent yet always consistent with making me feel crazy at such a young age. I’m talking about age 4 to 12 ish.

Growing up without a father let alone a male role model was quite damaging, the older I get the more I see how much this had an effect on me. I feel utterly broken when my childhood comes up.

I spent so much effort seeking approval and trying to be heard for anything except correction or criticism. I turned into a people pleaser just so I could meet my needs of not being dismissed or abandoned. I made others laugh or happy at my own expense or detriment throughout adolescence. It honestly sickens me to recall my past.

The things I did just to feel normal. To feel accepted. My mother…God bless her for trying but to be honest, she only interacted with me out of her own anxiety to “fix me”. I was the oldest, my younger sister by 2.5 years. My sister and I rarely speak. We have a very small family. My mother’s an academic and alone but she prefers it as she was never emotional anyway.

It’s no wonder I am so unhealthy and can’t seem to have a normal relationship, romantic or friendship. Male friends too, I avoid those because I have no idea “how to be” as I didn’t have friends growing up and lived in a female household.

I learned to dismiss myself as an adult, told myself my needs didn’t matter. I’m a man and we are tough, we don’t cry. I became cold and turned into an alcoholic for my twenties. I drank to cope with life. I drank to numb the pain. 90% of the time I drank, I drank to blackout because the blackout was the only time I had peace at that time.

This whole being dismissed thing goes deep. I have no idea what to do about my mother. As much as I want to blame her, I also understand that she had a childhood and was effected in ways that shaped who she was…and unfortunately I was subject to whatever her issues were. It’s a viscious cycle of pain and trauma released onto their kids who internalize and project their damage onto their kids and others.

I just want to heal…

This killed my mood a little bit but I’ll push through. Grateful this all came up even though it’s embarrassing and sucks to feel.

I guess the solution is Love. Pure love for myself and others. I see why we go looking for it in others, we chase it but usually end up in pain because the majority of us have things not dealt with.

Childhood is soooo important. The most important.

It’s hard to give yourself love when you feel nothing but pain. You can’t expect others to love you when they can’t even love themselves. (hello lovebomb, lol)

I get it… my mom just completely turned off. Buried herself in school. Achievement is her husband, degrees and success her marriage. She shouldn’t have had kids if I’m being honest.

If I could have been asked if I wanted to be born beforehand…I would have said no.


Man…tonight I’m feeling so internal, so in my head that ever so often I forget that I’m here…now, in the present.

I feel almost high, drug like. Reality is surreal.

My memory is still under performing and my awareness is much lower. This is going deep, I feel borderline unconscious at moments, like I’m going to disappear into myself.

I’m reconciling and sorting through so much, it’s an intense feeling. I can feel surges, electrical movement in the front of my head. Frontal lobes? Looking forward to some profound insights.

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Listening day 8

Listed to 1 loop elixir and 1 loop regeneration this morning. Woke up to a message that OT tonight was canceled. So I’m off till sun night, no subs until Monday morning. I had wanted the weekend off even though I signed up for it(fomo) …I wonder if I manifested this or it’s just coincidence. Asc manifested some good stuff last month so it’s possible.

Once I got up, I went to grocery store, went to checkout only to realize I did not have my wallet…this memory lapse thing is not fun. This stack is mind heavy. Drove 90 to 100mph home and back then bought my groceries and came home. Yesterday I also missed an exit off the highway.

The lack of reality and awareness is noticeable in me. I feel like I’m dream walking, half in, half out. Yet I’m doing good work at my job and have decent productivity, though yesterday was probably the least productive day. We will see how the weekend goes, if it’s just rest I need or the stacks effects.

Talked to the exgf, she set me straight…well more the record. She’s not ready for marriage, wants to be single (added that it’s not to hoe around) its that she works 2 jobs and isn’t ready to “be there for someone”. All she can offer is friendship.

I get it, it makes sense. But last month and I went no contact, why did ascension chamber cause her to manifest almost everyday for a week where we ended up finally communicating.

