[ANSWERS] Free Holiday Gift and Contest - 12.25.20

My official answer: A subliminal which could be closed described by a mix between a unisex version of Seductress, Blue Skies and Spiritual Freedom. One fundamental truth is that regardless of behavior and outward appearance, every person is a true diamond. Not only will this sub help you connect to your “inner diamond”, your unconquerable core, which will allow you to develop diamond-like “brilliance and fire” mentally, physically and spiritually, it will also allow you to connect to the deepest parts of other people, relating, influencing, and recognizing their inner diamond within. Because only diamonds can cut other diamonds.

“The naked eye is unable to discern the diamond’s worth—its cut, carats, clarity and color. Only a trained eye can appreciate the true value of a diamond. The same—and even more so—is true with souls. The naked eye cannot see the value of souls. One needs a trained eye to be able to distinguish the true value of a soul.”


My offical answer is Diamond Skin.

My offical answer is live life in abundance subliminal

My official answer is: “Crystal Clear Mind”.
A subliminal quiets the mind and mental noise. Purifying unwanted energies, and healing your body and mind so you become a divine being and manifest faster


My official answer is a subliminal that transmutes a person from an ordinary human into a jewel of a human through the use of life pressures much like ordinary carbon is transmuted into diamond by powerful forces of pressure.


My official answer is crystal mind toughness

My official answer: it is a out finding and embodying our diamond(s). Like in the creation process of it.

Did you know that diamonds are made of carbon and it is fundamentally the same material as pencil lead (graphite) ? Yet, they are the hardest substance ever known to mankind and have completely different properties as graphite.

What gives diamond their unique properties is the covalent bonding between its atoms.

You see, when diamonds are formed under extreme temperature and pressure, atoms in their crystalline structure become tetrahedrally bonded (each carbon atom links to 3 other carbon atoms) to create a strong and stable lattice.

My official answer is: It’s a sub about the teachings of the Diamond Sutra, which basically teaches us about Letting go of the ego, which in turns help us remove anger, jealousy, hatred from our mind.

The Diamond Sutra is basically the summary of Buddha’s 12 year teaching of Prajna (wisdom). To guess the vastness of it, just know that the full Prajna is a 600 volume book in Chinese. The following paragraph, explains the gist of what I think this sub would help us achieve.

Professor Harrison elaborated, “I think the Diamond Sutra is undermining our perception that there are essential properties in the objects of our experience. “For example, people assume that they have “selves.” If that is the case then change would be impossible or it would be illusory.” said Harrison. “You would indeed be the same person that you were yesterday. This would be a horrifying thing. If souls or “selves” did not change, then you would be stuck in the same place and be as you were when you were, say, two [years old], which if you think about it, is ridiculous.”


My official answer is; a sub that helps you understand where you want to go in the future and enables you to better customise a custom sub

My official answer is “Allotropy”,

a symbol of purity, the diamond’s pure white light helps to bring our life into a
cohesive whole.
It inspires the focus of accumulations, attracting the manifestation of
abundance. The diamond sub is an energy amplifier. It brings strength
and endurance to the entire body, it delivers a clarity of mind and aids
enlightenment. It aids spiritual evolution and reminds you of your soul’s

With all the latest advancements in our tech be prepared for a metamorphosis like no other.


My official answer is: This is a sub that allows us to view how the future will turn out if we take a certain path, it will also illuminate various paths we could take to reach our goal. I think this is the case becoz the pic reminds me of that one ep of rick and morty where morty sees the future and the pic looks very similar. :stuck_out_tongue:


I see properties related pics in the image, a house, towers, and a high view. The shards like effects reminds me of possibilities.

My official answer is this is a sub that fulfills us to live the life we choose, to live wherever and however we want.

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My official answer is: This is a sub that means strength and reliance of a diamond that last forever.

Results Enhancement


My official answer is: Unbreakable Strong Will.

My Official Answer: Ultimate Marketing…like How DeBeers managed to turn worthless diamonds into luxury items


My official answer is: A subliminal that brings out the pandimensionality brilliant light of our invincible souls in our journeys, despite the perceived pressure - the true self and nature; which is without form; an unshackled existing being of pure creativity. Bringing forth fortune physical fortune, boundless spiritual knowledge, clarity of vision, awareness, creativity and immeasurable potential energy. An undying, everlasting expression of the Soul and spirit. To infinity and beyond.
Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds, Kaleidoscopic vision ?:thinking: Creativity sub?

The symbol of diamond is said to embody the unity of the elements: Earth, Water, Fire, Air and thus the Aether. The building blocks of our world.

Traditionally, the diamond have 58 facets (Goldsmith, the brightest diamond has 88 - The double infinite, a portal). We are multi faced as such (alter egos and such). I would presume it would deal with the within and the without. Crown of diamond has 33 facets, the lower part, the pavilion contains 25. Using numerology: Angel number 58 is a positive occurrence in the waking, a full realization. 5 and 8: 5 relates to the 5 senses, or the 5 elements mentioned above - the five-pointed star. 8 is related to abundance and material accomplishments, also, its an infinity. Gematria, 5+8 is 13: freedom and creativity. We also have 25 and 33 to work on. 2+5= 7, seven days of the week and creation story, needs not explanation from abrahamic perspective. Lastly, we get 33 which is a double-triangles, resulting in a 6 pointed star: the symbols of the five elements, and, well, you know, the 33rd degree.

Hmm, after writing this I am wondering if you releasing The Philosopher’s Stone? The White Flame & Black Flames?The emerald tablet; A Diamond’s Eye sub (eyes being soul and so forth)… Doubt it though, Alchemist has those things.:drooling_face:

That was fun, can I get a cookie, my BS (blood sugar) is running low after all these rushing thoughts.:yum:

P.S: I drew a Death tarot card this morning, it would be quite astonishing to find the new subliminal to be dealing with transformation, but that could just be the rebirth module messing with the matrix of probabilities :smiley:

My official answer is: Living life in the present moment sub. Sub is about living in the present moment with gratitude, love, peace, and forgiveness.


Apparently someone guessed correctly :0

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This contest has concluded and somebody did indeed get it right.

See you on the next one!

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