[Chosen/Stark] The Morning Star

At the moment I feel is giving me more clarity about my dreams and more awareness of how energy manifest in my bodies.

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Theres nothing openly sexual in my custom, besides whatever Stark core might have… but this custom is great for Love Making, it generates a ton of Intimacy and pleasurable feelings.

Its a free flow in which both my girlfriend and I unconsciously knows what we want and how we want it.

A deeper level of connection.

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I did my Kick Boxing praxtice today and as expected there was some Spartan results.

•100 push ups.
Im getting closer to reduce the total amount of series needed to do the 100. Almost getting to 6. The plan is to be able to do 100 push ups in 3 rounds, but Im in no hurry.

•15 minutes Jumping the Rope.
1st Round: 3 minutes at normal speed and 2 minutes at double speed.
2nd Round: Full 5 minutes at double speed.
3rd Round: Full 5 minutes at double speed.

Starting next monday double speed is gonna be the official speed for the full 3 rounds.

•30 minutes Kick Boxing with the punching bag.


Diamond, Wanted, PS, Sex Mastery and all the sex Subliminals are great, but they wouldnt shine as much as they do if I hadnt decided to start using Spartan 7 months ago.

Why? Basically now I have lots of Endurance and a hell of a strong Cardio. Well… being 8 kg. lighter does help a lot too :sunglasses:



Last night I couldnt resist and did 1 loop of my custom…

I feel so very relaxed right now, I feel like nothing can ever disturb me. I am a little overloaded though, but Im gonna execute all day, since Im giving a class on Alchemy.
Chosen it is time to shine!!


Yesterday I finished up teaching the Bengston Method to my class and we spend the whole day Manifesting. Of course while they were working on Image Cycling, I use the oportunity to do it too.

At the end of the day I was in such a deep altered state I felt like I was tripping on mushrooms. Well actually I felt like that almost the whole day. My head was pumping and the energy flowed through my whole body like electricity.

Lets see how Image Cycling interacts with my custom and Ascension Chamber.



Chosen-Stark Custom
Ascension Chamber

I did some Image Cycling for about 10 minutes while listening to Ascension Chamber.

Yesterday and for the whole sub rest on the weekend I became more and more aware of my essence. My sense of self has been evolving, becoming clearer and more solid.

As I write this I feel a strong wave of energy moving inside me, the feeling connected to this is somehow showing me that I am in the middle of a profound transformation.

I feel movement deep inside and is hard for me to describe it in specific terms. I dont know if I really want to either.


Last night I had one of my recurring dreams… it was always the same dream, never resolving, but the last 2 or 3 times the dream have developed more and more into resolution. Last night it achieved full resolution.


It’s interesting when I dream in a school environment, which is the way my subconscious likes to symbolise a traumatic container — I know I’m healing some form of trauma.

It’s always a school environment, lol!


Yesterday we spent the whole day doing exercises to enhance perception and awareness, to then do more excercises to achieve rapport on an energetic level.
I can tell that Awakened Perception, Transcendental Connection and Eagle Eye are blossoming.

Pretty awesome how I can connect and read peoples energy and state of consciousness.


Yeah I used to have those too. The one I was describing was in a place I used to work, my first job and the only time I had a boss and all that stuff. Its the same container as the school, only symbolizing a different trauma.

Its fun to see now the evolution of a dream that was always the same and then in a couple of months it progresively evolved into what it feels like resolution. Maybe it still have more room to evolve, specially since this time I left the place with the most beautiful woman you can imagine, she invited me to spend the night at her place. :smiling_imp:

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I did my Kick Boxing practice today.

Phisically I was tired… my performance was weaker than last week.
Mentally and Emotionally I was at top performance. Didnt think about quitting, no matter how tired and soar I felt. Quite the opposite I was thinking of ways of making the most out of the practice.

I got the feeling that even if I have decided to quit the practice my body wouldnt have listened to me. Its hard to explain it, but I felt some kind of autonomy in my body… like it was going on with the practice on its own no matter what.

Spartan is Fun, thats for sure.


I got some extra cash last week and now I was thinking about building one more of the customs Ive designed… BUT I cant seem to find any used for them.
I mean, I look at them, all the modules and they are great, but I dont feel like I need them anymore.

Maybe I should keep going on with my stack and check again at the end of the cycle.

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First time I meassured myself since Instarted Spartan was on April 28. I was 72kg and 21.3% body fat.
The last time on july 2nd I was 71.4kg and 19.8% body fat.

The thing is before april 28 I didnt have a scale and Ive been already doing exercise and eating healthy since December 2021 and judging by the way I looked, the change in how my clothes fit and previous experience. I believe back in december I was at about 78kg and 23.5% body fat.

Im aiming to reach the point in which I no longer have a beer belly, which is now way smaller. That shoud be around 17% fat.

Im pretty happy with Spartan because I havent look this way since I was about 24 and I havent felt this good physically in my whole life.


Good going, bro!

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I never thought that looking good was so important for me… I used to think that it was vain, but I guess now that was just a defense mechanism because I didnt believe I could accomplish that.


"It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable.”
― Socrates


I feel sleepy… this is the perfect moment to go heavy into an altered state and do Image Cycling

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I have Dreams and Godlike Masculinity in my shopping cart.
Im getting the feeling that both titles are important for me.

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