What is this about? Manifesting a dead end. Was this for closure? Maybe I read the signs wrong. Should I run heartsong and elixir next?

I don’t think men and women can be “just friends”, even a guy who is not interested in a women would still hit it if the option was there. I’ll be going no contact again. I’m not attached to her but there are feelings that need resolved.

I can’t seem to cry, there’s moments of brief sadness but nothing sticks. Not sure how I feel about it. I’m looking to release and let go but at the same time feel kinda blank.

I have this stoic calm with a smile on the outside. On the inside I’d dare to say numb or blank tonight. I’ll feel an emotion for a few mins then swoosh!! It’s gone and I’m back to baseline…which right now is the feeling of sitting in a square room with white walls, and a small table with a lamp… the light is a warm hue and I’m sitting on the floor(carpet) alone as a boy and there is literally nothing else in the room.

I’m much less emotionally volatile. Emotional outbursts or reactions are very low. Maybe I’m just too high in my head to do it…or maybe the volatility has been fixed.

I’m going to do nothing tonight, part of me says “go,go,go” but I’m beat and it’s okay to do nothing once in awhile.


Random thoughts

I really like how all the thoughts and emotions attached to situations now and in the past just melt away.

Even thinking about the communication with my exgf earlier, there’s just no power there. By that I mean I’m free from feeling attached to an outcome, fighting to reconcile and accept ect. The shit we normally go through until we ultimately accept something.

No thoughts of the past things I’ve wrote about…

It’s like I’m driving along a road and I come up on memories or traumas or unpleasant experiences and feel everything I did when that moment originally happened.

Then as I pass by them, I feel lighter and never seem to look back. I get this vibe that tells me “no need to look back, your future is in front of you…keep moving forward”

I gotta say my minds been increasingly thinking about ascension. I’m almost craving it? Masculinity, drive, confidence. Things I need more of.
Now I don’t think it’s recon making me want to switch because I’m loving my stack but there’s this obvious vibe within me saying “yeah ascension, you need that” and it’s getting louder. It’s overshadowed my desire for DR. As I’m typing this, I feel pressure in my head, weird sensations ect. Is this some sort of confirmation? Lol

There’s definitely a desire for that manly edge. I’ve been surving my whole life staying unnoticed, out of the way, acting like a clown in school to avoid conflict. Being aimless for the past 15 years just working. Going from goal to goal, never following through on anything I pursued school wise.

I need that…what’s the word. Self - assuredness? Find out what I really want, then going hard for it. Being able to accept things I can’t change, being able to detach, become outcome independent. Being able to walk away and know 100% it was the right decision. No more self doubt and indecision.

The confidence to live life. The confidence and self esteem to express my wants and needs. The courage to go after what I want instead of talking myself out it because it looks too hard or I’m scared.

The confidence to be a Man.


Rest day 9,

Lots of thoughts and insights today. Strangely yesterday I did not feel sore but tonight I do.

A little annoyed at the fact that I seem to care too much. Annoyed that I’m effected so easily by circumstances.

I’d like to be desire-less as the stoics of old talk about. To conquer SELF is success. To remove attachments and desire and the ability to truly accept. These are truly goals.

Acceptence of reality, how does one grow in acceptance? How do you get better with it?

My minds a little disorganized tonight, it’s a challenge to convey my thoughts. I guess I’ll leave it here…


Rest day 10,

Woke up groggy from sleeping pills. Weighed in and I’m down another 3ish lbs this week. So 9lbs in 2 weeks, still on my juice fast/diet. No emotional eating.

I had my son this weekend and we usually go eat at a Thai place. I was so close to saying F it, let’s grab some soup (tom kha, Tom yum) but I didn’t.

I feel good that my willpower and positive decisions held through. :slight_smile:

I spent last night reading on ascension. I found a thread where the common effect was bluntness and how important it is to watch/catch yourself in what you say, especially in contexts where you have people easily offended ect, workplaces and the like.

