Emperor's Redemption

Added Libertine Ultima to the stack as I found it interesting that it can take built up sexual energy and disperse it into the aura. Chances are I won’t be running BLU today because of this.

From the first two minutes all the way through my body generated and INTENSE HEAT, from head-to-toe which is how I know the aura scripting is the real deal. I had my A/C in the lowest temperature, full blast as well as my ceiling fan on high, and I still felt like I was on fire. My mood was also elevated and all I thought about the whole loop were past experiences of sexual and flirtatious encounters. Especially the ones I’ve had at work before the pandemic started.


1st day results to report from LU:

  • As I mentioned, an intense heat was felt for most of the loop, from head to toe. Still feel it 12 hours later.

  • After the loop I hopped out of bed this morning and did a fully detailed hygiene and grooming routine. I damn near danced while doing some of it lol.

  • Helped my sister moved today. We went to rent a van for moving from a U haul store. At first, no one seemed to be paying attention to me. For some reason, that’s when I decided to consciously control my chi. I visualized my aura as a red sun just like the original libertine guides you to do. The heat around my body increased and within 30 seconds I caught 3 women staring at me at the exact same time. One of their dudes kept staring at me too after that, like he was curious about something. Ever since that moment, it seems both my energetic control and sensitivity have skyrocketed.

  • Not sure if I made a male employee anxious but he seemed to have an issue with me taking a couple seconds to check the gas level of the rented van. I had no idea what he was rambling on about but my sister informed me that he was displaying hostile body language behind my back and she actually put him in his place before I could notice.

  • Everywhere I went today I ended up getting stared at. one dude who I never seen before even greeted me in a friendly manner while I was pumping gas. Women seemed to stare out of interest like they were trying to figure me out, in fact there were 3 instances where women from over 20 feet away looked directly into the van while I was driving and stared at me like I was the first man they ever saw. Men who were with their women kept looking at me as if I was going to take their girl. Glad I was wearing a mask because it helped me hide my laughter.


Took another day off the full stack but admittedly ran LU 3 times today. Even after the first loop I began thinking of sex more. After the 2nd loop, I notice my voice seemed deeper than normal, my tone of voice was smoother and I spoke a bit slower. It’s almost like I was unconsciously practicing my seduction voice.

I’m starting to get the urge to listen to r&b heavily like I was towards the end of last year. It’s also staring to feel like the hardened attitude and demeanor I gained while I was away from subclub is becoming more relaxed.

Just woke up, tired as hell from running my entire stack overnight. not to get too graphic but libertine must be behind why my soldier won’t stop saluting even though I hardly even managed to sit up myself. Had a strange dream and it felt like I had it twice in a row. Either that, or 2 days passed by in the dream world. In any case, here’s what happened.

I put on a backpack and walked past my mother and a brother of hers I never even heard of sitting in the middle of the yard talking. Apparently i kind of knew this Uncle in the dream because I greeted them both on the way out. As soon as I opened the gate to the front yard to exit I began picking up trash. Symbolism for picking up trash in a dream apparently symbolizes internal issues and emotional “garbage” that needs clearing. There wasn’t much trash at all to be honest and I picked up everything with one hand so maybe there isn’t much emotional trash left.

Next; while walking through a huge grass plain, I somehow could see a spiderweb that was made of clear energy and thousands of small spiders on it. As a matter of fact, I was apparently the only person in the field that could see it due to me being the only person that had to move around crawling my way to the other side of the field without becoming tangled within the web and attacked by the spiders.

Dream Interpretation I found about spiders are: " Spiders , being ever-so-patient and, of course, gifted with the magic of web weaving, are masterful in accomplishing their goals. So if you see a spider crawling along in a dream , it might represent the fact that you’re making progress on goals of your own."

Either that or it’s a symbol that something within me needs to be freed but I perfectly dodged the whole web and every spider. It was tricky as hell to do though. I felt like my sense had to be superhuman in the dream in order to make it out alive.

Finally after crossing the plain I came to Taco Bell of all places, where I sa a sign in front of the register saying 2 people died from lack of social distancing. I also saw where they were offering some new taco with barbacoa in it which looked delicious. I’m thinking maybe I was just hungry in this part of the dream and I’m actually hungry right now as I’m typing this so I’ll be back later to update if anything significant happens.

Currently running LU as a standalone. Feels as if both masculine and feminine energies are filling my being. What I mean is, my masculine core feels as if it’s being electrified, while I feel a sensual and primal energy running through my meridian points. My aura also feels filled with a hot and magnetic Chi.My mood was also boosted 2 minutes into the loop. Felt good beforehand but now I feel joyous.


About to be my third day in a row taking off from my stack, except for running LU today. Subconsciously the stack is feeling more dense so I’ll try running it every other day for the time being.

