Drag Reb Elix 23 (2021)

I am thinking that the pain and stiffness in my right knee is getting marginally better. Part of that may be attributable to Drag Reb and Elixir, though I have also ramped up my fitness program and am doing more cardio + deadlifts and hack lifts using heavy bands and a platform + an isometric hand and thigh lift using a climbing daisy chain, a handle and the aforementioned platform.

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Warren Buffet had a fear of public speaking early in his life. He took the Dale Carnegie course to overcome it.

Running Executive.

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I haven’t run Executive yet today. Already agitated and bored as it is

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I have noticed that Executive makes me feel a bit antsy, but not sure it has had any effect on my procrastination issues thus far.

I guess I am assuming it can have some accumulating effect over time. Maybe it will not work that way.

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Executive does that to me as well. I plan on running R.I.C.H with Executive and it makes me curious how driven and ambitious I will be

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I have not yet looked at what R.I.C.H. is all about.

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If you want to be wealthy and left the fuck alone like I do you may want to check it out

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It looks good and it is an Ultima, so you are running this in conjunction with Ascended Mogul and EOG right?

It is appealing, but there are so many things worth running. It is difficult to strategize a path for me.

I’ve committed to at least six months with just Dragon Reborn. I am figuring that should provide a foundation for anything else I’d like to run after that.


With Mogul and EOG

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Makes sense.

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Wealth and money has been more main goal for years but prior to running Dragon Reborn Stage One I was too oblivious and immature to stop the self sabotage and get rid of all the negative and unsupportive beliefs and behaviors holding me back


I am hoping a good long run will clear out the crap back to tabula rasa. Maybe that is impossible, but that is my idea and hope.


That would be incredibly cool but I’m not sure it’s possible. If it is possible Dragon Reborn will do it


It would probably require far more than six months


I think it’s something that needs to be run really long term. Years/decades. I’ll do it by getting to St4 and then keeping it in rotation till the end. Unless something better comes along, of course.


I plan to give the four stages six months to a year, maybe longer.