Bujin - Call of the Wild

Washout starts today.


I usually get heavy recon during washouts. It started yesterday, and continues today. It should start reducing by tonight or tomorrow.

New cycle starts on Saturday. I’m leaning towards CWON + IC, purely out of curiosity to see what manifests from that.


New cycle started today.

I decided to give Inner Circle a shot, and see what kind of inner circle a CWON + IC stack manifests. Just for the hell of it I only did 5 mins of each today.

It’s a strange thing to me. I can build friendships easily when I want to. I can be very charming when I want to. I’ve had fiercely loyal circles of friends in the past, but lost them when I moved countries. I still keep in touch, but it isn’t the same without the physical contact. I also had a close circle of friends when I lived in New York city, but I don’t see them very often now that I moved upstate. I genuinely enjoyed and really miss that contact, especially those lazy evenings at some river-side bar that we used to have.

But I’ve also changed. I value my solitude a lot more now. I feel content with the company of my cats and my wildlife. I prefer the trees to the concrete and crowds of people. I treasure the quiet.

So any new circle of friends would need to be consistent with that. They would need to be local. They would need to value nature over nightlife. Individuality over herd mentality. Resourcefulness over dependence. Peace over profit.

I’ve mostly kept to myself since I moved out here 5 years ago, by necessity really since I was exploring a more primal and masculine version of myself and didn’t feel I could do that with all the superficial garbage in our modern society.

But there’s a feeling that needs to change. This feeling isn’t new, but the time didn’t feel right before. It does now.


Did the recon lessen on schedule? If so, cool.

I have a longer washout planned for next month. I’ve been going straight for a pretty long time now and am somewhat curious about how that will go. Hoping for nice bloom effects.

Sounds extremely workable.

You have a clean energy to you.

Like attracts like.

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It did reduce, but didn’t go away entirely. I’m still feeling a vague inner disturbance. Maybe it’s not recon, I don’t know. Either way, I’ll just keep moving forward.

It’ll be interesting to see the bloom you get after completing DR.

At this point, do you feel it’s irrevocably changed you, or are the effects mostly acute and short-term?

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Appreciate the question.

Hard to say.

I’m guessing you can relate. I’ve already been on a path. Sometimes things evolve slowly and then there are periods of time where it seems more intense. It takes a while for the dust to settle and to get more of a feel for how I may have changed. Also, the subjective experience of myself is limited, and may exclude significant objective features that are more clearly revealed by seeing how others respond to me or by getting feedback from others.

So I usually just put my seatbelt on and try to focus more on living life.

At this precise moment, I’m mostly feeling somewhat disoriented and a bit unfocused. But who knows? Two nights ago, I was on the last night of a three-day fast, and feeling kind of weak. Got down and did some push-ups and found that I completed my personal best in the last 5 years. Back when I was really trying to reach 100 push-ups, I think the highest I got to were 72 or 76 or something. But the other night when I was ‘feeling weak’, I did 66. And I haven’t been training regularly.

My point is that my subjective sensations don’t tell me how I’m actually changing. So I take them with a grain of salt.

I see the role of the subliminals as a kind of Specialist-Collaborator. it has great ideas which it shares with my mind. My mind listens to the ideas, discusses and alters them until they fit with my Soul, and then adds them to queue for building and manifestation. Then it’s my bodymind that builds it all.

Anyway. Thoughts.


I ask because I sometimes see excited exclamations about how sub A did this or sub B did that, and while I understand the excitement for the most part it seems to be about the acute effects, which are mostly transient, rather than the long term effects.

For me, the acute effects come easily, it’s what I mostly post about here. But they’re transient, they go away quickly. I normally don’t notice any permanent effects until a long time later, when I’ll look back and see that my baseline shifted.

I don’t read journals anymore, apart from yours and Palpatine’s and Saint’s, so I don’t know if that’s a common pattern, or if I’m just particularly stubborn.


I think this is where my mind hangs out. It’s most of what I’m ever paying attention to.

