Foundation of Freedom (AM for 180 Days)

Day 35/180

I managed to get most of social media scheduled out for October. Not too much to note other than at my dayjob I was incredibly unproductive. Working on my business while watching NFL I got a decent amount done.


this is good! AM is a very powerful program! keep at it, all the best!


Woke up this morning full of dread of having to go to work.

While listening to Masters of Scale podcast interview with Mark Zuckerberg, a way bigger vision of my business appeared in my head. I wrote down the notes and will add it to the vision document I created. Itā€™s important to keep these things in mind but continue taking the small necessary next steps.

My life lashed out at me over something I did not do. I just stood there calmly and then she turned around immediately and said Iā€™m sorry. I told her in a calm soft voice that it was uncalled for and that lashout hurt. She acknowledged her wrong and asked for a hug. My reaction to things like this are a lot better before I would lash back.

I also came to the realization that my mind has shifted to the point where I could not see permanent retirement. I would always be working towards something or creating something I love. Pretty awesome changes.

Had a very nice date night with the wife. Didnā€™t work on the business today and thatā€™s okay. I still bother people because itā€™s all I think about.


Everything I have some doubt if my business is going to work and I go to sleep or go do something else. I am replaced the next day with ideas and more action. Perseverance is key.

Got some progress done for the business, organized the house a bit.


This is a really interesting point.
Iā€™m coming to quite a similar conclusion. There is such promise being able to encapsulate all the elements and different areas of interest in a custom but upon review and further testing when it comes to rapid changes and life alterations less is certainly more.

Larger customs definitely cause growth over time but itā€™s a totally different game than stand alone program.

I may run larger customs 1-2x weekly for ongoing broader growth and development and have store programs or extremely small/streamlined customs as the main drivers.

Yeah I feel you guys on that. My custom is massive but it feels like a lot to handle. Itā€™s a lot of potential to grow into but it does come with a moderate amount of ā€œgrowing pains.ā€ I also was thinking 1-2x a week alongside standalone products, in the future.

Meanwhile, with standalone AM, you feel like the full version of what AM represents right away.

My custom has 4 cores, AM, HOM, Executive, PCC. I justified 4 since exec and pcc are both so light, but itā€™s way too much.

If I were to remake a custom now, I would make an AM focused custom that just boosts the qualities already present in AM and that are highly targeted to my personal problems. I would focus less on an ā€œarchetypeā€ custom and more on solving my unique strengths and weaknesses. I would get AM, and then modules like true sell, way of roi, organization perfected, single pointā€¦ to deal with adhd symptoms. I would get some joy modules because thatā€™s always good, and I would get some manifestation modules because those are always amazing.

Some people have said that their ultima customs are laser focused like daggers to give them specific results extremely quickly, and I think to myself, why canā€™t regular customs be the same way.


PCC might be of value to add to a more streamlined custom- but HOM is quite extensive and would definitely shift the ā€˜flavorā€™ effect of the strength of AM. Likewise I find Ultima conversions to QV2 operate very differently and can take longer to get the full effect of them.

Running a larger custom 1-2x a week and then having a store program or more streamlined custom would likely work well. Iā€™ll be testing that soon.

Will your rebuild your custom soon?

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Possibly. Probably. Itā€™s been on my mind for weeks. If I were to just listen to a LITE version of my regular custom, i would already own all the licenses so it would only cost me the $99 build fee.

I could use AM, PCC, and the wealth modules.

Then i would listen to my LITE 2-3x a week, and my ā€œfullā€ custom only once a week. So that HOM would still influence my stack but not drive it.

I could elaborate more, but to me it seems fairly simple. The top 10 most important modules of a 20 module custom would make a lite variant for added empgasis on certain modules.

However, as Iā€™m about to update in my journal, Iā€™m going to spend the next month focusing on healing subs. Ascended Mogul gave me amazing results, but it gave me power that I now need to temper with wisdom and virtue. Iā€™m going to listen to regen/elixir for a month or two and then probably go back to my custom + AM or my custom plus my custom-lite.


Had some pretty bad reconciliation of melancholy and doubt over the weekend. Felt mentally drained. I ended up with two rest days on Saturday and Sunday. Not great day at work.

Started looking and examining my core values. I keep failing forward in cocktail creation.

A podcast I listen to talks about mini experiments. I wonder how I can apply that to my own side hustle.

Did a deep inside look to my number 1 negative core belief I have. It is that I believe that I am not good enough, that I donā€™t have the it factor that successful people have.


Day 40/180

Woke up really wound tight and already stressed out before the day started. It seems my plateau of inner progress is starting to pass and I am climbing up the mountain again.

Got really deep in therapy. My body and mind has been processing the unveiling the deep pain that I was hiding from myself. Iā€™m feeling very hurt and down right now.

A lot of deep hidden pain kept rising to the surface all throughout the night. My chest felt like it was on fire. As more and more pain rose to the surface.

Pain, pain, pain, Agony. Release. Pain Agony pain ectasy of pain. Releaseā€¦ repeat.


Iā€™ve been running RegenQ + ElixirU and itā€™s been working wonders for me. I know youā€™re running AM solo but have you considered running an ultima with it?

