Digger’s Journey to becoming a Quantum Mogul

QL ST3 DAY32(early update)

So based on what I wrote last night, I decided to pretend that what I’m doing for my office project is part of a certification I had in mind (may actually take that cert once I pass the one I’ve been preparing for months now). And it seems like I’ve got a little progress today.

To even push me further, I suddenly came up with an idea of “documenting” the steps I did and then posting it over in my blog. Of course, I’d be removing office-related stuff such as the tools, actual source code, etc. that I used for this project. But, as the thought just popped up, by blogging my process about it, it still goes with the reason why I started my blog in the first place. Writing down my technical though process, how I solved some problems, and basically just as a means of “marketing” myself. So yeah, I’ll probably go with this.

Small steps, but at least I feel like I’m starting to go somewhere.

By the way, this thought about blogging came up shortly after I listened to 1 loop of BLU. So yey!

Docker + docker swarm or Kubernetes?

Just good old Docker. My project needed to be able to deploy numerous tools onto various servers quickly and without the need to install all the prerequisites. Creating docker images and just sending them over to the servers would make it easier (I think).

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Also, as someone who is more used to virtualization rather than “containerization” (not sure if it’s a proper term), docker/swarm/kubernetes are basically like foreign languages to me. It’s good that I was at least able to understand the basic concept of docker image creation and building.

QL ST3 DAY32 (update)

So I now have a semi-concrete plan on how to approach my office project. Dockerize every frigging tool that will be run. That way, there’s no need to differentiate anything (whether needs separate install/requirements or not). Yey for uniformity!!!

My manager asked me to attend another meeting for another project. Looks more like manual labor rather than actually thinking. Not sure how I feel about it really, but then, the good thing is, my output for that project does not require me to come up with plans and proposals and other documentation. So, … meh…

Wife’s been frisky today. Not sure if it’s Stark or not. I haven’t used Ultima Test ST3 (nor Libertine), so I don’t know. And honestly, I don’t really care.

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QL ST3 DAY33(early update)

Finally, I am a bit excited about my office project. Note: “a bit”. Not fully. Just slightly. At least I now have an outline of the process I need to do to have the it rolling.

Am gonna be doing a lot of multitasking today. 2 meetings, also final day of the workshop, plus working on my project. Normally, I would be feeling overwhelmed with all this. But right now, I don’t know. Maybe a wee bit overwhelmed but not as much as before. More calm and focused.

I do hope I’ll be able to multitask properly without crashing. Unlike my computer right now that’s currently slowing down every so often. :joy:

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QL ST3 DAY33(update)

Too many meetings today. Feel tired, but forcing myself to at least sit at my desk right now. Project update is due on Monday. I need to be able to show my boss something that’s at least a viable prototype. Man, why did I procrastinate so much?

After the today’s meetings, it only made me feel how much I really want to get out of my job. But then, without any other offers coming in, I really don’t know how that’s even possible.

Been submitting applications to other companies, but not one has responded so far. Feels kind of depressing if you look at it.

I know what I need to do. The steps for my project are outlined inside my head. I just need to concentrate.

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I’ve found when I need to get work done, AscMogul+Limitless on loop is amazing for me.
That’s what I had for the week it took me to get from zero knowledge of Swift to working MVP prototype of my habit tracking app on my iPhone. I felt driven that week, almost obsessively so.

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You mean you loop Q?

Yes. Ultraonic Q on loop. Not sure I’d ever dare try that with Terminus.

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I feel that StarkQ and QL +BLU actually helps me with my personal projects. My issue here is office-related projects. As mentioned earlier, I feel that working for my current employer is basically toxic. With all the politics, shit throwing and all that crap, I feel that my motivation to work is basically just to get a paycheck.

I have lost the drive to excel in what I do at the office. I used to come up with ideas that I believe would actually help not only my team, but the company as a whole (and in a way also our customers). But now, meh…

Yeah, I definitely agree with this. When I was running AM, I would be inspired to work. This still goes with StarkQ right now. However, the inspiration is for other “work”, and not office work.

