Emperor and Spartan Journal Now With Primal and Khan

Day 3 - Khan

2 loops of stage 1
8 loops of stage 2

I swear Emperor was easy to handle even at 12 loops masked. Khan really mentally fatigues you when you hit 8 loops.

The first dream I remember which was so vivid. An old woman stood in front of me she looked at me and said “this what I looked like when I was younger” she transformed into a cute blonde girl in her mid 25s.

She then transformed into a child of 11 years. She then transformed back into the old woman in her 70s and yelled “life is short life flies past you at a blink of an eye”. In the dream I burst into tears.

On the dating side I sorted out a date with a girl who couldnt meet me last week. I met her on a cold approach. After work I went out and hit on 4 girls got one number.

Might reduce the number of loops to 6 to allow me to get some more sleep.


Day 4

Decided to drop thr loops back and run only 2 loops of stage 1. Might have ran too many loops thr previous day.

On running 8 loops of stage 2 and 2 loops of stage 1. I woke up feeling angry depressed afraid. I could not focus.at work today.

The date with the girl turned sour. She made an excuse and left me “saying i gotto to go nice meeting”.

I wanted break down into tears. Right now i just want to go back to my place and hide away from the world.


Take care of yourself, dude. All of this feelings will vanish soon.


Its like when i stopped PS and Emperor the girl found me creepy. When i troed to touch her she moved away. I never had that problem when running both emperor ans PS together.

I guess there is alot of healing to be done.


Thanks Dimitry.


Your experience seems to be similar to mine. Check out here:


Amash this is bizzare your results are similar to mine. I am going to drop to 2 loops of healing and see how that goes for the next week or so.

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For what it’s worth, I’m having sort of the same experience as you blackadder. At first it wasn’t verry apparent, but I’m also feeling depressed and angry. The fact that most people here are having this shows how deep the healing probably is.


Decidefd to drop to 2 loops of stage 1 khan as i really cannot allow it to effect my work.

Alongside that i will run emperor.

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Day 5

Khan stage 1 x 2
Emperor x 4

After listening to Emperor il 4 loops overnight 8 was back in top of the world

Having one dream after another with this stack. Most of thr dreams are centered around the.theme of my past. Images of my past flash past me in my dream.

The following morning i was in a better position to command the.team of developers.


Day 6

4 loops of Khan stage 1
1 loop of Emperor

Decided to slowly dial up the loops of Khan. One of the many dreams i had. Was getting on a bus then realizing i was on the wrong bus. When i got off i was trying to figure out how to get back to my previous destination.

Everyone i asked had no clue what to advise me.


Day 7

4 loops of khan
1 one loop of emperor

A friend of mine was being sarcatic there were tines when i use to take these comments as personal attacks.

They jist rolled off me like water of a ducks back.

Other then that nothing astounding to report.


Day 8

4 loops of Khan Stage 1
2 loops of Emperor

There were flight delays. The airline had to host passengers in a hotel for the night. It was raining heavily.

The airline promised a shuttle would take all 15 passengers to the.hotel it never turned up.

I felt a fit of rage inside me pulled pulled out the phone called the hotel and told them how dare they leave their guests standing in the rain with children.

The hotel staff said they could not help as thr last shuttle was.at 9pm. I got even more.angry as i felt like someone had taken advantage of me and other people.

In the end we all got taxis and shared the costs.

I plan to write to the airline and tell them frustrared i am at their poor services.


Day 9

4 loops of Khan Stage 1
2 loops of Emperor

Was feeling very unsure of myself but just couldnt get myself out of the house it was like I wanted to bury my head in the ground.

Decided to run x4 loops of Primal Seduction slowly and surely PS did its magic and got me to hit the gym. Things escalated from there and went to the city to hit on girls.

Hit on five girls and got two numbers. Every girl stopped to listen to me and we had a great chat.Three of the girls kindly told me they had boyfriends which was not a big deal for me. Each girl I spoke to seem to make my aura grow stronger to a point where girls just stopped to talk to me.

One girl said I had a really cool energy thats why she stopped to talk to me.


Day 10 4 loops of Khan Stage 1

Was in a bar with a colleague. This cute girl who obviously had a few drinks too much walked upto me and said “you look really fit”. I was gob smacked I was caught off guard. Once I recovered I bantered back and she began giggling. We chatted for a few mins and I told her I dont want to leave my colleague by himself. Tried to get her her number but she refused sayinng that she wanted to hangout with me but did not want to give out her number.

Since I was with a work colleague I decided not too take it any further. Never had that ever happen before !.


Day 11

6 loops of Khan Stage 1
2 loops of limitless

I ran two loops of limitless whilst I was studying some new software technology to get to grips with the concepts fast.

Later I had the inclination to go out to an expats meetup. Was social and was liked by everyone at the meeting. I am going to make a habit of this going to gatherings like this.


Day 12 - 10 loops.of Khan stage 1

I feel alot of anger and rage inside me whem i woke up. Had a dream of a CEO who walked upto to me and asked me a question. I demanded he be more specific in his questioning as i dont have time for fluff talk.

This rage amd anger i did not feel on emperor. Its almost like emperor soaked up the anger like a sponge whereas khan is releasing it.


Day 13 10 loops of Khan stage 1

Felt a dark cloud over my head when i woke up. This morning got two texts from girls i had met on the weekend. They were up for meeting me.

Sadness set in brain felt iittle scrambled all i wanted to do was stay in bed. But i had to get to work.


Getting very lethargic at work will drop my levels of listening to 5 loops.


Day 14 - 8 loops of Khan Stage 1

When i reached my second loop of Khan i felt a surge of positive energy fill me.Like i felt so positive about what lies ahead.

Got two dates lined up from day game.

In a dream over a week ago i was challenging a CEO on what he said. Today i challenged one of the seniour managers on what he said to me.

He backed off and admitted he made a mistake.

Things are looking great with Mr. Khan so far.