Ecstasy of Gold Journal: Kether to Malkuth

This is why I was hesitating to share the experience. It’s not a big secret or anything. If you look around, you can find it. And there are many great rituals and practices related to creativity and imagination.

Here’s one, for example, that I highly recommend. :wink:


But there’s a certain principle that is generally recommended. Da’at. Do not discuss your rituals until they are complete. Not unless you’re planning to include the person you’re talking to as a participant in the ritual. (Kind of like how you wouldn’t open up the door of your oven until your cake was finished baking.) So, I’ll wait until I’m completely done with this before sharing more about it.

Again, not hard to find. You can probably google if you’re really looking for one. It’s not ‘secret knowledge’. But more just about me managing my own mind. So, if you really want to know, ask me in a year. haha. (You’d probably find it by yourself long before then.)

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Woke up today and did my meditation with Stark Q Terminus. Got myself sorted after that.

Mind’s Eye Q Terminus^2 is here!
Came out to the computer and saw that Minds Eye Q Terminus2 had been released. Took some time to get that downloaded and integrated into my system.

The two big changes to my playlist in this recent period of time have been Stark Q Terminus and now Minds Eye Q Terminus2.

So, I now have a very Q-styled playlist. Meaning that it’s trim but it’s diverse. Not a lot of repetitions, but a larger number of titles. This, to me, is the new kind of playlist that is made possible by Q.

At some point, I may trim it more. In my mind, I’m developing a certain priority rating for each program. Some are as yet undetermined.

Current Stack - Core to Periphery
These are the current programs:

Ecstasy of Gold Stage 4. I’ve been running EoG 4 since March 1 2020.

Emperor. I’ve been running Emperor since December 1 2019.

Stark Q Terminus. Since May 3 2020

Those are the core programs. If there are concentric circles (like a bullseye target), then those are in the central circle.

In the next circle out:

Minds Eye Q Terminus2. Started Mind’s Eye on May 20 2020. And today May 23 2020 will be my first with Mind’s Eye Q Terminus ^2. One loop of course.

And those 4 represent the central programs. Of those 4 (Ecstasy of Gold, Emperor, Stark, and Minds Eye) the only one I might consider removing would be Emperor. I’m not planning to and I don’t want to, but if I found that I was being overwhelmed and needed to remove one, that would be it. Only because Stark Terminus is more powerful and meets some similar goals (though by somewhat different means).

Since, however, I don’t feel overwhelmed, I’m leaving them all in for now. Adding in this high-powered Terminus2 version of Mind’s Eye is a new variable. We’ll see how it affects me and how smoothly I integrate it.

Terminus Meditations?
Something else I’ll decide is about that. So far, I’ve been combining Stark Q Terminus with daily meditation and the process has gone quite well. Not only have I noticed obvious enough growth in myself, but I also haven’t dealt with overly disruptive reconciliation (at least not after the first week).

Now with the even more powered Mind’s Eye Terminus^2 build, I’m thinking of making that my daily meditation program. I’m leaning in that direction. The 2nd option is to alternate meditation days between Stark Terminus and Mind’s Eye Terminus^2.

Hmm… another idea that might be good: only use these Terminus titles during meditation AND alternate days. That way, I could build in automatic rest days and also limit play time. Might try that.

In that case, My core playlist would remain as

Ecstasy of Gold Q Stage 4 and Emperor Q.

My Terminus titles (Stark and Mind’s Eye) would be reserved for meditations.

Well, it’s a cool idea. But if I do it, it will start tomorrow. So I’ll think about that today.

Remaining Titles - Stacklike
Anyway, the other programs I’m using beyond those 4 I mentioned are all supplemental:

Inner Circle, Limitless, Rebirth, Aegis: Covid

Inner Circle and Limitless are both more focused versions of elements that are in Stark
Rebirth I’m using for stacking to support my mind in integrating the changes from the other programs
Aegis is a general health protective and something I do as part of my responsibility to my family.

Those 4 are more optional and may or may not get played on any given day. I just leave it up to circumstance.

Sounds good so far.

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Just looked up and noticed that I’m a little over halfway through the first listen to the Mind’s Eye Q Terminus^2 subliminal.

It’s been playing as I sit here listening to recordings of presentations that I have to evaluate for work.

