Eighteen Months of the True Khan

Seems like you have a clear idea on what to focus on then! Nice!

I hope Genesis and whatever else you do will help you find a path to apply writing and storytelling in a way that brings you money and much more happiness :pray:t5: Will be lurking to see what answers you find.

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         **5/29/23 STAGE 3 CYCLE 3 WEEK 4**
         **WASHOUT WEEK # 11**
  • I have my son his first motorcycle ride today. He loved it. That was fun.

  • I think I’ve been feeling a bit more confident these last few days, and the questioning continues in the background where I can hardly perceive it.
    I haven’t come up with much other than writing at this point, but it’s percolating back there.

  • I’ve had an outline for the first novel in a series in my head for about twenty years. I’m getting more glimpses of it lately. It’s fantasy, but let’s call it unconventional fantasy. I think it can go over pretty big if I can tell the story well enough.
    I think I’ll at least start studying how to actually get that done as well as at least start getting an outline onto paper.

  • OK, Khan Black. That was a surprise.
    I read the description this morning and it sounds like it could be extremely useful to me. I think that I still have some blocks as far as sexual energy goes and some remaining inhibitions.
    Not now though. If I don’t HAVE to run EOG after I’m done with six cycles of stage four, I might do a combo Khan st4 Khan Black run for next year. It might turn me into a god among men, it might fry my brain to a crisp. Who knows.
    I can definitely see the benefits of having both going at the same time.
    Subclub just keeps messing with my plans by giving me better, at least more tempting plans.
  • As much as I’ve improved since I’ve been on these subs, I think I still have a problem. At least as far as finding additional partners goes. Inhibitions. Specifically inhibitions where it comes to initiating contact and escalating the relationship in any way.
    I’ve actually done pretty well over the years, but in all of the situations where I’ve gotten with a girl, they’ve made the first move, or it seems to me that it just happened. I don’t recall what lead up to it well enough to see any kind of pattern in my own actions that I could replicate.
    I don’t know if it would be right to say that I’m afraid to take the lead, but I’m very hesitant to do so.
    That used to manifest as fear and anxiety. Now it seems to me like I just can’t think of anything to say. Im still getting the freeze up effect, it just doesn’t feel like panic anymore. It’s more like writers block. It’s less uncomfortable, but the inhibition is still there.
    Im doing well at maintaining eye contact and whatnot when I am interacting with a woman or anyone else, but I have a piece missing still.
    I think for the most part, that piece is taking that first step.
  • I’ve been taking some action on the writing front. Not too much at this point, but it starts somewhere.
    I’ve been listening to at least one episode of a podcast by an author I’m a big fan of each night. It not only covers writing, but the business aspect of things that makes it a lucrative endeavor.
    I also got an app that helps with writing a novel. Developing a timeline for the story, keeping track of characters, world building, ect.
    So far I’m working out the basic timeline of the story, and have added one event a night. It’s a start, and I’m beginning to get the sense that I can actually do this. I’ve had a couple of false starts telling this particular story, but this time I’m coming at it more organized and disciplined than I’ve ever been.
  • I mentioned something on the Genesis thread that really got me thinking.
    The sales copy says that they didn’t want to do a just plain confidence sub like every other company offers as a first sub.
    My question is, why not?
    Don’t get me wrong, Ascension and Genesis are awesome for first timers. However, there is definitely something to be said for simplicity as an option.
    I am very sure that Subclub could produce a straight confidence sub that blows the competition’s offerings out of the water if they brought everything they know how to do to bear on that one focused goal. They could make the fastest acting, hardest hitting, deepest diving, most permanent confidence booster that ever hit the market.
    That could be awesome to run a couple of weeks before a big interview or anything else you’re going to be doing. It could also be great for someone with major confidence issues to run for a longer period of time.
    Then it occurred to me to suggest that they do a whole line of laser focused products like that.
    They could make self esteem (not quite the same as confidence, though closely related, discipline, optimism/positivity, courage, action taking, and just about anything that users might want a hard fast blast of.
    What do y’all think?
    I would add this to the roadmap, but I can’t for the life of me recall how to get there.
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Couldn’t hurt to put em in there

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I found it, but it keeps telling me that I don’t have permission to do that.

Gotta make sure you’re signed in, in case that’s it.

Though that error sounds different than I’d expect for signin issue.


Copy, thanks. Just wasted a lot of typing.

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Got it on there.

  • Depending on the cost, I’m planning on doing Stage 4 in STKS.
    The fact that having one’s own voice kind of confirms something I have been thinking about how subliminals work, and the best way to use them.
    I think that subs work so well because your subconscious can’t tell the difference between the voices that it hears and your own deeper level thoughts.
    I’m talking about the self talk that you can’t quite “hear” but is always going on in the background. After all, you always hear your self talk in your own voice.
    That definitely tells me that my philosophy on how to run subs is right. As far as thoughts go, the more repetitions the better (or worse if they’re negative). The more you think a thought, the more you’re going to continue to think it, and what you think repeatedly becomes your internal reality.
    So the way to go is definitely to keep with a sub for a long period of time, and get as many reps in as possible without overloading.
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  • My stated goal for this run was to have five sexual partners other than my wife. I had thought that I was going to end it with zero.
    Last night I made that one. Progress is happening.
    I also got some insight into how stage three is operating with me, what problems I still have some work to do on, and what I need to do to get there. Also, I now have a much better sense that I CAN get there and that this program IS working for me.
    My wife and I went to an “adult” party.
    At first, I had a couple of very negative realizations. Maybe limiting beliefs surfacing is a better way of putting that. Strong, deep seated, and lifetime ones.
    Namely I realized how shy I really was. I felt powerless to approach and escalate even in a setting like that. I was starting to feel like it was hopeless, that I’d never be able to have the varied sex life that I want, ect.
    Then something snapped after talking to a couple of people.
    I just went and talked to a woman for a few minutes. She was clearly interested, and she was one of the hotter women there. I noticed mainly because she kept moving closer to me.
    I just pushed through the long standing mental barrier and asked if she wanted to go upstairs.
    She did.
    So that is two major mental hurdles crossed. I mean, yes it was a sex party so kind of shooting fish in a barrel, but that kind of easy setting is just what I needed.
    I will get to the point where I can make it happen “in the wild” as well, but I really needed this confidence booster.
    Stage three is working. I don’t think that I could have done that before. It’s just taking longer than I figured it would.

If you don’t mind, I’d like to ask you something. Seems like you have open relationship.
Doesn’t it hurt you that your wife has sex with other men, seeing her. don’t you love each other?

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No. I have sex with other women too. It’s equal. And yes, we very much do love each other. Have for twenty years.

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Dude! Fuck yeah :fist:t5: Not fish in a barrel… I’m not a part of that scene but I’d imagine competition can be even more fierce or people could be more choosy than normal because it’s about sex. A bit extreme of an example, but surely a smelly homeless couple couldn’t just roll up and get play :eyes:

Nice one

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There really IS no competition. Not like in the bar scene or when you’re looking for a relationship where there’s only one winner per desirable person.

LOL I see :man_shrugging:t5: I was trying to give the maximum props possible. That’s really counterintuitive!

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Oh, I’m taking the props. Maybe it would be helpful to start thinking about the whole thing that way.
Anyway, for now it’s enough that I crossed that long standing mental line. That’s a HUGE victory for me.


Having dealt with the new breed of homeless WAY more than anyone should, they get plenty of play with each other.