EsctasyOfGold’s Path to Cosmic Dominance

Why not Khan? Really dominate. @Nemesis mentioned how Khan really lights a fire under people

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Hey, the reason is because I don’t think it’s wise to do two multi stagers for me right now, especially as I don’t know how I’ll react to stage 1 of khan. I’m also a lot more focused on wealth and khan may derail that focus

Spartan seems to be the perfect sub right now for the lifestyle I’m living plus for the warrior’s mindset which will add to my masculinity.

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High ticket sales agency…hmmm.

I do have experience in B2B sales, maybe I should try this out. Could work with EoG + TrueSell/IC custom, with modules on wealth, reputation and trust.

Found a website that seems interesting, which allows me to see and apply to sell high ticket items/services at 10 to 25% commissions.

I know a few people here have done this before and made over 10k a month is profit.

Needs further research.

Napoleon Hills first lesson is to take control of and direct every part of the mind and put it into one lifelong endeavour.

Definateness of purpose.

So, here, I declare my purpose for all to see (though some details are ommitted). These are extremely long term plans,well over 50 years into the future.

I shall now take control of and direct all of my mind into being worth atleast £xxxx by the time of my death in order to help humans live in harmony with nature and with each other by:

  1. Developing and implementing carbon neutral technology

  2. Protecting and increasing nature (conservation and reforestation)

  3. Pushing a liveable universal income for all people, without having to work, while all work is replaced by AI (which will likely happen anyway but best to make it ethical for the humans). People can then work on things they want to work on and aren’t forced into doing so due to circumstances.

  4. Implimenting Sustainable and healthy farming methods

  5. Poverty eradication.

  6. Investing in and developing sustainable energy.

50 years is a long time.

Now time to work.


Motivation sky high, ideas flooding in.

Need investment for those ideas and I think I’ve found a way to fund them.

Also need a proper plan and to stick to one idea and go forward with it.

I won’t be going into detail as to what the ideas are but here is a brief overview.


A finance app. This requires time spent learning how to make and implement it plus learning, understanding and complying to finance regulations.

Importing and sale of high ticket items, branded by me. This requires understanding of regulation and has fairly high cost. Will also need to start small with one item max.

Web and app agency with outsourced workforce in Asia- will require clients that are willing to pay and can be tricky due to competition against much more proven businesses. Though this could all be my own limiting beliefs.

Selling own branded sporting items

Selling healthy own branded canned drinks

I could realistically do all at the same time but that would scatter my focus. Or maybe at least the third one and the first one (if the cost of the second one is too high). The cost of complying to regulation and the item put together could be too much in regards to the second one though that is one that I would like to do the most, followed by the web agency.

I wanna own a conglomerate where all these ideas are each big businesses in their own right. But I need to start small and know where I currently stand.

And clearly, having my own brand in everything is important as it helps with longevity.

I need to come up with a definite plan as I now have a definite purpose. Good thing that whenever I say I need some kind of answer to myself and start journaling, the answers starts coming in increments.

Decided on the idea while journalling and will be going in a 100 percent.

The cost for this initially should not be much.

My offline journal is with me all day as I work, and I write everything down on it, whether investment ideas or emotions.

As time has progressed, it’s transformed from an emotional wreck of a to a clear precise person who knows what he wants and how he’ll get it…

And I started journalling 3 days ago with this new journal. Before I’d prob journal a few lines, now I journal over two A4 pages a day or more.

It’s increased my growth and helps me track my thoughts and made them real, whereas before, I’d just have a thought and let it go, now it’s written down. And this allows me to progress and zero in on the action needed.

Everything of significance is written down.

Plans and ideas are flowing effortlessly. Paths are being open and unblocked as I write.

This will be a good endeavour.


I have absolutely no doubt and no fears in regards to this endeavour.

I tried look for some, found none.

For anyone familiar with David Deidas work, I was at the second stage of development about a few days ago.

I believe I I now in the third stage, where purpose is everything and that purpose is bigger than me or any other person.

I’m still at EoG stage 1, will be moving into stage 2 next cycle.

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If I need a mood booster, I just think of the word “money” and let myself feel whatever feelings that comes along with it. Even typing that word just now gave me a feeling of relaxation and release.

I might meditate on the word soon just because it feels so blissful.

Seriously a 10/10 sub. This is after 1.5 cycles of stage 1, I’m really curious as to what the rest of the stages will do.

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All problems in my life has arisen due to me not being masculine enough.

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Got invited to spar in Muai Thai today after coach said I was ready. Will be my first proper sparring session in any striking sport (I have done grappling Ju Jitsu sparring before).

Maybe this will give me a more masculine edge that I will need.

Read somewhere that masculine growth goes hand in hand with undiluted suffering.

And the other people who spar are scaring me already regarding how much pain one is expected to take in these sessions.


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I seem to focus on other people rather than at myself or my own mission.

Even in Muai Thai sparring today, I was wishing well for opponents that genuinely wanted to take my head off and didn’t give a f about me.

I’m inherently too nice.

Goes to show why I made a love/seduction custom before a wealth one, even though wealth should be the most important thing to me right now.

I’m thinking of swapping my custom for Genesis in my next cycle which will make the stack into:

EoG 2

I think this would work. Any love/seduction stuff, I can leave to Enperor and maybe Genesis.

Listened only to my custom yesterday and hit recon (prob why I wanted to change stacks) but woke up with a nearly all my regular redpill anger gone…

Maybe I should stick with this custom for another cycle atleast.

