Emperor Vs Khan Vs stark Vs Ascension

I would run EmperorQ solo for at least a month. It’s really fun to stack modules and create mixed effects, but running a big sub solo like EmperorQ you’ll most likely get faster results, see and get a feel for it’s effects, minimize reconciliation and set a better foundation for when you add another subliminal.


Emperor Q is more social compared to previous versions, although we don’t know quite why. Saint mentioned a while back they could be combined though. If then you favor Emperor, you could start with just Emperor and as you add more loops over time keep Emperor dominant in the stack. So 2x Emperor and 1x Stark for example. Or 3:1, or 4:2.

But I agree you might start with only Emperor and possibly add in Stark later. By then, your goals should be clearer in your mind and the subs will align with that as much as they can.


Maybe the following can help

It is an excerpt from a conversation I have with @Hermit

That’s why I didn’t like Emperor so much. It was very fun running it but I got often in “fights” because people picked up on small things or my sub communication idk. Also, I am not a natural sigma male. But the confidence increase was just CRAZY. One day I woke up and my fear of 10/10 women was just GONE. Something not even Khan Stage 4 did for me. (Disclaimer: Before running Emperor, I had 3 months of Khan Stage 1, so maybe Emperor probably just gave me the last push, whereas when I ran Khan Stage 4 I only had 20 days of Stage 1)

I am naturally an Entertainer and love to be feel liked and loved. Stark’s fame aspect is actually more to my natural personality but it focuses on inventing something which I won’t do in the near future.

Khan is a mix between Emperor and Stark. I loved the feeling of effortlessness I got from it, especially the seduction. Everything was easy for me and I did not feel limited to do and use it only for certain things, but for whatever I like (like Emperor for business). While I was studying very intensely, it gave me huge confidence and an extreme work attitude that came effortlessly. It made me believe I can do it even when all people said I was crazy. And in the end, I manifested my goal. But even while studying, everything was “fun”. I was enjoying life with all its struggles. It gave me the ability to easily switch between being social and working hard; something I always desired. Looking back, I had the most intriguing fun experiences I ever had happened on Khan. I love it. I felt alive. The downside was, that people started to envy me. I had literally multiple girls telling me that, that they (men) are jealous I pick up so many girls and stuff. A lot of people started to think I am arrogant, which is something I did not like so much from Khan. On Emperor some people (man or women) picked up fights with me, felt dominated/intimated, on Khan, nobody did that but they probably talked shit about me behind closed doors. They did not like that I succeeded, had so much fun, and showed them how easy and joyful everything is.
But there were two things that were suboptimally for me on Khan: 1. No healing component in Stage 4 (which is now resolved with Q) as this fucked me up so bad. I had so many traumas still hiding back then. 2. No Quantum Limitless integrated because well QL was released after Khan.

I think stacking Khan St4 and QL St4 will give me everything I can think of. But, being a Stark makes you more likable which is more aligned with my personality. It is this difference why I like Stark so much:


Thank you @Azriel and @DarkPhilosopher for your inputs. I have already been running the EmpQ, my plan was to run it for atleast a year. I was just losing motivation here and there, might be reconciliation and reading others journals and comparing results. As @friday shared here I do have those anger issues and taunts, may be I was already Sigma now its showing up more than ever. I am focused on starting my own business, hence I guess this would suit me more. Thanks to you guys for sharing.

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Great description,

how has Q solved the healing issue with Khan Stage 4?

I was thinking Khan Stage 4 and I AM (breakdown healing module)as part of a custom sub

If it’s QL lite that is in Emperor it is profoundly effective, useful. QL Stage 4 must be pretty awesome

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Absolutely, Best of luck with starting your own business.

Emperor will definitely support the confidence, drive, determination, and capacity to do that.
I ran EmperorV4 and the results were more instantaneous and less reconciliation but the ceiling is lower on where it can go.

EmperorQ has some persistent reconciliation for me that mostly shows up as doubt, feeling like it/I am not enough, and self consciousness at moments. But on the other side no sub has shifted my life and sense of self as fast. It has social capacity and the status aspect makes it easy to be the center of attention but I’m still retaining a strong sense of self control, not getting lost in the moment like on a more social sub.

I have anger come up as my standards and sense of what I choose in my environment has raised. Just doing my best to be assertive rather than aggressive and people respond better. It’s like ‘be dangerous act nice’


“Be dangerous, act nice” this is what I have been doing unconsciously but being nice later makes me feel bad in some situations and would make mental imagery later thinking alternate response would have been better and I reconcile.

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I don’t mean act nice -like nice guy nice-afraid of confrontation-Deal and address what needs to be dealt with or addressed.

I mean when one confronts things-don’t be hostile/aggressive or excessively belligerent but firm unyielding, clear, assertive, be acting in a way that can accomplish the result, may cause tension or dislike, but is less likely to compromise relations. (I say this objectively not as advice to you necessarily)

By all means aggressive (not physically of course) confrontation is better than nice submission on an Alpha sub for growth but aggressive confrontation can cause continued tension, strained relations. passive aggressive behavior and a whole other host of ‘karmic’ consequences. It also depends on how close or how often one will continue to be around the one they are confronting.


