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Yes, from Monroe, Monroe just took existing concepts and renamed them, like bandler and other late 20th early 21st century creators. So he calls auras rebals, he spins chakras and calls it relax and recharge. Most SEEMS Vedic in origin.


I know when i attended a kundalini seminar over a decade ago i remember my aura kept expanding as i performed the exercises with the teacher. My libido funnily rocketed that day after they gave me Shotipa. It was one of the most remarkable moments of my life to experience this. Sadly i never continued with the exercises when i left.

@Lion i know you are from India have you tried any of the kundalini exercises to expand your aura ?


One day. I have always been interested in Kundalini Yoga and the third eye.


If you do find a guru in india who can perform Shaktipa please let me know.

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I honestly hope you’re trolling and not actually adding another unnecessary layer of BS to things to sound smart

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You know khan isn’t just for sex
You could also use khan for money goals

But it sounds like you could use a few week run of stage 1 and possibly stage 2

You could ago do something different and try out stage 4 and add in mogul or rich

But def keep running it for a few months if you want to see significant changes


One thing I notice any time I run khan stage 4 even just 1 loop every once in awhile is that my ambition shoots straight up.

everyone says that about libertine.

i have probably used libertine more seriously then anyone on this forum and it did NOT make me significant/noticeably hornier.

i was very happy with my results overall but increase in sexual energy/horniness was definitely NOT a result i saw from libertine which is another product “everyone” says is supposed to do that.

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in a deliberate and analytical manner where i seriously track and monitor results.

Thank you for elaborating.

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Yes I agree. I tend to get more externally sexual than internally.

Khan makes me internally horny though.

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@MadaraUchiha are you getting harassed by women in clubs?

Went to the club yesterday and I got GRABBED twice from behind from two women trying to pull me in to instantly escalate sexually.
Weirded me out.


Back in the day when i was young lad i use to always get harrassed by women in clubs. That was well before subliminal products came along. :rofl:

Pervert me: that’s so cool :fire::fire:

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Jesus Christ man, you need therapy


OMG!!! Dude!!! What the #$&@ are you talking about? :joy::joy:
Where did you get that theory from?
Most women can find a guy to sleep with any day of the week if they really want sex. Just show up at the club or the bar and at some point a guy is going to try to take you home. Or they just can get on Tinder. They’ll find someone who is ready to sleep with them the same day or the next day. It’s that easy for women. :joy:


Can’t want for week update #3


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Can you videotape that for us?


Even the same hour… There is no shortage of men for sex. Women are picky for the same reason though and may not find anyone they deem suitable.