Chosen and Regeneration: ZP changes

Hey, I have not run this custom with a healing core module. I’ve been running that custom with ascension as the core. You might want to look into that seeing as how ascension gave you some good results. Customs are really good for hitting sticking points and it sounds like you’ve identified a few.

I haven’t done any direct healing with a single title in a looooooong time. I’ve since identified I “heal” better by outgrowing vs direct healing targeting. So before zp I had a variety of healing modules in my custom. Now I run a more lean custom with minimal healing.

I think this comes down to how I’ve coped with things in the past. I’ve always been avoidant, without enough forward momentum and change I can get stuck in the past because my mind also has a tendency to operate like a broken record at times. Main point being a lot of this stuff varies person to person and sometimes you have to experiment a bit.


Sounds good. I didn’t actually run Ascension; when people associated it with the No More Mr. Nice Guy book, I was like, well, I’ve been following that for years.

Customs look to have potential, I’ll probably get some once I journal more and unveil what I want to target most as well as get a sense of a good listening schedule and balancing reconciliation, etc.

Right now I got Regen, Elixir, Mogul, and Executive. Seems like Regen+Elix help bring out deep unconscious feelings and I can work with and heal them. But in my case I don’t find emotional healing to be good for productivity in the short-term. While I apply the healers, bodybuild, and learn about using subliminal, I can use the Mogul & Exec to keep income going and potentially better my business overall.

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@subliminalguy @Fractal_Explorer Do you guys think it would be good to have a custom that incorporates unrelated things I’m interested in? E.g., it would have some fitness, some business, some psychology/positivity/relationship type stuff. Scheduling can be difficult with multiple non-custom programs.

Here’s a quote from username SaintSovereign on the subject:


“Focused customs” is kind of open-ended. If I have 3 current goals for the next few months, it seems like I could boost the qualities of each; the goals aren’t completely separate (I.e., keeping income allows for working out habitually). They are all connected (focused?) in that they are all things I care about bettering at the moment.

This seems in line with how a lot of the non-customs are designed. E.g., Emperor has manly, seduction, and business modules all in one.

If that was too open-ended more discussion from username SaintSovereign on the subject of focused customs can be found here and here.


@Seeker I think that makes a lot of sense. I’m going to consider what my highest goal is at the moment that needs the most support, then do like Saint said and pick the most focused core with modules for supporting & shaping it. Maybe I could use my Executive or even a custom Ultima just before working for the productivity motivation.

I restarted Chosen and Regeneration this morning, seeking some hope. I’ve been feeling downcast the last few days, so I’ve not wanted to…damn…go back to ways that hurt me.

I’m reflecting on discussions in the ZP discussion thread about being fake in front of people vs. being real. I’ve not had much female focus in my life (I’ve been with only 2 women), so most of my faking is in front of men. It’s a fear of being vulnerable, and fearing abandonment, which I think is my core issue. I’m just not comfortable making up shit on the forum (putting on a face) with the one clear goal: to have people like or love me.

It hurts. I am wondering about using different subliminals to hit issues from a different angle like @Fractal_Explorer does. I’m just kind of scared of retreating or giving up, so I’m looking for hope. Chosen is working in this writing, thank God.

I’m seeking insight, or seeing it from a different angle. Hitting it directly has often been painful and heavily fearful. So, I’m wondering how to deal with it effectively. I’d like a different viewpoint.

A related point: I seriously considered trading out Regeneration with Rebirth this morning. I’m in the spot where seeking a complete solution seems much less wanted than living in NOW effectively. Someone could call this recon, but I’ve been doing this for years. I’d like to not isolate myself with my “issues”.

I’m wishing to live joyfully and peacefully vs. living in an emotional shitshow constantly. I’ve been thinking this the last 2 days.


I’m checking myself. I can instantly imagine some positive results using Emperor, Ascension, or Stark, and then I realize it sounds like recon. Thinking another sub will “fix” the problem instead of what I’m using is recon. I’ll just sit on it a couple of days.

But stepping out of my problems via Emperor seems exciting. Reading the EZP discussion thread baits me some.

Fuck it. I’ll admit why I originally began writing this post. I’m seeing and feeling myself turning back to thinking like a dependent child waiting on my brother to say “do this!” or “do that!”. Someone was writing about us following our childhood training in adult life (the EZP thread), and I see it in my own. That’s old thinking keeping me small–in my mind. A major motivation to use Emperor.

Not today. Not now.


If you want to take 3 days off, then I would encourage you consider doing so.

Also have you thought about running Regeneration maybe once every two weeks?

Can you explain the how’s and why’s more of this plan? I’ve never seen it proposed.

The only thing I think of is how Saint spoke of alternating healing stacks with achievement stacks so he wasn’t in a perpetual “healing hell”? That was using Q1 and Q2 subs.