Might be a good time to add in ElixirU.

AM gave me amazing upwards progress but then brought up a lot of anger in me so I wanted to switch to a healing stack for a little while. Iā€™m amazed at how FAST regen + ElixirU started working.

Maybe Elixir would be a good spot treatment for you, just temporarily, until the inner progress picks up again.

Youā€™ve had a lot of emotions that youā€™re dealing with throughout your journey, hope this helps!

I think sanguine focuses you on good feelings on a more surface-level basis. Elixir seems to be healing deeper.

I am running AM plus Executive Ultima as suggested by the help desk when I ask RICH or Executive for what I am trying to accomplish.

A lot of these feelings came up and are releasing after a particular deep therapy session.

I am okay with the pain, AM has aided me in facing the storm of my pent up emotions and Executive helps me continue to execute on my goals no matter how I am feeling.

I also have been meditating on forgiveness and now that I have forgiveness those who have wronged me I will now work on healing the inner child.

I am not complaining when I say pain. I want to document the raw journey from dazed and confused wounded individual to a happy fullfilled successful entrepreneur.

In my experience healing subliminals do not help me in my goals but create a sort of healing hell. Itā€™s important to accept the past learn from it but not wallow in it. This journey is a combination of action, therapy, meditation and subliminals. Subs are a small part. All pieces are critical to this operation.


Beautiful answer my friend! I hope that they serve you well :slight_smile: Iā€™ve had some sessions in therapy thatā€™ve left me so raw but so open and whole, afterwards, too. Glad youā€™re improving your life from multiple angles!

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Day 41/180

I am processing quite a bit of trauma that rose to the surface from my therapy session. Made work a little more difficult. Throughout the day intense emotions rose to the surface in a form a pain and suffering.

Got a little bit done around the house, created and scheduled some social media content, and did a lot of emotional releasing.

I feel like a rag with all of the water twisted out emotionally. Itā€™s been a challenging week.


Day 42/180

The emotional pain in my chest is beginning to dull a bit and I feel some of my insecurities washing away. Still a long way to go but seeing some acute results. Iā€™m starting to get to know me for the first time, but my inner barrier is really sealed off good, so its taking some serious effort to uncover the golden light within.

Scheduled another social media post, began planning some of November content.

This healing came out of nowhere on this inner child thing. I hope this type of healing ends soon. It feels like Iā€™m battling a sickness.


Day 45/180

Day 2 of the weekend off subs. I battle really hard to do what is best for me. Is it good to relax and play video games and slowly progress on my business or burn myself out trying to get the thing off the ground. I am so tired mentally from dealing with my dayjob that I need some rest.

I battle between hating myself for this or being nice to myself. I have some serious issues I am uncovering from childhood that really affect me to this day but I donā€™t want to play victim, that gets you nowhere.

I do notice that almost every day I seem to take unconscious action. What I mean is if I think about a thing I generally wonā€™t take action on it, but will take action on something else that is beneficial. Itā€™s kind of wierd and slightly annoying. However it is a good thing that action is starting to come easier.

Feeling just off. However I noticed I am a quarter of a way through this experiment so thatā€™s awesome! I made it 45 days without switching even though ooooh I wanted to some days.


This is a false dichotomy.

Should I procrastinate or burnout?.. both are a negative option.

Isnā€™t there a third option thatā€™ll let you focus on your business and succeed at it without burning out?

My system is a lifestyle of deep work and deep rest.

I prioritize working HARD 9-12 hours a day, then dedicating all the rest of my time to board games, reading, sleeping early, spending time with my gf, eating healthy, etc.

Video games arenā€™t deep work, and theyā€™re not deep rest, so they donā€™t make it into my day. If youā€™re tired from work, get some deep rest in so that you can get back to work asap.

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@Simon i still donā€™t agree.

  1. different person,
  2. different context.

First of all, video games in my experience wire me for distraction due to my adhd. I start my day by working because that programs my brain to be productive and focused all day.

Video games are the opposite of focused thought programming, theyā€™re divergent and reactive thought programming.

Thatā€™s perfect to have creative conversations where accountability and structure are built in by a two person conversation and a routine that is already instantiated and adhered to easily, but it would be terrible for someone who has to switch from fun video games to boring focused work that theyā€™re not already in the habit of doing.

Theyā€™re programming their brains to be more creative, and then talk for 11 hours. Talking is a fun, high dopamine activity, just like video games. Itā€™s a natural pairing. Video games and focused solitary work are not a pairing.

Also, in terms of different person, it seems like what @Pyro is struggling with is ADHD. So the challenges is different than what others might face.

Just my thoughts but Iā€™m not against video games! Just gotta use them in context. For me I know theyā€™re not programming me in a beneficial way, but for some ppl they might.

Key takeaway: video games used avoidantly are never good.

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Day 47/180

I dove back into book 6 of Wheel of Time series. This and the Witcher series show me how awesome my business could be if I accomplish my goal of that feeling of awe and wonder in fantasy enter in our reality.

After work did chores, went to therapy, worked on the business. Business part was fun. Not much else to say.

Oh I managed to grab a PS5. Very happy about that.