Ecstasy of Gold Journal: Kether to Malkuth

What’s in the upper line?

Took me a moment to understand your question.

It’s labeled ‘Lower line’ because every symbol of the Yijing is made up of six lines.

The entire symbol represents a particular situation or configuration of conditions. Each line, from bottom to top, represents the stages of progression through the situation.

Each line also has a particular guidance or interpretation associated with it. So, in this case, you were reading the guidance associated with the lowest of the six lines. Which represents the inception of this situation; the point at which it is just coming into being. This is the 17th symbol or hexagram of the Yijing. It’s name is translated as Following.

Things are continuing to settle down into a new post-Q configuration. So far I feel pretty good about it.
Currently it’s settled into three parts.

Core Playlist (4 hours)
Ecstasy of Gold Q Stage 4
Ecstasy of Gold Q Stage 4
Emperor Q
Rebirth Q
Inner Circle Q

Meditation Playlist (one 1-hour loop alternating titles each morning)
Stark Q Terminus
Minds Eye Q Terminus^2

Evening Playlist (played on Ultrasonic as I listen to audiobook with son - 1 to 2 hours)
Aegis Initiative Covid-19 (sometimes)

The main point to me is that these kinds of agile, modular playlists would only have been possible with the new Q titles with their lean, powerful builds.

The other point about post-Q subliminals is more of a psychological one.

Since these titles work best with concentrated play and deliberate, ample rest periods, they open up much more space for you to focus your attention on your actual life projects. No more using your playlist and the need to ‘get more loops’ as a distraction from the goals and projects that are the true priority of your life (and the true reason for playing subliminals in the first place).

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Am now onto the last set of tasks for this 11 day period of work. Hopefully I’ll be done in about 3 hours or so. If a bit more, so be it.

Seem to have gotten through it, one way or another.

When this is done, I hope to put my attention onto my own priorities and really see where we’re going.


I just submitted the last document in this mountain of work that has been monopolizing time from much of anything else. I’m (more or less) done.

There are of course follow-up tasks and minor bits of this-and-that. But the monopolizing of time is done.

I’m so thankful. Glad I got through it.

Meanwhile, I continue to be very happy with the current situation with subliminals. It’s great. These lithe, agile, high-potency builds. So much more packed into so much less. That is awesome. And it’s awesome as well to see how @SaintSovereign and @Fire are building and evolving their company. That’s exciting.

Well, it’s not relaxation time yet, I do still have various tasks to do, but not at the level of albatross-ness of the past several weeks.


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Now that my daily routine has become less intense and weighed down, I am happy to integrate more beneficial practices for which I didn’t have time. I’m also seeing it as a natural opportunity to gather and marshall my resources for subsequent pushes forward.

One idea now is to integrate gentle, but brisk and extended, physical exercise into the start of my daily routine. My meetings don’t generally happen before 11 AM, so it’s possible for me to meditate and then go to take an extended walk (and once it feels right, jog/run) into the start of the day.

In the same way that I currently combine subliminal exposure with meditation (Terminus tracks on alternating days), it seems auspicious to combine physical workouts with my core stack. If I exercise for 1 to 1.5 hours, that’s a good start to the core stack.

This is actually early and straight-forward advice from @SaintSovereign and @Fire. Haven’t always made time to follow it, but now is a good time.

No time like the present.


lot of ornery energy circulating right now.

i sense it in my own heart.

good luck everybody.

I’m continuing to notice Ecstasy of Gold and Emperor working with me. For the last few weeks, there were significant, legitimate distractions or alternative concerns that prevented me from doing very much in this area. But that time is now finished. I’ll have some projects and tasks over the next 3 months, but it seems that they will be manageable, and should still leave me with a good amount of time to invest action and attention into my EoG and Emperor projects.

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I’ll be posting this every so often.

And here is another gem.

That one is from Damon Brand, I think.


“I provided myself an incredible amount of avenues for manifestation”


Had my four Monday meetings today. Walked the 3-ish miles home from work. (That’s a win.)

Got me through much of my first loop of EoG. This is going to be a thing.

I’m doing a lot of thinking (and some reading) about wealth-building strategies. Business-building.

I’m finally at the point where I can begin taking action again in a real way.

The Action for Emperor and Ecstasy of Gold is straight-forward: Start and run businesses


I started Ecstasy of Gold in September 2019. But my job is extremely consuming. And this year has been more consuming than most. This is actually the first time since then that I’m getting a decent amount of time to enact something.

I’ve stolen plenty of moments here and there. But much of December to February was pretty much taken out by intense work on a proposal. And that required me to double up on everything that was occurring from March through May.

What’s my point?

  1. I can understand why I haven’t taken as much action in these past 8 months.

  2. Although it’s not perfect (still have a couple of less-urgent projects to do), this current opportunity to plan out my own projects is rare and precious.

Still, no need to get too desperate about it. Even though it was busy and I didn’t conceive and launch anything truly major, I did take small steps of progress during this time. That lays the foundation for doing more now.


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My major work during the past months was the conceptualization and writing of a research proposal. This proposal is in line with the required and expected practice of my job, more or less. But I’ve also created it in such a way that it also serves as a launch pad for my business development. Writing it took a lot out of me, and after it was finally submitted in finalized form in March, I actually did not open the document again.

Well, I’ll be meeting with some collaborators in a few minutes to discuss related matters, so I just opened it up again and read it. With 2 months of distance, I was surprised to find how much I liked the result. Interesting.