Nothing too new to report thus far. I did get more than 8 stares from people when I went to the store last night but I’m not sure if it was because of me or the fact that they liked my Louis vitton mask. Hmm now that I think of it there was one dude that went out of his way to ask a store clerk something for me, and a cashier who was extra friendly but I couldn’t make out anything overtly sexually related. Although I’m pretty sure that judging by the LU description on the sales page, the benefits you can get from this program go beyond just sexual.

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Ran LU 3 times in a row. Throughout the day I felt a more steady stream of hot energy (the aura) projecting around my body. My energy sensitivity and cultivation skills are rising with each loop. An unexpected benefit for sure. Went out and got stared here and there as usually but for the time being I won’t be reporting any further results unless it goes beyond just a stare or gaze.


Unsure why but I’m much more expressive than usual today. On social media especially I’ve been saying things when I normally wouldn’t comment. I don’t have a desire to “be heard”, and I’m not craving attention either. No negative interactions at least. Took the day off. I’ll be firing up my stack at midnight.


Started to notice since late last night that my eyes and the area around it are looking more, hypnotic. Almost as if they’re naturally mesmerizing. This has to be the work of Libertine Ultima, working to make my gaze more intoxicating.

After waking up today I’ve started to notice that I’m beginning to grow tired of the mental narratives that have been running in my head about the human race in general for the past 6 months. I’ll simply be letting it go and living my life from a more balanced perspective.

Though these narratives keep me from blindly trusting others and making more rational decisions when dealing with people, it’s put my mind too far over to a pessimistic state, and so I’m taking back control of that particular perspective and choosing to view this subject in a more realist manner.

Memories of the man I was in my early 20’s have been flashing in my mind as well. The one who was ambitious and strives constantly for perfection. Due to many setbacks in my attempts to progress on the material plane, I turned more inwardly as I should’ve in order to prepare myself for greater manifestation of external results. Not just a man that could succeed but one that could also maintain it with an even-keeled approach. It feels as if I’m being pulled to combine the wisdom of my current self with the unlimited and burning ambition of my younger self.


Now ending the Q/Terminus/Ultima experiment. I was actually able to handle the stack quite well. Mostly was just curious about the Terminus platform. Going forward I’ll be going back to EQ as my only major program and using Sanguine and Libertine Ultima as needed.


One thing EQ (and even previous versions of Emperor) is good at, is helping me identify and work on deep-seeded issues. Suddenly hit me that although I’m actually a highly positive person in comparison to the average person, I have few negative/non-serving mental patterns that are keeping me stuck in my current reality. Gonna have to find a way to purge these and replace them with a more positive and beneficial mindset to get where I want to go. Even more positive than what I already possess, while of course till being able to look at things objectively. I can honestly say in the past few days that the “purge” has already begun.

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I’ve been purging a lot on Eq especially lately after the 3 month mark. Really questioning deeper things, I think it’s New Beginnings

I also realized that certain aspects of E4 are only coming online on Q now.
Did you experience anything like this?

Pretty much since I began Emperor and all its versions.

I guess said simpler I mean what is your experience in the difference of E4 to EQ?

Like I’m only now experiencing the Q version of what I felt very quickly on EV4

I see what you mean. I mainly remember EV4 feeling a bit mellow, or rather it helped to stay rounding out my rough edges and made me more open to being sociable. I also felt like a sage many days in terms of the inner peace that was cultivated.

EV4 is also where o learned to be more I tune with my emotions and actually control them better. With EQ, I feel a similar effect but it also grants me more of an edge to my personality. I also notice that EQ better helps me focus on getting past my negativity via learning from it instead of just encouraging me to harbor it.

EV4 taught me not to fear my dark side but instead utilize it when needed and then go back to being positive once the “shadow self” served its purpose. EQ makes me want to fully integrate all of me into one being instead of using a portion of it during perceived negative events.


Really, really well said, I feel a similar process but your words have me recognize, appreciate, and able to utilize it in an improved light. Thanks for sharing.

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Not a problem and best of luck on your journey.

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Hmmm just ran 1 loop of emperor although I intended to run 4. I’m noticing what may be a form of reconciliation. I don’t feel like switching subs or stopping Emperor altogether but it seems like I’ve been taking unintended days off or basically not running emperor as much as I originally intended. This has me feeling like maybe my subconscious is either bored with the sub or somehow it feels more dense than what it was weeks ago.

This however seems to be a theme for me lately in general. I used to be in a huge rush years ago to get any and everything “done”, especially when it came to self improvement. These days though I actually seem to be more “in the now” and enjoying the journey instead of racing to the destination. This perhaps this is the result of my ego erosion and loss of ability to be motivated by fear in general, especially when it comes to comparing my journey to that of another’s.

How many loops of EmperorQ do you run on average?
Are you stacking it with anything else these days?

Right now 1-2 per day. Taking at least 1 day off during the week. I’m only stacking sanguine and libertine when they’re needed at the moment. Actually almost forgot that I threw Godlike Masculinity into the mix yesterday too which I’ll be using at least 2 loops on the days I run EQ.

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