I’ve been using StarkQ and enjoying it, but with the Q store I’m now considering using it along side Emperor. The reason for this is StarkQ is most of my ideal goals and personality, but Emperor contains traits that are more similar to me in my natural state, such as less social and working alone at this moment of my life. So I was thinking that I could get faster results by including Emperor as some parts could fit me more and give more matching opportunities to take action.

@Hermit mentioned that they’re different archetypes, so it got me thinking that this may not be the best option.

Will they clash or will desired traits from both be taken? Should I choose modules based on my ideal life or what I think will work the best for me at this moment?

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@Azriel Thanks, but when I confront , I get tensed body tightens up , partial breaths and sometime stammer. How do I get rid of this? Over the period of time it dissolves? may be since I dont respond with anger normally since these are the instances am responding them with hence I get those above blocks.?

Obviously it will take the desired traits from both, yet it will take much longer and they will kind of clash but eventually merge together in a way that suits you. It’s just that there’s not much overlap between the programs so like Saint has mentioned in another Thread, it’ll probably diffuse your results where it will take longer.

I’m looking at Stark with Daredevil & Power Can Corrupt, now Stark already contains parts of those two programs tailored to it’s needs. Essentially giving it more overlap of the scripts and make it more focused towards one singular direction.


I believe with healing or enough use of a sub like Emperor Q that will resolve on its on.

The fastest way from what I’ve read to address this with a sub would be Ascension Q, which is shorter script so hits faster and is basically all confidence, alpha, status, IDGAF attitude.

PCC would probably have you cool and taking a less directly confrontational route

In terms of what to do consciously in how your reacting. I would take a breath, let it be ok that what ever is coming up is coming up for you, let go of any self judgement about this, focus on your need and just ask for it or request what you want or need.

Find a way to get your need met directly with as little conflict as possible in the beginning. The only point of confronting someone is to get your or another’s need met or to set a boundary.

If you feeling anxious in that moment it will take some courage, if your feel angry in that moment it will take some assertiveness. I believe those are muscles we practice and then reap the benefits of confidence and well being respectively. Hope this makes sense and offers something-I’m no expert, these are just my opinions/views on this kind of thing


Hermit what do you think
of Khan and Emperor together archtypically?
Or Khan, Emperor and Quantum limitless?
I get that intuitive sense that Khan and Emperor Mesh -with Khan bringing Emperor off the throne and out onto the fields.
What about Primal Seduction and Spartan?

Thank you again for your valuable input :slightly_smiling_face:

Upon reviewing all of them again, I’m thinking that Ascension will be a nice middle ground without being too distracting from StarkQ. My goal with that would be to increase my masculinity and give me that drive to succeed and provide as a man. I’m hoping Ascension will give me that kind of “sharp masculine edge” that I saw in Emperor too. I was also considering Ascended Mogul, but my focus isn’t fully on entrepreneurship as much and more on innovating and creating with a mix of entrepreneurship to make money off of that and StarkQ provides that well.

My life situation isn’t that social atm, so while I like the ideas of daredevil and PCC, I don’t get too much opportunities to take advantage of them.

The other option I was considering was using Regeneration but as I said before, StarkQ has been doing a bang-up job on the healing side and I plan to have other healing modules in my custom Q too.

If I had Quantum Limitless and already worked my way up to stage 4, then that would be my choice. But I have to work with what I got, and I’m too impatient to use quantum limitless for a few months before getting a custom Q haha.

Thanks a bunch again, I’ve been really spinning in circles the past few days!


From what I have read Ascension and Stark seem to pair really well together and provide that masculine edge and IDGAF, top of the world, it’s my time, can take on anything vibe. I’ll be combining them down the line in a custom


Thanks, that’s exactly what I want. I had to google IDGAF, I must be getting old :joy:

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I feel we have just scratched ascensions benefits…I mean we have not fully allowed the sub to take full effect…I think 6 months will allow the sub to peak with its benefits…

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Haven’t had experience with Primal Seduction and Spartan but they look like a solid combination, both are oriented around similar goals.

I believe Emperor and Khan is more compatible compared to Stark, do keep in mind that both of em are very dense programs, so it’ll be though in the beginning, especially if you add in Quantum Limitless as well. If you’re completely new with these programs I wouldn’t recommend it, but you’re free to experiment, I’m just saying that if you’re on a budget it will be likely that you’ll end up creating another Custom under the influence of reconciliation / not receiving the results you expected.

Ascension & Stark go really well together, I feel like Stark is more a neutral Archetype and Ascension adds that masculinity to it. Ascension is a really focused subliminal and brings very instant results, at least it did for me and many others have reported similar observations. I loved Ascension because I constantly had this urge to improve myself, Ascension worked so well on me that I was literally motivating myself to take action every single second of the day.

Ascension really transmutes you into all you can be, and magnetically attracts you to become this person. I had past experience with Ascended Mogul and my experiences we’re similar, do take into account that I’m only grasping at what Ascension is capable of since I only ran it for three days.


Good point, this is the sole reason that I do not use any Alpha or Masculinity based subliminal’s, I prefer to be above that, as I do not like to engage in low vibrational behavior. These subliminal’s really start to shift your unconscious behavior patterns and before you know it you’re having power over others. The divine masculine has been unbalanced for a long time here on Earth.