Exploring Love, Sex and Attraction?! - The Libertine Ultima experiance

I met this really attractive woman from Sweden recently.
She so types A its crazy but also super social.
Her energy and body language seemed completely physically attracted to me but I have never had such a hard time verbally communicating with someone.
In the end, I chalked it up to not a good fit, but then she asked me to text her and when I did she said she wanted to go out. Very different/hard to read than anything from before for me.


Once you 2 hang around long enough for you to see her drunk then you will know who she really is. My brother always says: when people get drunk the get drunk, when swedish people get drunk they turn into people.


Sadly so true :laughing:


she said she no longer drinks. Inside of her ambition perhaps she thinks its best to not turn into a person for now lol

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Saint mentioned a post you had about running 4 subs that he moduled a custom after.

What were the 4 subs or can you point me to this post?


Ive been using those 4 for a while now. 2 in one day and the other 2 few days after… For me i can say that it is definitly getting easier to handle and with little recon. I suppose i am at a level where i can execute with ease and my mindset is solid enough to handle the drawbacks…

Whatever monstrosity @SaintSovereign ran by combining them into one is definitly something else entirely.

I sure do love for the chance to test it tho… for ” science ”. Yeah that :blush:


So if anyone wonders what having a rotation feels like. Since i finished my 1 year on Emperor and started messing around with attraction subliminals i have been with tens of girls i barly remeber any names. Many were short flings that was clear on both parties. For the most part i can only see 3 at the same time before the exist the rotation and sometimes i end it to make room for better options.

My main goal is to have fun with someone i can trust and respect who gives back the same energy. I dont plan on taking anyone super seriously before i am 35 and i let them all know. I do however have room for flexibility in case i meet someone who is different.

I had a girl once tell me that she would have been fine with me lying and being toxic just for the sex alone and she is thankful for the honesty and respect from my part. Anyone can leave whenever no questions asked and not a single one can say a bad thing about me.

Many do think they are ” the one ” who could tame the beast and disregard me telling them to not get attached. Many start digging by asking about if i got hurt by someone, have parents issues etc and i tell them the same thing.

” i dont see us spending quality time, having fun and learning from each other as a waste of time. I am simply too focused on myself on the moment and my goals always come first ”

For many they get into relationships, still hit me up and i refuse them thus effectivly cutting them off the rotation. I might have went after someones girl at some point but i dont need to anymore. Having options is when you are not trying to prove something and simply enjoying the amazing gift that a feminine woman can give.

For some i get so busy i dont have time for them and they simply move on which is completly fine. However there is always someone rare that shows up…

Case in point. Lets call her J. I met J while having lunch with a friend and his gf. J is her bestie or something and she joined us briefly before we went our seperate ways. We talked for few minutes and the connection was so intense yet light it felt amazing just being near her… she did mentionwhwre she worked so i payed her a visit the next day and asked for her number infront of 4 of her co workers.

All this happened while on the unholy combination of the 4 mentioned subs. We went out few days later and she was extremly resistant to met yet we ended up having sex the same day.

Shes a certified 10/10 with photoshop-like green eyes, a face and body sculptured by the combined imagination and desire of ever man on the planet. Her skin is so soft, smooth yet firm its the stuff lust and desire.

On the date she subtly tested me on my every single ounce of confidence and self worth. Everything i have ever learned was up to the test and i was the victor by a long shot. Yet it was so fun, light and natural.

The thing is tho, she is an INFJ. For anyone unfamiliar with the term thats an overthinking empath with intuition and hidden selfishness.

She could see right through me with her eyes. She was feminine yet wise like a monk. However her intuition is underdeveloped where if she can think 6 steps ahead i could think 10.

It was painfully clear that she has never dealt or met with anyone who was superior to her and the way she deals with it is annoying to say the least…

She over compensates for litterarly everything and mirrors the fuck out of me. I ofcourse i took the opertunity to set the rules stright with her… no games, no lies and no disrespect in anyway. She complied ofcourse saying the same to me.

While having sex we were at it for 7 hours… the first 1 cuddling and the rest were intense 30 min of intense action with some rest and cuddling inbetween. I could not have enough of her and neither did she.

At the end i was so blue and pent up i felt like i was being stabbed in the gut.

The thing is… she didnt allow herself to orgasm a single time… not even once. After going to the bathromm i heard her moaning and screaming loud having finished herself off.

She then tells me ” this is gonna sound terrible but i cant orgasm with you… because i dont feel like you are below me… everyone i have been with were not as smart or as dominant so i cant relax. I cant be dominant myself ”

I was like ” i dont judge and i know i did one one hell of a job. The rest has nothing to do with me ”

The rest of the time we spent cuddling and she clinged to me like a shirt. I know i did my part and i won big yet this is the first time i have no idea whats going on… we met few times after that and the same things happened.

So i want to ask what the hell is going on because i am completly out of my depth. Why is she so resistant? Why wont she let go? Im just too curious.