Interesting juxtaposition.

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Why do you all say Mind’s Eye Terminus^2 instead of Terminus²?
Funny you added Mind’s Eye. I’m going to do the same soon. Is there a specific reason why you did?

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The reason is simple.

Pure ignorance.

Didn’t know how to do superscript. As it is, now I’ll probably just copy and paste from what you just typed. :pray:

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Easiest to answer with a link.

I think that may have been my first post on the Discussion Forum.

I have been interested in Mind’s Eye since then, when it was originally going to be a mental supercharger. As far as I’m concerned, this current version–as a major subliminal–is an upgrade.

I think that this is one of those subtle programs that may turn out to be a good foundation for pretty much anything else.

Imagination is a foundational capacity. It’s part of basically everything.

People often overlook the fact that, for example, imagination is also a part of how we experience the conventional ‘five senses’. When you open your eyes and look at the supposedly ‘empirical’ world, that is imagination. When I sit down and feel that proprioceptive sense of my body position in space and my weight on the chair; that is imagination too. Simply at a more concrete and less improvisational level.

It pretty much runs through everything.

Mind’s Eye also seems like a good ‘runway’, transitional program to use on the way to Alchemist, which I’ve been planning to begin in September 2020. If I stay with that original schedule, then this will give me a good 3 months with Mind’s Eye before I introduce Alchemist.

Mind’s Eye is single-stage and so it feels like an easier decision to introduce it now, in contrast to Alchemist. I guess I’m thinking of it almost as pre-Alclhemist.

Finally, this is the first Terminus² program. The intriguing and promising results that I’ve gotten with Stark Q Terminus so far have left me well-disposed to trying out this one as well. It’s too early to say now but I think I may be partial to the Terminus titles.


Very well said. I regard visualization as a meta-skill, a skill that amplifies and enhances results in any imaginable (pun intended) aspect of life. I too planned to use it with Alchemist haha. I think both of us will be very playful regarding ME, at least Ill mostly do it for fun and refreshment.


Wait a second… Why buy Mind’s Eye and StarkQ if there is going to be a Q-Store soon?


A valid point.

I’m sure numerous people are waiting for exactly that. And it’s a good strategy.

I guess the way I look at it is like this:

I already have my core programs. Ecstasy of Gold and Emperor. That plan has not really changed, and those are the spiritual bedrock of my current goals and subliminals.

The essence of the Q store is customizability (in terms of module/program combinations and name embedment).

And the next major scheduled transition I have in listening is Fall 2020. That’s when I may want to customize.

The two programs I’ve bought before then have been for stacking/experimentation/transition.

I purchased Stark in order to experience Terminus. As a result of that experiment, I now know that I like Terminus-level subliminals. Also, Stark has become an unplanned but highly appreciated core subliminal for me. It’s just working really well (I think in synergy with my other programs). Also, Stark is already so packed and customized that I don’t see myself adding anything else to it. (But of course we’ll see once the Q store opens up.)

Mind’s Eye being at Terminus² level together with the fact that it’s a program I’ve been planning to buy for months was enough for me to try another experiment. Also, I think it’s already set up well. I don’t need to customize it.

I think the time when the Q store will become important for me will be in the Fall when I’m planning to make my next intentional major program transition. Originally my plan for Phase 2 of subliminals was Alchemist, Quantum Limitless, and possibly Ultimate Artist.

Once I understand the Q Store better, it’s possible that I may find some way to combine elements of those programs to create a customized Phase 2 subliminal, possibly multi-stage.

Thing is, the power of the programs I’m working with right now has me considering pushing the date back for that major transition. 1) These programs I’m using now feel like they may keep on giving. 2) My ass has been slow to take action. 3) We’ll see what kind of goal-oriented action I’m able to put in motion during the next 3 months, and what kinds of results those actions yield.

Adding in these two powerful Terminus titles turns out to have been a significant amendment to my original plan. But then 3 months can be a significant amount of time. So, I’ll see where my life is by September 2020.

I’m in rambling territory now, but the other thing I notice is this: the two programs that I’ve introduced (Stark Terminus and Minds Eye Terminus) are both extremely good transition programs to the ones I planned to start in September. Stark transitions and blends excellently with Quantum Limitless, and Minds Eye transitions great with Alchemist.

