Building a solid Base

My first entry in my first journal.

I’m running Emperor + LBfH
3rd Day today

Monday, 18. September
Didn’t notice much. Had two loops of LBfH + 1 Emperor. Honestly, I was just overwhelmed. At first I thought, I’d just go with LBfH for a cycle, too see if its working and ran two loops. Then I decided to get Emperor and couldn’t wait for two more days, so I ran one loop also.

Not much. I decided to drink my black tee without cream and sugar as a first step to reduce weight. Might be the subs influence

Ran one loop each. Together with my fiance. Right before sleeping. Or not sleeping. We couldn’t sleep for some hours. Decided to listen in the morning in the future.

Little aggression from my mom. In the past I would react hurt also, but this time, I was able to just leave the room. Wrote a rather long introduction post. Had to look up dozens of words. But I pulled through

Woke up early. Some form of cozy tiredness. Listened to the subs one cycle each in the morning. Tea still black without sugar. Tired the whole day. Active in here, finished my introduction post and commented some more. Had the idea to join some local sports club, because I miss the activity i had in my former town. Might be one of the subs. Also another event with my mother. I just told her calmly, that we can’t find common ground when we’re both angry and left.
Its getting better. Was tired all day.
My mother started with LBfH today as well. Tried to take a nap afterwards, but was unable to, she was totally amped. I got some rather interesting input on my questions in my introduction concerning my stack. I definitely will keep it for this cycle. I’m not sure if I’m unwilling to change it because I don’t have the money to buy 3 new subs, or if I believe I know my needs better than some Arch Alchemists or because I decided to stay with emperor for a year and I’m not willing to go back on my decision.


That is a great stack. Keep it going as long as you can and you will definitely see great results.

  1. September
    Slept till 7:30. Unusual. Normally I wake up at 6:30, tired, but nature calls. Today I felt real good when I woke up. Wasn’t super productive and spent hours reading in here. Learned a lot.
    Had a long conversation with my fiance about a reoccurring theme in her live. We found four major limiting beliefs which we are going to tackle in the near future. The insight I got encouraged me to write my little 101 on personality development.
    My fiance also pointed out, that I spend a lot of time in this forum instead of working on my business, also I spend much time in here while with her. I know, that its time well spent because I learn a lot and also get encouraged reading about the hardships others overcame, but I will not do it in her presence and also will start working on my business again in Monday.
    Tomorrow is gonna be a hiking day with her. Phone is gonna be there just for navigation.

Asking myself, if a full loop of Emperor is to much at the beginning even though I don’t show any signs of recon yet. I’m kinda used to recon from other methods I use to change core beliefs and I’m considering using kinesiological tests for finding out how long I should listen to the subs.


Emperor alone will be transformative. stick with this stack for months and you will thank yourself.

  1. September - End of Day
    Watched a Bollywood Movie with my better half. Cried like a baby when the mother died in the opening scene. Not unusual for me, since loosing my mother was a fear accompanying me my whole childhood, but this intensity was new. Might be LBfH.

  2. September
    Woke up at 6:30 again. Spent 2 hours on my healing mat enjoying magnetic field therapy and bio photons.
    Interesting insight today. My mother told me, that I’m unusual irritated. Whenever she oversteps my boundaries I react a bit irritated. Seems like I’m learning to set my boundaries with emperor.
    Yesterday I told my fiance, that she has left her eggshells on the table and it would be nice of her to put them in the trash. Before, I just did it myself. I know she is depressed, I know how you feel, and how your drive to do stuff is almost zero (suffered from depression myself for a couple of years), but I also know, that its good to get a kick in the butt sometimes so you get your shit done. And she did it immediately, without complaint or being annoyed. Very positive.
    Also another interesting realization was, that the last couple of days, I want to do things fast and efficient, especially boring and tedious tasks. Like cleaning, making supplements (we fill capsules on our own and save almost 40% by doing that), etc.
    . Today we went hiking. We visited the well of Siegfried where Siegfried bathed in the Dragons Blood (if you’ve heard of the *The Ring of the Nibelung, also one of Richard Wagners Major Operas). Beautiful Hike. At the well, we listened to AC. on our way back, I said “An apple would be nice”. A few minutes later, an apple was lying on the way. I looked up and found an apple tree behind some bushes next to the way with sweet and sour apples, just as I love them. As I was a bit tired at the end, I decided to take a shortcut only to find the road closed due to some construction work. But it’s Sunday and I’m an Emperor. Fock your barrier. Walked right through it.

Concerning Subs:
Yesterday after I finished my post, I kinda suffered from Shiny Object Syndrome. I almost decided to buy ascension and go for it instead of Emperor because many seem to believe, that it’s working faster than emperor. It was really hard for a few hours, but I decided not to swap.

I think I need to start taking notes during the day to keep everything in mind.


That was the most classical recon, mate. Glad you overcame it.

SC definition:

Reconciliation is the trickiest of the bunch, so tricky that we’ve had to write multiple articles and posts on the community forum about it. Basically, reconciliation is any kind of side effect that causes you to NOT run the subliminal. It’s a sneaky little bugger — it tends to manifest in ways you don’t expect (but nothing dangerous) and also has the tendency to convince you that it’s not even happening!

