Emperor, SM and QL

Ok today i had problems with procastination. Tomorrow i will try to study with all my energies if i still procastinate or feel too much anxiety i will double QL and SM and will see what happens.

Why SM though?

Because it is the one of the 3 that I think I can “bear” better, since already I am not doing badly in bed, so I might as well increase by one if I already increase another. Just to try, then if I feel too much reconciliation I reduce.
Among other things, I had read both strategies based on heavier days, both on lighter days and also on break days.
I think i could combine things. Maybe alternate a heavy day with a light day and then Sunday day off. however I am not an expert so maybe if you have any advice it is appreciated and accepted.


I made a mistake last night before going to bed, I playedthe wrong playlist with SM and QL x 2, the version I wanted to try next week (next time maybe i should change the name of the playlist and just not put a 2 next the same playlist name ahahah). I checked now, because I woke up with a strange feeling a little stronger than yesterday and that I had cataloged as anxiety yesterday, but I don’t understand if it is anxiety. Usually anxiety prevents me from doing things or in any case I try to distract myself. Instead now I perceive this feeling and say ok. I experience anxiety as something born in my chest, while this sensation is as if it rose from below and then weighs on my heart. Maybe regeneration is starting to work or maybe it is simply helping me together with the other two subliminals to deal with anxiety.
In general, despite this weight, I think I feel more serene, but I am not sure whether I am constantly questioning what I feel.
SM x2: I haven’t had sex yet and I think it will take a while since for a few months (about 3) I will be very busy and in addition I am in crisis with my girlfriend, so if I have sex it is a lucky chance and if it happens I update. However, I feel more relaxed and confident with regards to sex. Although I am doing well, I usually always have this fear of doing a bad performance, but now if I think about it I am calm.
QL S1 x 2: now I start to study and see if I feel anxiety or how I manage. Maybe at the end of the day I write a post and tell you.

Ah it’s the third day (so since I started listening to subliminal branded subliminal club®) that I see 1111 at least once a day. As far as I know, it’s a good sign isn’t it?

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It totally is.

Our resident Doctorate in Numerology @Hermit will now give you a crash course on 1111.

Friday, summon him

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Prepare for life changes, new beginnings, and evolution towards a higher frequency of living.


ok it’s a very good sign hahahah i really hope to have life changes, who knows in a year’s time how i will be and where i will be if i continue on this road i can’t wait to find out.

update for QL: ok today I tried to study and I have to say that I have less anxiety, I haven’t done much and the memory has not changed compared to before (also because I’m at stage 1), but also just the fact that I feel a little bit more relaxed while studying is already something, so I have to continue like this.


Today i’m tired so i will try to drink a lot to regain energy. For the subliminals i’d say that otday is like yesterday for regeneration and QL. Yesterday night i woke up at 5 am with a thick erection so i think SM is starting to work.

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Another mention of SM!!! I think it’s a sign from the universe, thanks!



No big things to report, but i have a sort of fear/anxiety that maybe it’s not working and i have to listen to my playlist more like adding 1 of each subliminal. Could this be a sort of reconciliation? For the rest i feel good, no headaches and i sleep enough (i’m trying to drink a lot of water during the day, probably it’s helping).

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The bad feeling is weaker than yesterday, I perceive it, but nothing special. After almost a week I can say that I am a little more confident, or at least I’m more serene.
From QL I’m not getting huge results regarding procastination and concentration, but I think it’s also because stage 1 focuses mainly on preparing the brain.
It’s the second time from when i started listening to SM that i have a pollution while a sleep, do you think it’s normal? usually ejaculating tires me a lot and accelerates hair loss (in fact bald spots are starting to appear on the head, if you do a subliminal for hair regrowth I give you money and in addition I also give you a dog hahaha) and if I don’t have sex I try to avoid masturbating or in any case ejaculating (#semenretentioncrew) and obviously a pollution happens every now and then, but 2 times in a week has happened really rare times. Maybe it’s because SM makes me horny.


the bad feeling is gone. Maybe I keep this playlist a few more days to see how it is doing and then maybe slightly increase the exposure.


Yesterday night i tried
regeneration x2
SM x3
QL x3

I feel good, i think my mind is getting used to these subs. I feel more present or at least calm. I don’t feel overwhelmed. The big problem is that i wake up during the night with my penis so hard that it hurts ahahah.


I feel good, i reduced SM and i did’t have problems with night pollution and i woke up with an erection but it didn’t hurt.
i’m managing to organize my things and it’s a really good thing.

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DAY 10

Still feeling good. I’m really horny during these days, but i think the problem with night pollution might be resolved. I think QL ST1 is improving my brain because i’m managing to organize myself.
From tomorrow i will listen to regeneration and QL during the day too but not too much. Just 1 loop.

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DAY 11

Yesterday I already started listening to QL and regeneration once during the day and I’m fine. I thought of a girl who made me suffer a lot in the past and for whom I still suffer and I have had very few negative feelings compared to the usual. For SM I have to have sex to understand if it works and I’m very curious, but at the moment I don’t have time and I have to think about other things. For QL, I perceive myself a little more intelligent, but I can’t expect much from ST 1, the important thing is that it prepares me for the next stages. My problem that has not yet been resolved is the fact that I depersonalize a lot, I hope that regeneration and maybe QL ST 3 and 4 will help me heal from this problem and make me more present.

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How many loops of regeneration are u using ?

3 during the night and 1 during the day.

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