EsctasyOfGold’s Path to Cosmic Dominance

It’s been 6 days I have started this stack and things are going well, especially on the human front.

I have used a few months of wanted before but now want to focus on becoming extremely wealthy within the next 10 years.

I journal offline mostly but will journal here once in a while too.

Would love to hear input and advice from anyone who know.

I have an online shop that makes a little bit, I’m a software engineer and my last freelance contract ended so I am looking for business opportunities before I fully dive into another freelance contract which will likely take all my energy.


Hi @EsctasyOfGold, welcome!

Nice name. Shows your focus.

We have a humble wealth and business guru here. @Hoppa. Do a forum search by username and note any advice or observations that he offers. He always knows what he’s talking about.

Your stack is great.

Wish you great prosperity, abundance, and love. See you around the forum.


Kind words, but not true :smiley:

I’m not a guru, and I don’t know everything. Just have a bit more experience than most here. Earned through making plenty of mistakes.


Thank you, will check his posts out.

I’ve been immersing myself in understanding billionaires- I’ve started watching undercover billionaire on YouTube to understand and absorb the mindset of the billionaires there.

Overall, I feel a lot more relaxed about money.

Have a few ideas that I will be implementing soon.

I’m convinced that I will hit my wealth goal by March 2033.

I will also be doing 90 day sprints for very specific goals . My first 90 day sprint starts tomorrow (10th April) and finishes on 10th July.


My credit score went up considerably in the last month, without any effort on my part.


A friend reached out to me saying we should open an online store.

As soon as he said it, an idea came to my head that would be perfect, and I already have suppliers that will allow me to dropship it in my own brand.

And it supplements a lifestyle I’m already living.

I aim to open shop by 1st May.

I’m surprising myself as to how organised, well directed and focused I am.


Most non essential products are to make people who they want to be. Once you gauge who or what people want to be, it’s easy to see what is needed for them to become that (or to show to the world that they are that).

looking forward to your posts as I am looking for the same type of goals. Currently running EOG, Minds Eye, and Legacy of the spartan… plan on moving to a custom with ROM, HOM, and Limit Destroyer once my business is established

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That custom sounds interesting, how would RoM and HoM work together in your opinion?

Watching any podcast relating to dating and women is getting boring now, regardless of if it’s redpill, blue pill or whatever pill.

Makes me feel that only men whose main focus is love, relationships(with women) and seduction would be drawn to it, and those activities take too much of my time.

I’m more focused on looking at and looking for people that will help me further my business and wealth.

Only reason certain people have a platform to speak on such issues is because people give energy to feed into those ideologies. And it’s never fulfilling because you’re not fulfilling yourself with your passion and purpose, instead looking for a woman to fulfill you.

I’d rather vet hot women to work on modelling my products for me rather than for sex/love. Or marketing, they have a easier time getting attention than men online.

Revelation of Mind contains both RAIKOV (being able to analyze and emulate to learn from someone doing what you want to do) as well as Minds Eye (improving visualization skills etc) so in my opinion it would make things “gel” more when it comes to learning from my mentors and skills like copywriting and paid ads… Maybe Limitless is better? I’m not sure yet but I’m always more driven to the esoteric stuff


Got you, RAIKOV seems to be something I could very much be interested in down the line. Thank you for your reply.

I have found a way where I can make React Native apps extremely fast and to good quality. I will be churning out a few test apps and see if they can be monetized over the coming months.

I’m already working on one idea, and I hope to finish the whole app in the next 2 weeks.

Spoke to a few suppliers for the online shop, and things seem to be going OK. I’m looking to buy about a hundred products and have them fulfilled by amazon and if there is a demand there, I will be creating the shopify store.

Another endeavour of mine is also going better than before.

Women front, I have not been in a place with many women for a few weeks though when I was in a gathering earlier this week, certain women that I knew from before seemed to be at awe of me. I am also a lot more detached. Women I didn’t know would also give me that awestruck look but only after being around me for a while.

I will be creating a Heartsong, Wanted, Daredevil custom at the end of this month and use that custom for the foreseeable future in regards to seduction/romance.

The other two titles in my stack will always be wealth/finance related.

HOM may be swapped out for Ascendant Mogul for now and returned into the stack once I have more wealth.

EoG will remain in my stack indefinitely, either as a standalone programme or as a custom.