My current stack is really, really powerful. And I think I’m happy with it. Once this stack and my related efforts have run their course and I’m ready for the next phase then it’ll be time for the Q Store, I guess.

But we’ll see. I still have no truly comprehensive idea of what will be possible with the Q Store. So, we’ll see.


Some timely wisdom from the Yi Jing.

What it says to me?

Inner Circle.




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What’s in the upper line?

Took me a moment to understand your question.

It’s labeled ‘Lower line’ because every symbol of the Yijing is made up of six lines.

The entire symbol represents a particular situation or configuration of conditions. Each line, from bottom to top, represents the stages of progression through the situation.

Each line also has a particular guidance or interpretation associated with it. So, in this case, you were reading the guidance associated with the lowest of the six lines. Which represents the inception of this situation; the point at which it is just coming into being. This is the 17th symbol or hexagram of the Yijing. It’s name is translated as Following.

Things are continuing to settle down into a new post-Q configuration. So far I feel pretty good about it.
Currently it’s settled into three parts.

Core Playlist (4 hours)
Ecstasy of Gold Q Stage 4
Ecstasy of Gold Q Stage 4
Emperor Q
Rebirth Q
Inner Circle Q

Meditation Playlist (one 1-hour loop alternating titles each morning)
Stark Q Terminus
Minds Eye Q Terminus^2

Evening Playlist (played on Ultrasonic as I listen to audiobook with son - 1 to 2 hours)
Aegis Initiative Covid-19 (sometimes)

The main point to me is that these kinds of agile, modular playlists would only have been possible with the new Q titles with their lean, powerful builds.

The other point about post-Q subliminals is more of a psychological one.

Since these titles work best with concentrated play and deliberate, ample rest periods, they open up much more space for you to focus your attention on your actual life projects. No more using your playlist and the need to ‘get more loops’ as a distraction from the goals and projects that are the true priority of your life (and the true reason for playing subliminals in the first place).

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Am now onto the last set of tasks for this 11 day period of work. Hopefully I’ll be done in about 3 hours or so. If a bit more, so be it.

Seem to have gotten through it, one way or another.

When this is done, I hope to put my attention onto my own priorities and really see where we’re going.


I just submitted the last document in this mountain of work that has been monopolizing time from much of anything else. I’m (more or less) done.

There are of course follow-up tasks and minor bits of this-and-that. But the monopolizing of time is done.

I’m so thankful. Glad I got through it.

Meanwhile, I continue to be very happy with the current situation with subliminals. It’s great. These lithe, agile, high-potency builds. So much more packed into so much less. That is awesome. And it’s awesome as well to see how @SaintSovereign and @Fire are building and evolving their company. That’s exciting.

Well, it’s not relaxation time yet, I do still have various tasks to do, but not at the level of albatross-ness of the past several weeks.


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Now that my daily routine has become less intense and weighed down, I am happy to integrate more beneficial practices for which I didn’t have time. I’m also seeing it as a natural opportunity to gather and marshall my resources for subsequent pushes forward.

One idea now is to integrate gentle, but brisk and extended, physical exercise into the start of my daily routine. My meetings don’t generally happen before 11 AM, so it’s possible for me to meditate and then go to take an extended walk (and once it feels right, jog/run) into the start of the day.

In the same way that I currently combine subliminal exposure with meditation (Terminus tracks on alternating days), it seems auspicious to combine physical workouts with my core stack. If I exercise for 1 to 1.5 hours, that’s a good start to the core stack.

This is actually early and straight-forward advice from @SaintSovereign and @Fire. Haven’t always made time to follow it, but now is a good time.

No time like the present.


lot of ornery energy circulating right now.

i sense it in my own heart.

good luck everybody.

I’m continuing to notice Ecstasy of Gold and Emperor working with me. For the last few weeks, there were significant, legitimate distractions or alternative concerns that prevented me from doing very much in this area. But that time is now finished. I’ll have some projects and tasks over the next 3 months, but it seems that they will be manageable, and should still leave me with a good amount of time to invest action and attention into my EoG and Emperor projects.

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I’ll be posting this every so often.

And here is another gem.

That one is from Damon Brand, I think.