That’s basically why I’m doing all this “pretending” I’m preparing for a cert, or all this is part of a training I’m taking, or all kinds of imaginary stuff. As you can see, learning, training and getting certified is one of my main goals right now.

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I’m in the same boat with my customer service gig. I’ve been trying to invent little challenges for myself to keep it interesting.
Like right now, I’m trying to solely focus on noticing when customers use visual predicates/words when talking to me. Just to keep my focus on keeping it “fun”

Otherwise, I am always overcome with a severe urge to quit and try my own thing…but not in a financial position to do that yet.

I don’t think Terminus version of AM and Limitless are available as is. As part of a custom, yes you can have the whole custom as T or T2. StarkQ is the only sub I recall that is available with a terminus build (but that was part of a test, I think)

Yeah. SQT is intense. I got a massively long lucid dream from it I think. When I accidentally let it run twice in one night

Oh yeah. Terminus is intense. Had all kinds of reconciliation when running StartQT. That’s why I stick with Q.


Slept in and woke up around noon. Felt rather refreshed because it’s been a few days since I got to sleep for about 9 hours.

Checked my email and found that the lab report I submitted a few days ago was accepted and earned me that vendor’s “certification”. Am planning on going on to the more advanced labs (I still have access to the labs until end of August) and try to earn their “advance certificate”. This is actually a “booster” or “feel good” moment for me. I know it’s a few steps below what I was actually aiming for, but at least I’m getting there. Training is still training, and getting to learn more and improve has always been instilled in me.

Office project has moved a bit also. Docker images for most of the tools to be used are ready to be deployed. I just need to write the scripts that would deploy, execute, monitor and terminate those Docker containers. Hopefully, I can finish all that by Monday.

However,… there’s a new challenge posted on this site I’ve joined. And it feels like I’m itching to go try it out. Need to refrain myself till next week. Hopefully I can still control myself.

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Wife and I had a fight last night. It seems that she’s always looking for an excuse to get me mad at least once a month. Call it shit tests. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t kind of thing.

After the fight, I just started working on my office project. Went to sleep around 5am. Not sure whether it was the subs or adrenaline from the fight or what, but I just felt like going all in on my office project.

It’s not finished, but somehow, I feel like I can present something by Monday.

Today was rather chill. Played with the kids as it’s a weekend. Even got to build a model of the Empire State building my in-laws gave me years ago. My kids were in awe of it and liked it a lot.

Will probably listen to a round of BLU in a while. Need to keep working on the project.

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So last night was fun! Sat on my desk a little past 10, listened to a loop of BLU, and went to work. Went to sleep almost 6am today.

With BLU, I feel that my productivity has shot up. Also, by shifting my mindset from a “I hate this job” to “I can learn something doing this”, has helped a lot too. Of course, I still need some time to warm up and get my work rolling (like a diesel engine that needs some time to heat up before getting out of the driveway). This is probably the reason why BLU works for me. It also takes about an hour before my subconscious understands what BLU is telling it.

Although my project is not yet done, I feel that with a few tweaks tonight, I can at least show a viable prototype tomorrow.



And it looks like I have a presentable prototype I can show my boss this afternoon. Yey!!!

Even if I procrastinated so much, I was at least able to do something these past few nights. What was supposed to be a month long thing, I was able to do in 5 nights.

I can only imagine what it would have been like if I did not procrastinate. But I don’t want to bring myself down. Thinking of the positives.

Today, I’m not really sure if I’m going to jump into and tackle the advance problems for that certification I mentioned a few days ago. Or I may just try to relax tonight. Not really sure. But I feel like I should be doing something and yet I’m tired. Contradicting myself feels like a thing today.


Just a thought. Instead of jumping right back into my studies and certification preparation, I’m thinking of writing what I learned doing my office project into my blog. Though not sure if I would. Just a thought. Just a thought.

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