Another thing is that she keeps telling me to let go myself. While touching her she says ” i know you sre expermenting to see what makes me feel good but it doesnt feel genuine

” yet when i just let go she says ” you are going too fast i want you to appreciate me and take it slow ”

So im asking the squad if anyone knows whats going on. Have you had similar experiances with someone?


One of my favorite posts of you thus far.

Your mindset is a big inspiration for me and I am going to reread that post on a regular basis.


Curious so far, have you been running Emperor + Libertine for a year now?

I’m doing Stark + Libertine + QL ST3 right now and I’m not sure if you have the same feeling but whenever I don’t approach a girl I find attractive I feel sexually charge and it last the whole day, what’s weird is after that I can easily approach a normal girl and set up a date with them. Also what results do you think I can expect to run with my stack if I do it for 3 months? You seem knowledgable so I would love to get your insights on this.


Im not too sure what QL ST3 because these subs and tech are getting even crazier and cooler names i am unable to keep up with it :slight_smile:

The longer you use a sub the easier it gets although the only drawback is that your mind will normalise the attention you get it feels so natural you may forget its actually working. So keep an eye out.

As for the sexual charge… it is telling you that whoever caused it is very much compatible with you in ways you may not even know you yet. Its not random and you cant create it for someone you are not compatible with even if they meet the looks criteria. So when you feel it know that its go time. Remeber it so you know its happening and surrender yourself to it. It can get very intence and uncomfortable…

I felt it with the girl i mentioned in the quote above and it was so intense i wanted to run away to catch my breath… but i didnt because i knew she was feeling it as well. Someone will eventually crack under the pressure, it wont be me tho.

Edit: I used emperor on and off when it was first relesed. Then i jumped around different subliminals untill i decided to commit to emperor. I was at the start of building my wealth around that time. I used it for a year then started messing with attraction subs ever since


Im an infj too and if im right she needs to feel your authentic self and a deep feeling of connection…

You could try imagine and using your energy that you both are one, feel that you fuse into one beeing.

Try diamond if you want…
I read that some people had this kind of experience when using it

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Thanks for the info @Doc

I might give Diamond without the PP enchancment a go. Beyond that i am a bit afraid of whats on the other side. I am very disconnected to my authentic self.

Man. I wont elaborate further because i know that you as an INFJ people make you their therapist and that can exhaust the living F out of you. I wont do the same thing to you man :smiley: thanks again

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Your post made me question…

How your adventure with the Pop celebrity ended? It came to a grinding halt or did it fade out slowly…

Diamond should take care of the pleasure of both…

Maybe it was diluted in the stack?

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Celebrity faded a long time ago… she said that there was no challenge for her. That she knew i would not get attached and that she would be wasting her time if she tried to get anything serious. I agreed with her.

As for green eyes. My goal is not really to get her to get everything she is asking for. I enjoy making the other person feel great and that makes me feel great. If she is unable to feel that then its not on me to break down her walls and relax. Its her decision and i am happy regardless.

I was mearly qurious about what made her tick.


I see

Subs can do their “magic”…

But life rules take priority.


So things went kinda sideways with green eyes. She obviously liked me otherwise we wouldnt have meet so many times allready. However she keeps bugging me about letting go, being more relaxed and transparent etc. I suppose i was being to nice by indulging her. She also keeps furiously insisting that i dont interupt her while going on rants while talking…

Spinning around in circles without reaching the point. Classic Ni-Ti loop. Although i still enjoyed spending time with her. Yesterday she wanted to leave after i went to work. I was like ok ill trust you, then i find out she invited a friend over to my place… they hung out there and they left so naturally i asked why she thought that would be ok without my permission. She then gets angry and starting to justify it by saying its no big deal, i dont listen and that she is so angry she doesnt want to do something stupid.

She has been doing so many of these things where she asserts her dominance. Slowly cooking the frog alive, but she went too far by casually inviting someone i dont know to my place without my permission. Other than clothes all my important belongings were locked tight.

I had so much to say but i swallowed my words. Finished doing my buissnes and left her on read. She has texted 10 more times since then… i would tell her we shouldnt meet anymore but i would much rather keep ignoring her untill i feel otherwise.

is the first time someone infuriates me so much. I suppose thats what i signed up for when i knew she was an INFJ and a latina at that.

Anyhow back to work and im got a new number today. Well see where that leads to.


She doesn’t want to let go even during sex and expects you to let go? First red flag.

Feels pretty masculine to me and you definitely don’t want that . Second red flag.

Classic display of ltr feminism traits. At this point it’s safe to assume she just wants to dominate you and there is no need to complicate your life more.

My advice, don’t ignore her just let her go.


After calming down a bit and reading that. You are 100% correct sir. Thats what i did. The signs were clear but i thought i was above the law. That i have the magic formula that will make her act right and because shes so damn hot.

But no. I am not above the law, fix someone and i didnt become how i am by letting anyone walk over me.

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