If you’ve run HoM for long enough, the script is probably already integrated. If you swap it for Ascended Mogul, the HoM script could very well be like jet fuel on the Ascended Mogul script fire. Not to mention that HoM will go into blooming since you not be actively running it.

You could probably do the same the same thing with Emperor instead of Ascended Mogul.


Sent my Custom to be made. Its aim is to have high quality women that are good to me and for me, be addicted to me and my penis.

Custom Modules
  • WANTED Core

  • Heartsong Core

  • Diamond Core

  • Instant spark

  • Aura of Approachability

  • Charisma & Flirting Automatic Mentor/Improver

  • Chosen of Venus

  • Edge of Danger

  • Earthshaker - Sexuality

  • Depths of Love

  • Natural Winner

  • Transcendental Connection

  • Panther

  • Entranced

  • Aphrodite

  • Temptation

  • Lifeblood Fable

  • Glory seeker

  • Gorgeous Manifestor

  • Male Enhancement

Will still be running EoG for the foreseeable future with this custom (after all, got to go with my namesake). Just finished one cycle of stage one, will be doing at least one more cycle of this stage.

Will be running Mind’s eye for the next 2 cycles at least.

This way, wealth, women/sex and manifestation/inner world should be covered.


I love minds eye. It seems to have an effect that can be described by the q module “divine self image”

Let me explain.

As minds eye has scripting to make yourself not have negative visualization/imagination it works in a way where your thoughts about yourself (which essentially is auditory imagination) not be as negative.

As with other thoughts not about yourself, what seems to occur is that there is a certain subconscious personality/self image that these thoughts stem from and if that subconscious personality dosent have the best self image, it can lead to bad results.

Minds eye seems to fix that too, simply by making this imagined self image of yours more positive.

Seeing as how according to certain spiritual systems emphasise that everything stems from imagination (hermetism, certain hindu/buddhist ideologies and a few kabbalistic teachings), this could result in the effect that minds eye has become extremely powerful, especially if ran with other subs.


Through the use of simple meditation, I am tracing all my thoughts and imaginations back to the self image that generated them and then strengthening these self images.

This subliminal is THE.SHIT.

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New cycle, did first loops of EoG and Minds Eye.

Took a nap and had a pretty profound dream.

I was witnessing the universe and the solar system being formed and heard the words “out of all the places and times you could have been, you chose to be here” implying that my consciousness could be at any place and any time right now in the universe, looking through the conciousness of an atom or a star, and yet, I chose to be here in this form.

When I close my eyes and let my mind go where it wants to go, I see vivid almost DMT like or psychedelic like visuals.

I love Minds Eye.


Everything is change, apart from the awareness that everything is change.


My abstract thinking on Minds Eye has increased significantly. I think this kind of thinking is where my imagination shines.

For example, while watching a video, I got an idea (and I don’t know if it’s a thing already) that PI could be the mathematical basis for another system of maths. So instead of 1 being the base, pi is the base. Instead of numbers going up in a factor of one, they go up in a factor of pi.

I don’t know what this would accomplish but seeing how prevalent pi is in nature, in several places, it could lead to something.

Then again, I don’t know mathematics beyond sixth form.

Either way it feels good to play around with these ideas. Minds eye seems to have unlocked my brain from more conventional thinking.

In regards to wealth, I seemed to always have tried replicating good results from the past instead of being in the moment (as I was in those times of success) where I was totally focused only on the now, working with fresh eyes.

This insight has proven to be potentially fruitful.

In regards to seduction, my custom is still processing but I seem to be a lot more detached in general, which looks to be a good thing for now.

Hopefully the custom will be done by tomorrow.

I can’t wait for more of these insights that minds eye is giving me. It feels like I’m exploring the universe from within myself.

Just type what you want to change it to, and tag me, and I can change it.

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With the pi as a base of numbers theory, it could possibly prevent the loss of information after the processing of it, if the answers are given in something other than numbers, I.e in geometric shapes.

Currently, if a computer is instructed to perform an equation at low level, it likely (don’t quote me on this) forgets how it did it after it was done. Meaning it forgets what two numbers it added to get 10. Maybe 1 + 9, maybe 2 + 8.

Anyway, enough of my theoretical rambling.

Tomorrow will be a good day for business for me as there are many developments.

Also keep in mind I’ve only been having these thoughts and ideas in the last 3 days. Have I mentioned that I love Minds Eye? Lol.