Bujin - Call of the Wild

I was gonna say all wealth subs are technically too focused on the shallow physical.

But be honest unless you live on a mountain in Tibet you need money. It’s a tool.

More money also means you can potentially help more ppl.

Plus ever since ZP it really depends on you how a sub unfolds. But again let your gut feeling guide you.


Yep. But I have enough money, I don’t need more. I just need a new direction.

However, I don’t care in the least about helping people. The environment, animals etc - yes.

Edit: I just want to point out I’m not against generating wealth, I just don’t want it to become my primary focus. If all I wanted was wealth I would stay in my current career - the finance industry pays exceptionally well. Money isn’t the problem. Lack of purpose and meaning in my career is.


I wasn’t gonna say anything, but it kinda feels like you’re projecting a bit here?


Follow your instincts. RICH is VERY MUCH rooted in the realm of materialism. Based off what I’m reading in your journal, you probably wouldn’t do well on it.

Something like Renaissance Man, however which has a bit of wealth scripting, but focused strongly on achieving this within the realm of your creative pursuits, would probably do better.


I never even considered RM for a stack.

That one really grabs my attention. That describes the core of what I’m trying to work through right now.

I thought I’d repost this from a couple of years ago, to give a little peek into what drives me.


Not all speaking out loud of opinion is projection :rofl: Yes this is my opinion but I also misread your goal with it.

Another example of the amazing emotional stability CWN provides. This happened last night:

I was woken at around 1am by the smoke alarm in my bedroom beeping periodically to signal a low battery. Fuck. Why does this always happen in the middle of the night? It was preventing me from sleeping. Anyway, I have vaulted ceilings and the smoke alarm is 15ft up the wall, so I go down to the basement and bring up ladder. I climb up and as soon as I pull the smoke alarm off the wall to change the battery, the alarm goes off in my face (I had inadvertently pulled the ground wire out). Fuck. So I disconnect it from the mains and take the battery out and put it to the side, intending to go back to sleep. There are several other alarms so no problems there.

But as soon as I’m about to get back into bed, there it goes again - beep. Wrong alarm. Fuck. I have two in my bedroom, the regular one networked with all the others in the house (which I just took down), and a separate one connected to the security system. I had this one installed because my neighbors are hundreds of feet away and won’t hear anything, and I have cats so if I’m out and there’s a fire, I want the Fire Department there ASAP. There’s a lake-side village only a few minutes drive away, so they actually aren’t far, although it’s purely a volunteer service.

So I take this smoke alarm down too and remove the batteries. I’m about to put this aside as well and get back to bed, but decide it’s better to have one alarm working in the bedroom. So I put new batteries in, but the light alternates between yellow and red, which isn’t normal. So I press the test button - and the alarm goes off in my face. Not the test alarm, the actual alarm. And since it’s connected to the house security system, that siren goes off as well. Fuck.

I reset the security system, remove the batteries and put it aside to deal with in the morning. Then the phone rings, my landline. It’s the security company checking if it’s a real emergency. I tell them it’s a false alarm so everything is ok. They say they rang my cell first and I didn’t answer (I was messing around with the smoke alarm in the other side of the house and didn’t hear it) so they had notified the emergency services, and they were on their way. Fuck.

They said they’d notify emergency services that it was a false alarm and not attend. I thanked them and hung up, pottered around for a few minutes then went back to bed. That’s when I noticed the flashing lights outside my house. Fuck.

Luckily it wasn’t the fire truck or police, they had turned back. But a guy from the volunteer fire department had decided to check in anyway to make sure I was ok. I thanked him and apologized for his trouble, and he left.

I finally got into bed. And of course couldn’t get back to sleep. Took me another 90 minutes. To make it worse I had to go into the office today, a 2 hour commute each way, so I had to get up at 5am and leave early, so it was just the worst possible time for all that to happen.

Normally something like that would make me irritable as fuck.

But there wasn’t a single moment throughout all of that where I wasn’t completely calm and simply accepting of what was going on, and just dealing with it.

No annoyance or frustration or negative emotion of any kind. Even lying in bed afterwards and not being able to sleep would normally annoy the hell out of me, but not this time. I did sigh a few times in resignation though.

That was from only 1 week of listening. Just amazing.


Yes this sub is building a strong resilience

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More like it’s helping you accept what is, without judgement.

Just float down the river, don’t swim against the current.


I’ve decided I’ll give this stack a shot. CWN + RM.

I should probably wait until the next cycle before introducing it, but fuck it, I’m running it right now. I already have a nice taste of what CWN does on its own.

One loop of each every listening day.


I notice both subs work on enhancing emotions, so this will be very interesting.


The objectives of CWN and RM sound very compatible, but while CWN feels passive, RM sounds like it’s more active and expansive. So how the two integrate will be fascinating to experience.

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Does it make you procrastinate or kill your drive?

Nope, it reduces procrastination. Procrastination comes from some resistance to doing what you need to do, but that resistance goes away once you simply accept what is. You accept without judgment and just do what you need to do.

I can’t speak about drive, since I don’t really have any these days. I’ve mostly achieved what I wanted so I’m fairly content. I mostly just do what interests me, I’m not really trying to achieve anything in particular.

Edit: By drive I assume you mean actively working towards goals, like wealth etc. I do have things that “drive” me but they’re more experiential, not hard goals.


Allowing is its own kind of activity.


BTW, by passive I mean the effects are passive, not that it makes me passive.


How about connecting and communicating with people? Any difference?

I’ve noticed greater empathy with all animals, including humans.

But I’m fortunate to not have to deal with people face-to-face much anymore. People are fucked up.


I’ve also noticed I’m more likely to be truthful about what I think or feel, even if it offends people.