Emperor Q+House of Medici - [Stacked]

If you do this, remember the 3 core recommendation.

I noticed this within 1 week of listening to Emperor Fitness St1.


*There may be a lot of typos, I’m afraid I’ll heavily edit this if I proofread it. My apologies.

I’ve always heard the way you do one thing is how you do everything. But never understood what it really means until now. Last month I set a goal to lose some weight, of which I’ve lost 15lbs to date. But although I still have extreme motivation when it comes to working out, my nutrition/diet efforts lost steam.

As have my job search efforts, land investing and even my use of subs.

After some thought, memories of my father screaming at my brothers and I “You’re all losers, none of you will ever amount to anything, you’ll either end up dead or in jail”. Some variation of that would go on for hours. Sometimes it was only directed at me other times it was all of us. I still don’t understand how I managed to totally block all of that out.

But to this 15lbs, I figured out a way to sabotage myself. Then I saw how I’m doing the same with this career change I’ve put so much work into, the land investments…the looking back I see how I do the same thing when I have the opportunity achieve real meaningful success. Whenever I’m close I put the brakes on.

What’s wild is I do and have done that with everything. I allow myself to achieve success but just enough.

I realize I’m really, really good at dropping the ball. And could talk a really good game but…for the things that really matter somehow I just never really finish. Or in some instances start.
And this isn’t one of the poor me look how much I’ve suffered rants. Because thinking about it, any suffering, opportunities missed, lost, shots not taken or half assed, that’s all down to me. And now I understand the why. All those words from my father went deep. I loved him, and in my childs mind must have decided becoming more successful than him would be a betrayal. So no matter what I could never be more successful than my father.

What a crock of shit to carry around. That coupled with me never really stepping into the arena and battling through this thing called life, now I understand why.

Emperor has me feeling like I can make headway on my goals and life in general. Dragon Reborn is dredging up all the shit beliefs that have kept me stuck in many a rut. Even when I leave one I manage to dive into another.

Now I know it’s different, I feel lighter – this bit of insight I think is really because of Dragon Reborn. Almost like a path a being cleared for Emperor to really run.


Nope. None at all. :ok_hand:t2:



Dude this is really deep, and with this insight I believe you could really turn your life around in the direction you truly want!

I’m happy for you!

I would also encourage you to look at Dragon Reborn. Just read about it and have a think.


Thanks for the suggestion. This surfaced after looping Dragon Reborn ST1-4 every night at bedtime. Went through ST 1 and 2 for month each. Then decided to run all stages back-to-back just for fun.

Stuff that’s coming up is deep. I would have needed a ton of therapy to get here.


Appreciate that, it’s definitely unsettling but feel like I can pursue the kind of success I really want. Exciting times :slight_smile:

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DR has pulled up strange and deep stuff for me. I’ve found that the amount of unsettling material has yielded equally rewarding emotional freedom and reduction of tension.

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Perhaps I missed you…


Welcome to the Sibling-hood…

Your invitation…

The Anthem

Dragon up so you can Dragon on!



Dragon Reborn/ I can’t remember a time when I felt this amazing – seriously. Even problems have morphed into challenges that just require a bit of creativity fortitude and self honesty to get through. I’m laughing more, dancing more and just having a hell of a lot more fun. While there are challenges ahead I know no matter what I’ll get through them.

I don’t know if playing all 4 stages at night is a good idea though:) I don’t know how to explain it but feels like it overpowers Emperor.

More importantly I’m learning to trust my intuition more, lately when it comes to people anyway it’s been spot on.

One thing coming to a head is my relationships – people are starting to fall/pulling away. I’m also moving on. A year ago that would have hit me very hard. Now it just seems as I grow other areas of my life will adjust. Part of that will be my friend circle so…it is what it is.

Now I just need find anthem:)


Congratulate yourself! DR is doing its thing and you are doing good work!

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And how is it going for you currently? Still running all the four stages?

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Most of the time I feel like a fucking winner – Still running all 4, started alternating days because so much was coming up.

I started becoming a beast…there’s a fire or hunger that’s always in the background now. But instead of sex figuring out how to focus that energy towards getting things done.


Dragon Reborn/Realize I ask for permission in so many areas of my life, in very subtle ways but it was definitely there.

Not any more.

Emperor/There’s an aggression I can’t describe – on one hand it’s a bit frightening but I’m curious to see how it evolves.


You’re right, giving myself kudos is not something I’ve been good at. Slowly getting there — thanks for the reminder.

I’ve made a lot of strides in ways I hadn’t expected. DR is an incredible program. It should be ranked right up there with Emperor and Khan.


Right now it is my favorite!


I’m closing out this journal, I’ve found what I was looking for. Thanks to everyone who gave guidance, encouragement and input along the way.


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What were you looking for? What did you find? :blush:


Think initially I was looking for more sex and money first, second dabbling with subliminals sounded cool. Something I could bring up at a cocktail party to seem more interesting than I actually am.

Clarity. About who I am, what I really want and what drives me. And free of some of the baggage I was holding onto after my fathers death.

These two clips kind of sum it up for me.

I sold drugs in my teens and just did dumb shit a different points in my life, now I have a better understanding of why – Emperor and Dragon Reborn got me here.


So are you completing your use of subliminals/ this Forum, or just this journal?

Whatever the case I wish you the best.

Awesome clips


Just this journal, I’m going to keep running my stack but will take more time offline to just focus on going after it.