Animals Won't Leave Me Alone?

More motivation to keep at it! I find myself alternating between total trust and disbelief with these subs. It feels like the world is changing around me and I’m staying the same, even though when I look through my journal it’s pretty clear that I’m the one that’s changing. Super strange.


Oh yeah. That’s perfectly normal. Very soon your new reality will become the usual day to day in many ways and you will get used to it.

You are doing great :pray:


Looking forward to it! Looking forward to seeing what’ll become of me when I hit my one-year goal with this stack.


How is primal and daredevil in custom?

Whats your experience so far?


Yeah it is just the aura the programs generate.

I experience the same with my custom which also includes Ethereal Presence


By chance, have you seen any height increase yet?


This happened with me while on alchemist till this moment and yes the dogs started the relationship not me .


First day I ran it I attracted two women. One women got super close to me on the train, like inches, I turned around and she was like “oh, I needed a mask…” she was wearing one. Later that day a girl stood next to me on the bus, followed (literally followed me a quarter mile, I was unaware) me to a coffee shop, so then my idiot brain realized I should start a conversation, so I did and it went smooth as silk! Didn’t get a number (like an idiot) later that day I saw coffee girl again at the library, seriously considered approaching, then the old idiot brain took over, told me I was worthless, and I had a panic attack and left haha! Long story short, it’s WORKING just got some limits to over come.


I hear you totally but things keep happening to prove me wrong almost every day. I am grateful.:pray:


Not measuring because I don’t want any more stuff I my head about it, but I’m gonna say yes and no. Both my younger brothers are 6’ and I (so I thought) was 5’9, recently they’ve seemed a bit shorter when I stand next to them. Like I’m noticeably closer to eye level.

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Same! It’s just not always easy for me to recognize in the moment.

What kinds of effects did you see from Ethereal Presence?

Animals loving me
People complementing me about my features
People dreaming about me


People dreaming about you? That’s interesting…Hmm, do you think it’s some kinda psychic thing?

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I can only imagine how much more powerful nightclubs must be with Ethereal Presence.

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Testing it out at nightclubs is the next logical step. :smiley:


Right? The possibilities are endless for a truly memorable and unforgettable weekend.

I will be putting Ethereal Presence in a Wanted custom sometime soon.

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I’m gonna give it another cycle, because I don’t have time to go out until May anyway, but nightclubs are gonna be the real test of these subs. The last time I went was like…hell 5 years ago, and it wasn’t the best night of my life. Lol.


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You have to properly assimilate the subs into your personality. Then you can calibrate and have smoother time.

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