I’ve not played much with ZP’s since we’re still finding out what unfolds over time.

I just proposed it to you as the first person.

The how:

Monday Regeneration ZP
Tuesday Rest
Wednesday Rest
Thursday ZP 1 and ZP 2
Friday Rest
Saturday Rest
Sunday ZP 1 and ZP 2
Monday Rest
Tuesday Rest
Wednesday ZP 1 and ZP 2
Thursday Rest
Friday Rest
Saturday ZP 1 and ZP 2
Sunday Rest
Monday Rest
Tuesday ZP 1 and ZP 2
Wednesday Rest
Thursday Rest
Friday ZP 1 and ZP 2
Saturday Rest
Sunday Rest
Monday ZP 1 and ZP 2
Tuesday Rest
Wednesday Rest
Thursday Regeneration ZP
Friday Rest
Saturday Rest
Sunday ZP 1 and ZP 2

The why:

So you can listen to Regeneration ZP and get some benefits with the hope it will be easier for you to listen to.

Or put aside Regeneration for awhile. And yes, I’ve wondered if you’ve been in some sort of ongoing reconciliation cycle.

The other idea I had for you to think about was to start with 1 title, get used to ZP, and then decide if you want to add another.


Thank you RV. Reconciliation is showing more than I’ve wanted to admit, but it is popping up. Thank you for sharing this option of using ZP titles.

I did Regeneration with Chosen this morning, and it’s still weighing on my emotions. Thank you so much for offering this.

I understand this. Don’t let this fear keep you from switching things up. I banged my head against the wall with a custom for a while before I realized the pain i was putting myself through for the sake of growth was all wrong.

As long as you’re thinking about how to grow you aren’t retreating or giving up.

So I’d say follow your intuition. Throw out any ideas of how you “should” respond to a sub and just focus on using what works for you.

Maybe directly hitting it isn’t good. More fear coming up definitely doesn’t mean more potential for growth. There are a lot of modules you can use to help elevate you and support you vs tackling things head on. And then down the road when you’re ready tackle things more directly.

It can be tough especially with the title switching desires but it’s really important to listen to that. ZP is guiding you to the optimal strategy. It’s ok sometimes to switch it up and add titles or customs that align better with you. Maybe adding ascension or emperor would be good to tease out sticking points and have regeneration zp help you move past it.

All in all ask yourself what would make your life feel better and follow that.


Thanks for speaking up @Fractal_Explorer. I’m holding to your words. I’m remembering pre-Q days when I could just put on another title at will if I desired to. ZP is quite a bit more powerful, so no jumping now. But yeah, I’d do some random feel-good title like Ascension or Emperor.

This will give me a few days to consider my options too.



I’m going to add a bit to what @RVconsultant said here. You might benefit if you forgot about direct healing for a while. Maybe focus on things that you do want to develop rather than things that you want to get rid of.
I recall that you said Chosen made you feel awesome, so maybe use that and one other title that represents something that you’d like to see in yourself and your life for three or six months and see how you feel after.
Then maybe give further healing your full attention if you still think you need to.


My mind’s been pointing me the same direction.lately.

I even looked at my old Kahn journal last night since it does a lot more building vs. destruction as well. I’m still looking at all options though. Chosen will be one I’ll use, for sure.

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2nd rest day

Regeneration and all ZP files were said to be trimmed down, removing some parts which may hinder it working. Well, I’m wondering about one of Regeneration’s original scriptings since I felt and experienced something yesterday.

Saint told me in my Ascension journal that Fire had scripted a motivational piece in Regeneration

I wasn’t in Emperor beast mode, but my mind kept focusing on things I’ve been ignoring in my room. I’ve been here 4 or 5 months, and I still had both empty and full boxes I’d brought over from my old place. Yesterday, I had 3 things I’d said to myself I’d do, and I couldn’t relax until I did them. It felt good knowing I’d made some progress.

And this morning, I got an email from my bitcoin miner, and I know I’ve held back from taking action there too.

Surprisingly, I emailed him back, directly addressing issues he was worried about. I did 2 things I’ve avoided, actually.

And lastly, a coworker has been out on medical leave for almost 5 months. I’ve missed him a lot, but have held back from calling him ever since he’s been out. I called him and left a message last night.

So maybe that piece of scripting was kept in there.

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Since I’d pulled up my Ascension journal for the last post, I kept reading. I loved Ascension.

I’m writing this since I’m wondering what major title I want to stick with. Chosen first, and I’m not sure exactly after that. Chosen may have a lot more room to shine, but the breaking away from the dependent mindset with Ascension changed me so radically. I’d like a refresher.

I’m also considering that stacking more on top of Chosen may give me recon. I will probably do one at a time every 21 days.

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Ascension and Chosen is a tempting combination, I’m almost tempted to try Ascension ZP myself.

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