This made me feel major avoidance towards running it and after some thinking, I realized I’m afraid of confrontation. Physical or verbal, it does not matter. This comes from lack of confidence, low self esteem and no real self image.

I’m really surprised sometimes that I’ve made it this far in life, being a small guy made it easy to behave like a mouse, going out only when safe, getting just enough… settling in lots of ways. My whole life I’ve been settling!

Everything I think I want, do I really want it!? I’ve been questioning myself a lot since yesterday.


I find Luther’s response to saints saintspring on the wanted thread and his reply spoke volumes to me…

I’m trying to fill the void just like saintspring. Settling so I can have someone else complete me instead of completing myself!!

Yes, I’m soooo glad I did not start with DR. I see so many people on here jumping into it. I can only imagine how hard it would have hit me if I had started with it.

Cfw, then staggering my additional subs after each cycle was a great move. It’s allowed me to see what each causes before combining them. Yields better understanding.

I’m going to continue this stack then instead of adding ascension, I’ll go into DR. After DR/healing I will build a foundation of positive masculinity picking up where DR leaves me.

However I do want to rotate in heartsong for healing of this “need” to have women validate me. My chasing of male mother need ect. I believe heartsong is 70% healing. So soon I am thinking rotating cfw for heartsong then back again. Any thoughts from those who see this is appreciated. I think elixir + regeneration + heartsong for a cycle or two could help a lot on this specific issue.

Some really great insights tonight. I knew I was weak but I never knew exactly where. I’m starting to paint a picture of the areas I’m needing healing/rebuilding. What a great gift to find these out :slight_smile:


I’ve been really in my head today at work. Eerily quiet as well. Had coworkers engage me, Crack jokes and it’s like I’m on autopilot. I feel machine like. Just doing what needs done, ignoring the social aspect.

Strange how intense the heady feeling is considering this is my 2nd rest day. I guess less really is more, things just feel intensified today. And I noticed my mood externally(what I show) is average but internally I’m a little low. Not sure what triggered it but maybe that’s an effect of being so preoccupied.


Listening day 11,

Ran 1 loop of CFW today then passed out.

Woke up with a raging hard on, slowly waking up from an intense sex dream with my exgf of whom I stopped contacting. I was humping my mattress and vividly picturing her from the back. I did not engage in a release nor do I feel any sexual desire now that I’m up and at work. I’ll leave it at that lol.

I don’t know why this dream occurred. I was just thinking yesterday how I haven’t had any sexuality the passed week. No real desire and have not flapped since my exgf sent a picture a few weeks back.

I wonder if my subconscious was acting out what I wanted in my dreams since it won’t happen in reality(my choice, since I’m no longer willing to fornication outside of marriage) not that I can’t get sex if I wanted.

Maybe this was a weird version of goodbye?

I am feeling more positive tonight, CFW adds such a nice touch when you’re moving through traumas, grief and unpleasant moments.

As cloudy and heavy as I’ve been mentally, I also feel lighter. There is a feeling of less baggage that I’m carrying. I go through my days in a dazed and confused fashion, hardly speaking anymore yet I’m also light and positive doing what I have to do daily with no complaints.

I stand straighter, walking with more purpose.

I’m losing weight and sticking to my diet.

I haven’t complained in so long its really amazing.

No real desire for sex, porn or even looking at the opposite sex.

Work has improved so much. I’m more motivated, achieved a promotion/raise. Better relationship with my boss.

Much less neediness, stopped contacting (aka chasing attention) from my exgf. I’ve also noticed a stop in calls or texts from my mom and acquaintances.

I no longer feel lonely, not that it was a negative feeling but the awareness of loneliness and the feelings of it are gone. I’m just here and doing what I do.

Worrying…I don’t worry anymore. The incessant thoughts of things, people and ideas, the world ect. I’m aware but it’s not overwhelming anymore.

I feel grateful more often than usual, it’s a go to now. I’m more aware of what I have vs what I want/need.

I feel more interested in helping others if the opportunity arises vs my old self where I was an opportunist in my addiction days.

I feel good with my progress.