With CHOSEN The Way Of Nature, though, I’ve gotten a few fun light ones. Pretty unusual for me. First time I played it got a beautiful smile from a random woman on the street. Didn’t play it again for a while.

But in this play period, I’ve introduced it as a part of my stack. That means I’ll do 4 plays 5 plays, essentially (since it will be played once every 4 days). The first morning I played it this past Thursday, I had a bird literally fly against my body. Seemingly by chance, but it’s not something that has ever happened before.

Anyway, point is that I’ve enjoyed a few transient interesting little things.

In the past, Mogul and R.I.C.H. have given me some ‘dramatic’ little results that can be described on here. Free meals. Client opportunities.

My main focus, though, is on the deep, enduring developments and shifts that I value. And, yes indeed, I need time to feel and observe those.

Now is kind of an odd time. Feeling a little shaky and internally weird in general. Not quite sure what’s going on, but something is going on. Taking a daily hike outside seems to be what helps the most.

Anyway, got to go hang with my boy.


This happened the day after my first loop of my first cycle of CWON.

It happened again today, the day after my first loop of my second cycle of CWON.



I resonate with this a lot.

Would love to live in such a place. And I will.

I totally feel with what you wrote about people and what kind you want to attract.

Much more peaceful than the general population that is chasing more all the time.

Still regular chosen gave me a Jesus feel of „forgive them for they don’t know what they’re doing.“

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I do believe people know what they’re doing, they just don’t really care. They place greater value on some ideological nonsense than on preserving life on this planet. All forms of life.

There’s no forgiveness in me at all.

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I’m a bit meh on the whole 5 minutes thing. So I’ll switch back to the full 15 mins.

But I’ll tweak my listening schedule and run the subs solo on alternate listening days. That was my preferred listening pattern before this CWON test started, and it was working well for me. The effects were smoother with fewer emotional ups and downs.

Interesting. From my experience people don’t even have a clue what’s going on. They sincerely believe everything in the media, society, social media etc.

They’re literally blindly existing, unaware.

Your experience with must be vastly different ? Genuinely curious.

People choose to not have a clue what’s going on.

The information is there, but people choose to focus instead on political ideology or religious dogma or what some vapid celebrity is doing or social media likes or whatever echo chambers reinforce their prejudices. People read about the latest appalling news, then try to use it to support their own belief system. Or they feel bad for a few minutes, then turn away and look for their latest dopamine fix instead. Or declare that it’s fake news without actually doing any research.

All of that is a choice.

If they don’t have a clue then that is their own fault, and they’re fully responsible for the consequences of that.

It’s not a different experience, just a different interpretation. I’ve always taken responsibility for my own actions, and won’t accept that other adults are not responsible for theirs, whatever their excuses.

Fully agreed, I am not saying it’s good what they’re doing, but I don’t believe they are fully aware that there are other ways. Or even closely aware.
I notice this every time I coach someone about getting his marriage fixed without using manipulation as is taught in the Red Pill. They’re like “I never thought of this.”
And I believe that.

It’s like Morpheus said in the Matrix, “Most people are so inured, so HELPLESSLY DEPENDENT on the system that they will fight to protect it.”

But you’re right:

So I guess we agree to disagree there :wink:

Been going through some brutal recon since yesterday, thanks to Inner Circle. Not surprising really, given how I’ve chosen to live my life the last few years.

But it’s probably the same thing I’ve been seeing with most other ZP subs - the first loop gives me heavy recon, then it becomes a lot easier. Guess we’ll see.


Had a rough few days, but seem to finally be improving.

Hopefully the new IC build will be a bit easier for me to run as well.


A feeling of peace is finally returning to me.

It’s quiet apart from birds chirping. It’s still sunny outside, although the shadows are long and the sun is getting low, maybe 10 minutes before it drops behind the valley ridge. Soon the fireflies will be out, making the dusk seem especially magical. And the quiet will be replaced with the croak of frogs and drone of insects, like a wall of living sound. And when it’s fully night the sky will be filled with countless stars.

I can once again feel the abundant life that surrounds me.

It’s just perfect.


That was beautiful!