[CONTEST DISCUSSION] Free Holiday Gift and Contest - 12.25.20

And we all gave a ton of product idea requests in the process. :hugs:

SC is demonstrating how a Limitless Executive does Business. :wink:


Aye playa don’t be calling us out like that. :wink: :wink: :wink:


Saint, what do you think of these stacks?

Mogul + Limitless
Mogul + Limitless Executive


Now it’s even less than 2 hours away…

And if you’re up, I got some posts about the new product(s) that will get you laughing…


… but you have to wait until after the official announcement.

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We are so close. The only thing keeping Saint from releasing now is this DarkPhilosopher guy distracting him behind the scenes. You don’t mind, do ya? :wink:

Argh @DarkPhilosopher, the Asiatic side of the planet is awake, waiting impatiently :joy:

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Tell them “hi” from me! :slight_smile:

RVC, you have aroused my curiosity!

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Get ya free gift, ya’ll:


These are both very potent stacks. I’d go with the second, however, especially if you’re hard at work on a business.


Diamond erections even better my american friend :slight_smile:

@SaintSovereign when may we expect these to hit Q store? (sex Mastery Ultima and Diamon Ultima)

Technically I was correct


Actually, given the definition of anything you might be incorrect. It definitely had something to do with anything.

Stating it had nothing to do with something would have been a more accurate answer. Although I can not with certainty say if it would have been even better to state it had something to do with something.

Either way, we went for the least ambiguous correct guess.

I will admit I did love your explanation:

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Sorry, I fell asleep.