All the anger I had just vanished overnight. Lol.

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A cycle into the custom and its opened me up emotionally more than anything else.

It taught me that I should be humble, how deep love can potentially go (a lot more than what I’m aware of now), how deeply I love people in my family, how unnecessary a lot of my negative emotions are.

What was supposed to be a love/seduction title has first opened me up to love, where I was not even open before. And not just to a romantic partner but to everyone. I have a desire to reach out to people more than before, where I would usually be closed off and keep to my self.

Though I still think I need alpha energy with this sub as its pretty “mushy”.

I will be buying index gate and using it as its exactly what I need for me to build my app. EoG and index gate is the perfect mix right now.

I’m debating whether I should continue with this custom or do an alpha title. I will be in a confined space for about half of next month (a hospital, nothing bad, just tests where I have to stay there for 12 days) and maybe that’s a good time to self reflect.

Lack of self reflection seems to cause recon. Having an offline journal helps a lot.

I have a strong desire to be respectful towards everyone and humble whereas before in my own head I would judge someone for being stupid and so on.

It also seems that I used to overestimate my importance kn other people’s lives and that was a prison for me as it made me want to act “cool”.

I don’t want to do any of that anymore. I want to be authentically myself, no matter how bad “myself” may be and build from there. That’s the strongest foundation.

If any subliminal custom veterans have any input on if I should swap out my custom for something like emperor please feel free to comment :).

Maybe I should just run my custom once a week for 3 or 5 mins while swapping in emperor in the main stack. I know it’s cheating but this custom is so good, I just don’t think I’m ready to have this much emotion, without alpha programming

The custom is also making me a lot more focused on love than sex, which would probably be dangerous emotionally in the current climate.

It’s almost like I should only be running it if I’m in a committed relationship.

So overall the results from my custom within a cycle:

Lot more open to love
Desire to be genuinely nice and respectful to people
Desire to be humble
Desire to be completely genuine
Letting go of any controlling tenancies I may have
Letting go of my Desire or want people to change or be different than what they are
Less needy
More understanding of people
Aware of own emotional pains and Desire to explore these pains
Desire to dive deeper into my own emotions, thoughts and reactions
Ability to see the foundational emotions of people
Less obsessiveness

Most the results have been inner results. They are priming me for the outer results.

I have decided that I will play a loop of my custom next cycle, once a week.

On other days I’ll run Emperor (or EmpB), Index Gate and EoG stage 2 (only 2 titles a day ofc)


First cycle of Eog2 and Khan Black stage 1.

EOG made me a lot more focused in regards to keeping in reigns of my focus by automatically rejecting things internally, and I think this is how I’ll find what I am supposed to be doing.

KHAN Black made me relaxed and have this sensual energy about me. I’m also feeling incredibly attractive and a lot of good things seem to be happening under the hood but I’m not sure what yet.

Will likely be running Primal Seduxtion as well as my custom(once a week for 3 mins max) with this unless I get a clear idea on what I should do, in which case I’ll run a sub that helps with that.

Overall I’m very happy with both so far

Me posting here is making me feel needy and approval seeking (prob some kind of recon), as if I’m looking for other people’s validation about my results and posts.

I’ll probably post a lot less here now.

This is not due to anyone, just how the subs are probably directing me at the current moment.

I will now be sticking to eog and Khan Black only with a loop of index gate once a week.

They’re more than enough for my goals.

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I am completely sure of what I am to do now, thanks to stage 2 of eog.

Had 2 interviews for jobs which I turned down to work on my app.

I am a Web developer and not an app developer, and the product I am building made some sense to build as a website first as I wouldn’t need to learn react native and could just build it with nodejs(which I already know).

But as soon as I started building the website, my motivation completely went.

When I picked up building the app again, my motivation shot through the roof.

Needless to say, I believe my subconscious is telling me to stick to the original plan of building the app. And it makes sense, I was planning on building the website because I was being intolerant of any discomfort I would feel learning a new framework.

EOG2 zeros down on what you need to do and makes u loose motivation for anything else.

I even paused my boxing/muai thai membership for this month to work on my app.

I made a daily routine that involves meditation, mirror affirmations and 100 pushup and setups a day along with about 10 hours of work.

I finished an A4 book, both sides of just journalling in the last 3 weeks.

Listened to audiobooks and wrote notes. Binged on business videos by Alex hormozy when not working.

Still need to streamline my day even more. I want the highest roi for my time and eog defo helps with that.

Even made an online vision board which I stare at before sleep and after waking up.

My plan is to stick to this routine for 30 days, make it an effortless habit and then add more.

Funny, the routine is actually addictive.

If I stick to this, I will progress in life a lot faster.


Today was the hardest I worked in years. In my breaks, I mostly watched podcasts of billionaires and people worth hundreds of millions

And I liked this routine. I will keep it.

I’m upset that my UI/UX design for my app isn’t up to the standard I want it to be at.

Hopefully should be fixed by tomorrow.

Love this routine tho. 9/10

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I also get extremely angry when I’m not doing what I an guided to by eog2. As if I’m not following my destiny.

Watched a podcast with the billionaire founder of occulus and he said something that I highly resonated with. Something along the lines of:

“It wasn’t even my free will anymore it was like I just had to do it”.

I sincerely believe that if we veer off our destiny, our lives become increasingly worse. We have the choice to veer off it, as far as we want to go, but our life will continuously get worse if we do, simply because we are betraying the deepest parts of ourselves.

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