Expand beyond measure

Excellent book :ok_hand:

  • the manifestation skill that I use usually and successfully is the conversation imagination.

(I imagine I am speaking to someone and telling him my opinion or the best version of the desired outcome)

  • one week ago I imagined IAM in a business partnership with certain friend and speaking about how we succeeded in building the business.

(Today I was with him and the conversation spontaneously moved to creating a certain business that I dreamed about year ago ) and decided to be partners in it .

  • yesterday I started investing money on a dream project or my legacy (I will not gain profit from it ) but it will transform this world to a more harmonious way. ( I have this idea while USING stark 6 months Ago )

  • acting while doubtful of the path is a new skill or power I have .


I am glad you are making progress!


Thanks for your encouragement :slightly_smiling_face:

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Taking notice of the new listening pattern. And the QV2 development.

  • I find it challenging to reduce my loop using subclub subs in the past for 6 hours at least to gain results. Now reducing this amount.
    My ears is very grateful my mind full of doubt. But again this was one of my dreams to reduce the amount of listening time while gaining the same results or better .

  • I can only listen to two subs per day . And I prefer to do this before sleep so I can notice the dreams . If I remember my dreams this means I am not overexposing my mind. And this happens with 2 loops (ultima,QV2)

  • when I listened to more than 3 or 4 tracks

  • I contract my comfort zone not expanding it.
  • Not doing my tasks
  • Self sabotage behaviours.
    *Creating troubles .

(When I listen to 4 tracks before sleep The reconciliation ends between 26 to 30 hours and I come back to my senses.

But this isn’t helpful because it make me

  • Lose my momentum and focus.

So sticking with the new guidelines.

Overexposing in the past 48 hours now back to track :muscle:


Relationship with plants and animals .

  • caring for my garden daily is one of the results that manifested in my reality.

  • this new to me in the past I didn’t care for the garden .

  • now I do everything to make it clean , lively, beautiful. My guess is that this actions creating organisation in my day .

  • beside I watched a tv interview with a celebrity girl speaking about caring for her plants and flowers . Then I remembered David Hawkins saying smth like this in one of his books about how planting smth and caring for it create success atmosphere for you.

  • I now care for the dogs give them food and water at their times . And my relationships with dogs grown a lot with alchemist and other energy work. This definitely will have a different post because this helped to awaken compassion within my heart.and this is a big deal.


Mental state depression, anxiety and other states

  • this result is an overall growth from using subclub not a certain sub

  • I remember to write about this after an incident happened and my attitude dealing with it was a lot more mature . In the past incident like this was a door for depression and when I say depression I didn’t mean that shallow sadness .

  • that incident was coming from comparing myself to others and there achievement . Today I noticed that my attitude was one of " I have my own journey and I own my choices " and to have this ideas in my conscious mind I kept asking " why I didn’t fail into despair and depression?!".

  • my interpretation that my past self “there was no clear psychic boundaries” or " I was moved by the pendulum " according to Vadim Zeland theory .

  • after that incident today I reflected upon the fact that I didn’t have depression from 3 years ago . Since I started using the subs here.

  • anxiety now when happens it’s a worry and it’s at 2/10 and a gain here I move , take action my attitude is one of optimism , perseverance “let’s find a way” not one of hopelessness and despair.

Thanks :pray:


In the past days I had the urge to go to gym . Today I acted upon that urge. In the past month or so I was doing home training but I want to raise my challenge level . In the past I didn’t have discipline or fondness for the gym to stay with training for long term . Maximum was 6 months training . I wish to change that and build the physice I love.

  • Now listening to true social preparing for a meeting tonight
  • I wish to notice more alchemist energetic cleansing : ( negative thoughts coming out I notice them without attachment to them or negative emotion , negative thoughts "I can’t succeed " the level of sureness about the belief is 3/10 and that’s good I am now doubting this idea .

And now the idea in my mind is " I don’t know how to succeed"
but I will find a way

*I listen to alchemist st 1 while doing meditation for 30 minutes .

  • signs of a breakthrough coming regarding energetic cleansing removing energy blockages

  • in my deep breathing session today (rebirthing/conscious connected breathing) the energy blockage in a certain body organ moved .

  • I have an insight why I don’t notice alchemist results and it’s profound insight . Imagine the most important results I aspire from the sub I don’t notice . But I notice results and expansion on all others. It’s a shocking trauma event related to energetic practice.

  • this insight rejuvenated my commitment to alchemist and soon I will add dragon reborn and paragon.

  • with this insight I think I will notice more results from alchemist.


