EsctasyOfGold’s Path to Cosmic Dominance

Day 3 of new cycle

EoG, Custom and Minds Eye

Heavy recon yesterday, from the custom which was ran solo on day 1 for 15 mins. Have a slight urge to include a slightly more alpha title in next cycle.

Women smiled at me, not necessarily in a sexual way.

Having or using any social media seems to give me recon.

Minds eye seems to reduce recon by a lot and gives the insights that the recon is trying to make you see. A lot of recon seems to be just that- insights coming through.

People are friendlier to me, I’m more approachable due to approachability aura. Random older ladies smile at me. Can’t say any sexual programming from my custom is triggering yet tho probably due to the healing from Aphrodite module.

Insights such as “everyone’s my friend” seems to reduce recon. In the past, I’ve been very closed off from people, this is opening me up due to not trusting people.

General tiredness. Ate atleast 500 calories than usual plus extra protein hesterday. Still working out 2 hours a day (boxing and muai thai) atkeast 3 times a week plus regular gym 3 times a week plus 100 pushup 2-3 times a week.

I aim to start sparring in boxing next month if the coach let’s me.

Saying all this, I seem to be on calorie and protein deficit which means I’m not as big and strong as I would like to be. I’m skinny and agile, with tone but not much mass.

So far, its too early to say what effects the custom is doing but I guess I will know by washout. Heartsong was working but I didn’t notice anything till around the end of cycle so I’m going to guess this custom may take even longer than that.

EoG working exceptionally well, getting rid of fears, pain and anxiety regarding money and career.

Business and apps going slower than anticipated for now but will pick up pace


@EsctasyOfGold I love that. I hail you in your quest for Cosmic Dominance.


Thanks JCast, I’m happy that you are here and reading my journal :).

For the alpha title to add next cycle (if I do) it will likely be either AM to compliment my wealth goal of EoG or Spartan to compliment my fitness goals. I like the mentality that Spartan seems to be giving people and the courage and fearlessness is something that would help me a lot.

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@Billions just posted his awesome review on EOG1, you should definitely read it and check it out for some inspiration :slight_smile:


Hey ouroboros,thank you for pointing it out, I really like his posts and journals and is one of the main reasons why I started running EoG. Due to my busy-Ness I probably would not have seen these posts so thank you.

Due to the module depths of love and maybe chosen of Venus, certain insights are being showed to me and I was strongly urged to watch a YouTube video.

In the video, they said that when you close your eyes and listen to your thoughts, anything that tells you you are not perfect or are not capable of creating anything you want is a blockage.

And I agree with that. I don’t think this would create a superiority ego either because having this philosophy would not need someone to require external validation, and so they would not need to act superior to anyone.

Ofc someone half understanding this could cause problems (but I’m sure anyone reading isn’t like that).

Created a dummy trading account and increased it by 4% in under 2 hours. Maybe it’s beginners luck, maybe it’s not.

If I can consistently increase this fake money to a good level for the next 20 days, I’ll put real money in.


Feeling bad for not treating certain girls better when I was younger. These aren’t even girls I had sex with, just girls that needed attention and did whatever in order to get it , but at that time, I was oblivious.

This again is prob due to depths of love, chosen by Venus and heartsong.

Felt natural winner reframing my reality.


2 months ago, when I thought of the word money, I’d feel anger and apathy. Now I feel happiness and excitement.

EoG stage 1 working it’s magick


Played EoG out loud (forgot my headphones) when I was at my parents house a couple of times few weeks back. I’m pretty sure it was within the earshot range of my father.

He has now been offered a contract for work that pays him double what he got a few years ago for the same work.

Idk if it’s EoG but this is more than a coincidence.


I’m being a lot friendlier with people effortlessly and people are doing the same with me. I made my custom for love and seduction but it’s helping me with everything and making me a more “whole” person with less hangups about everything.

This might be the best $400 I’ve ever spent.


I lost 12 kg in 2 months and I don’t know how.

I have been doing the same about of exercise as before (admitting a lot but I only lost 2 kg for the 4 months prior).

I don’t look skinny, if anything my muscles are bigger so I assumed I stayed the same weight atleast. But no, lost 12 kg.

I am now officially underweight. Clearly not in an unhealthy way and this means that the amount of fat in my body is miniscule as I didn’t loose any muscle from what I can see.

Next cycle, I will be swapping minds eye with Spartan.

Custom and EoG will remain as these two will be consistent in my stack for the foreseeable future.

The third title will be a suppliment to what my life needs right now, whereas the above two will be the foundation.

Spartan should give me sufficient alpha traits + make me better at boxing/muai thai + make my body better + have me eat better. I look forward to this.

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It’s not about the weight you see on the scale but the body composition you carry. If you are satisfied with how you see your body, your bodyweight is secondary.

Hey thank you for your reply.

Would definately like to be bigger with more muscle, by atleast 15 kg.

I’m still happy with the result as any fat I didn’t know I had (I was skinny-fat) is now gone so it’s given me a good foundation to build pure muscle.

Try Lots.

Hey, I will do LoS I the future but right now, I prefer Spartan for a few reasons:

  1. My custom already has a lot of physical shifting and is energy intensive due to auras, so I don’t want to take energy away from it.

  2. I genuinely want to get better at fighting which Spartan would help with more.

  3. The mindset change from Spartan looks a lot more appealing and my current stack lacks alpha programming which Spartan should suppliment.

  4. My desire to increase my weight is more for being better at wrestling and other combat sports (which I’m looking to do in the future) than anything aesthetic. I’m pretty satisfied by how my body looks (could be better but I wouldn’t say I look bad).

I will definately do LoS in the future but I’m not sure when.


What is your custom?

Wanted/Heartsong/Diamond. You can scroll up and see the modules, it won’t let me post links due to this account being new

Sorry my bad, I was scrolling before on the top, and there it was not so I assumed that it is hidden.

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I have to say you are brave, based on your profile info you are here since the 3rd of April this year and yet you already made a custom containing three cores. But if it is working well that is all that matters.

Thanks, well, I’ve been using the products here since last November and have used both Heartsong and wanted with little recon so creating a 3 core custom with those 2 modules plus a new one wasn’t a hard decision.

I only don’t go over 5 mins as that created recon in the first few days.

Either way, I’m happy with how it’s going.


The material object, status or the way u want people to treat you is just a pointer to what you want to become.

It’s all internal.

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