Makes one think.

Doubts and stuckness.

and pushed to not listen to subliminals today. (Other than this morning’s meditation.)

Seems like reconciliation process. Hope so. I’ve been working to gain more clarity on my next step. I’ll try to roll with the process.

Discouragement is just another distraction.

It comes when you can’t see clearly where to go or how to get there.

In other words, it is based on not seeing, rather than on seeing. Think about that. It’s based on not seeing. That means it’s based on nothing.

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Just had an insight or thought this morning. (If it turns out to be true, then I guess it was an insight. haha.)

Anyway. There’s a well-known saying that ‘Prayer is talking to God and that, in turn, meditation is listening to God’s replies’.

I realized that we could say the same of the Subconscious. (Fitting, since many aver that the subconscious is the bridge to the Divine.)

In prayer, affirmation, intention, etc., we are sending messages from the conscious range of the mental spectrum into the subconscious range. (i.e., from the Conscious mind to the Subconscious mind. I prefer the terms ‘range’ and ‘spectrum’ since they’re parts of the same mind, after all.)

In meditation, creative arts, etc., we are allowing in messages from the subconscious range into the conscious range.

This continual inhale and exhale enables life.


@Malkuth - that’s actually a very good description of the Subconcious/Concious mind.

The transfer of messages from the subconcious to Concious for arts is particularly interesting since we normally think that creative work has to be created from our Concious mind but subconsciously we know that we are waiting for the inspiration to come from our subconcious lol.

No wonder the subconscious is a powerful muse.

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The basis of realism and of so-called hard-nosed empiricism has traditionally been the ‘five senses’. ‘Don’t give me all the wishy-washy, airy-fairy nonsense. I trust what i can see, hear, and touch.’.

Yet, belief in the ostensible objectivity of the ‘five senses’ is its own form of superstitious, magical thinking. It made sense at a point in history when there was, as yet, no identification of the structure and function of the nervous system. At that time, sensed reality seemed to constitute the unquestionable foundation of reality itself. But that time has passed.

With the advent of neuroscience, it became possible to imagine objectifying subjective experience. We are still more or less unable to do that conclusively, and may well always be unable to do so. It’s an ouroboros-styled paradox. To somehow reduce subjective experience to objective terms would require that we somehow had experiential access to an objective realm; but the very fact that we have experiential access to such a realm renders it inherently subjective.


So, the ‘five senses’ and the experiential products of the five senses are not objective. They simply seem objective, which for all intents and purposes has tended to be good enough.

Even though we are at a primitive stage of investigating consciousness, there are still some principles that we can identify about how it operates.

One principle by which sensate consciousness operates is Threshold. Phenomena below (or too far above, also) a specific threshold will simply not be registered as real.

This general principle of conscious experience relates back to our personal experiences and narratives around achieving goals in our lives.

You may feel that you just generally want to be happy. Or successful. Or attractive. Or whatever. But within that generic ideal of happiness or success, or what have you, there is actually a fairly specific (and sadly, somewhat arbitrary) threshold that you are seeking to pass. Only when that threshold is passed will you feel ‘yes, I am happy’.

While the first parts of this post may have been abstract; this last point is very, very practical.

It’s a really good idea to investigate where your own thresholds are for the various standards you are using to gauge goodness or rightness in your life.

It’s also a good idea to start to be a little skeptical of those thresholds. They are one of the main reasons that people often give up before (or just before) we are about to achieve a sense of completion.

We fall victim to the threshold fallacy. The threshold fallacy says that progress that occurs below the level of my thresholds to awareness does not exist.

This is not new-age talk. Think about the moments when you feel that a room is hot, warm, comfortable, cool, and cold. These are just various thresholds. What determines your thresholds? And what about the fact that they shift dynamically over time? Habituation or sensory adaptation is when the internal threshold of awareness shifts as a result of prolonged exposure to a stimulus or condition.

Shit. These ideas are in my head and I’m just typing them out right now.

I’m thinking about the fact that this same threshold principle influences the way I evaluate and experience my life and my progress towards goals on a daily basis. It seems problematic.

Anyway, I’ve gotten down the basics of it. I’m going to stop here.

Thresholds are natural like breathing. So, this so-called threshold dynamic is not a weakness to be corrected. It is an aspect of our nature that should be grasped and then navigated, or integrated into the way we understand experience and the way we approach and solve problems.

Yet another koan.


From maintaining breathing and heart beat to basic protein synthesis on up, we’re actually not very aware of most of the important things we’re doing all day.

In a way, the conscious mind is kind of like a maintenance program that functions to give more attention to areas where the subconscious automatic programs are bumping into little problems. It’s a bit similar to if you had a self-cleaning carpet, but if there were very serious stains, a little Roomba would come out of the wall to give the stain more focused attention.

That little Roomba is the conscious mind—the self, the ‘me’—and, as far as it’s concerned, it is the master of the house. That’s us. Apparently it’s something of a hilarious joke among those who have seen all the way through it. buddhas and sages. The tail thinks that it’s wagging the dog. In this case, the tail is ‘me’, and the dog is the Cosmos and Nature.

Bottom-line: you’re actually doing many, many things all the time, but the parts of ‘you’ that are doing most of them are outside of what you identify as your ‘self’ (i.e., subconscious). This is why changes, results, the reactions of others to you, etc., can seem to just inexplicably and miraculously ‘come out of nowhere’.