Business results

  • a customer called me today to proceed with our business deal(the last time we met was 5 days ago and he was thinking about it )
  • he also gives me another contact where I will do a deal with him.
  • opened my work email and a company wants to have a deal that will bring 1200$ a year. without a penny increase in cost from my side.
  • I bought different products needed for my work at a huge discount.

spirituality results

  • today i did a closed eye meditation (this a third time in a row) and it was very deep meditation since a long time ago i didn’t have that depth.
  • for the first time after this incident

i now feel the inner body experience especially the legs and hands without hurrying to interrupt the practice or fearing to create trouble for myself. was in this state for 15m.i love this result especially because this is why I bought alchemist to release and clear energy blockages and go deep in meditation.

regarding the legacy project

  • the website is now 70% ready
  • in the process of preparing the content “vid,aud,written” (who we are , why this project will be helpful,

now I am on my second-day washout. I will proceed on Monday

Monday (alchemist st 3 *1 , ascended mogul *1 and a booster )
tu : rest

monday (alchmist st 3 1 , R.I.C.H1)
tu : rest . and be with that plan for 4 weeks

not decided yet . but I lean to the second option.


I go on sleep listening to alchemist stage 3 *1 loop . And because the feeling of sleepiness after 8 hours of sleep at night. I didn’t record my dreams . There was happy dream with friends but I only remember a tiny bit of it .
Monday alchemist stage 3
Tu rest
I will continue with one loop till I integrate the script.alchemist results are important for me.

Tuesday: rest day
Wen: alchemist stage 3 *2
Thursday today: rich, wanted and PSIT (preparing for a meeting today ) and I want to be on the top of my game. Besides I have a reunion with my old friends in after 2 weeks so a good preparation.
Fri; rest
Saturday: rest
Sunday: 15/8 alchemist stage 3


What does 3 *2 mean?

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It means alchemist stage 3 * 2 loops .

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  • one of the best things after the rest days is the anticipation I feel when I press play to listen to the subliminal.

  • have a dream where I was expressing my anger to a father figure. Waked up from the dream feeling good and well rested. And my throat chakra feelings warmth. In the dream I was screaming.but a release happens. A step forward .

  • I listened to alchemist stage2 instead of stage3 . To balance my energies and it did this so well.

-stage3 needs me to be energetically prepared well. So I will stick with stage 1and 2 for as long it takes to create the healing needed.


Please only do 1 loop of Alchemist stage 3 per listening day.

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Don’t underestimate the level of anticipation and excitement to play your subs after a rest days . This awesome :fire::fire: . Like oh I am going to have my gift tonight. A dopamine enhancer . I was going to sabotage my diet and eat heavy meal after eleven pm . But I reminded myself . I will listen to alchemist Tonight . This thought alone uplifted my mode . And declined the sabotage . So the rest days may help fight addiction in a good way .


Finally, dopamine, like all neurochemicals, amplifies memory.5 This, too, is automatic. A quick shorthand for how learning works in the brain: the more neurochemicals that show up during an experience, the more likely that experience will move from short-term holding into long-term storage. Memory enhancement is another key role played by neurochemicals: they tag experiences as “Important, save for later.”
By stacking motivations, that is, layering curiosity atop curiosity atop curiosity, we’re increasing drive but not effort. This is what happens when our own internal biology does the heavy lifting for us. You’ll work harder, but you won’t notice the work. Also, because dopamine provides a host of additional cognitive benefits—amplified focus, better learning, faster pattern recognition—you’ll also work smarter. These are two more reasons why stalking the impossible might be a little easier than you suspected…

From the book the art of impossible Steven kotler.


This day events reminded me of Vadim Zealand words …

“Whenever you feel the slightest sense of awe for the world of your dream, drive the feeling out of your mind. Outer and inner importance are obstacles on the path to unity of heart and mind. This is your world and there is nothing in it that is unavailable to you. The world of your dream should be joyful and at the same time commonplace. When something is yours it seems unremarkable and has an everyday quality to it, so in order to attune yourself to a life line that corresponds to your dream you have to feel as if you already had it. You are consciously playing a game not just kidding yourself.”

  • Today I closed a business deal that will increase my income 10 folds or more This year .
  • a partner personality that I admire and love to working with.
  • will transform the type of people I work with from white-collar mostly to mega business men and national politaions .
  • this deal is a complete makeup for my life . Transforming to a new life line.

_ back story in the past 3 months I was preparing to initiate a company that works in the same industry as this one but in a scale much smaller than this one . But the partner I was going to have declined at the last minute . And again I used the amalgam '“everything is going well for me and my world knows better than me” I was in confusion what to do what’s my next steps . Then this opportunity beautifully manifested for me.

_ I was doing slide technique where I imagine the end result for my true goal (which is having a beautiful big Library in my home and a family )

I was in awe for a moment just moment then I remembered my amalgam "what’s new , my world cares for me as it always does " and "what’s new , subs already work " I always use those two amalgam for trival situations huge situations doesn’t matter . Amalgam is not affrmation to achieve smth it’s a confirmation for what’s already happening/manifested/in the process of manifesting . Amalgam is a core technique in transurfuing.

_ this opportunity and how it manifested is in solely from R.I.C.H

Ultima sweet spots are 2 loops
Alchemist and R.I.C.H are my main subliminal messages . This to the end of the year . I continue resist to play Mogul or ascended Mogul as alchemist results are the most important for me.

thanks subclub I am deeply grateful for your work :pray::innocent:


Today I have a meeting with a Lithuanian national politaions part of working in my new business .

The meeting goes well . I was receive gracefully . And my presentation was on target.

Still using alchemist and R.I.C.H