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Looking for fast results is a sure way to fail. Your results will take the time they will take, everyone is different. Think of this as a marathon, not a sprint. You picked to great subs, don’t change until the end of this year, regardless what new products are released and how exciting they look. In January of next year, you would have run Emperor for long enough to know what you should do next. Switching too soon is just going to set you back.

  1. September - End

Really tired. Could be subliminals or that I wasn’t hiking in quite some time. Fell asleep while watching TV

  1. September

Got up at seven and rushed to the store to get some olive colored crocs for my mom from a sale. First one in the store to touch the crocs. 30 pairs on yellow, 4 in olive, none in her size. Rushed to the next one, same again. On the way to the next one (only one left in our area) I manifested holding the pair in the right size and color in my hands. First one to touch the crocs. Exactly one pair in her size and olive. Manifestation done.

When the fiance got up, she was quite irritated. Calmed down in the next hour. Could be Emperor or PMS. Who knows.

Made the decision today, to take up intermittent fasting and daily walks as first steps to reduce weight. Also no beer, sweets or other nibbles like potato chips after 6pm. Little to no sweets/ nibbles at all.

Does Emperor have fitness/ weight loss scripting?

While walking today, I notices that my posture has changed a bit. Shoulders more back, more prominent chest, also the arms were dangling in a more controlled manner.

Set up a calendar where I planned the listening and break days for me and my fiance. Shes gonna stop with emperor as today (LBfH for another week) and will after the 5 day break continue with LBfH and start with Renaissance Man: Ultimate Writer since writing is her big passion.

I decided to reduce my listening time for the next two listening days to 7 minutes. Gonna see if it makes any difference. I don’t feel much recon, but I’m not sure if my tiredness comes from Subs or other stuff. Will know in five days.

I still feel nothing considering productivity. (Besides the tedious tasks). Might be, that I first need to make a serious decision for my business. I’m kinda struggling. I wanted to help people addicted to porn as a life coach. Building a solid a profitable business. But knowing subs now, and how easy many in here dropped porn addiction while running some alpha or productivity title, I would feel like ripping people off. Spend 6k on coaching instead of 35 bucks on a sub…. I’m stuck between a rock and a hard place.

Edit: I was just reading a journal when my fiance came in my office. She asked me, if reading journals is bringing me closer to my goals.
And I have to admit, that I need to reshape my goals.

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Tbh, I just picked LBfH because its free. It’s a great sub as far as I’ve read, but my goal was to go for DR:LB after one or tow cycles and next year to start with DR multi stage…

I see my struggles and my inner limitations. That I can’t make a decision and work towards my goals in a focused manner. Also I know of many of my traumas from Childhood. That’s why I planned to go with the DR titels.

Which advantages do you see in keeping LBfH?

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Stay focused on the subs you picked. Switching too fast is what slows down progress. Emperor and LBFH have a lot to offer. Do yourself a favor and stay the course. You’ll always have time for Dragon Reborn (which by the way is not a beginner’s sub).

  1. September

Weight: 117,3 kg

Slept till 7:30. First day of running subs for just 7 minutes. Started emperor while reading the forum. When I checked in on the sub I was at 6:59 and stopped at exactly 7 minutes. Manifestation works

No impulses to look at anything pornographic in the last couple of days. Only here and there some images of games I used to play pop up in my head and vanish in a matter of seconds. Asking myself if this part of the healing.

Concerning poop

Since I started subs last week, not solid at all. Sometimes even explosive. I had this happening before when I was letting go of certain beliefs, traumas, etc

Nothing major happening today.

Wasn’t as tired as the days before. Looking forward to tomorrow. Perhaps 7 minutes is better at the beginning.

Still spending to much time on this forum consuming instead of taking action. Came to the conclusion it’s ethical to start my coaching business despite knowing of subliminals being able to help people. I don’t know much about how the introspection will work with subs, but I realized, that a coach is still very helpful, even with subs. Getting a kick in the ass and a opinion on the topic I’m trying to heal from someone who did the whole process himself is paramount for a quick success.

I need to implement a tighter schedule, That’s the reason I was considering buying LE at first before going for Emperor. I’m still not that productive.

Also I realized, that I need to attack some big points:

  • getting the raise in allowance for nursing care. I’m getting about 300€ atm, but are entitled to 750€, rating my grandmothers condition
  • applying for some jobs, so I get at least one part time to have a solid financial base
  • develop a strategy on how I wanna get my coaching business moving forward
  • starting the day earlier. Atm I get up around 6:30-7, but besides taking care of my health and my grandmother, I spent much time idle, just drinking tea and smoking 3 cigarettes with my fiance before we tend the chickens and I start my day at 10-11
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  1. September

Weight: 117,0 kg

On semenretention for almost 3 weeks

Noticed semen in my underwear without having erotic dreams, thoughts or other stuff. No stimulation at all in that regard.

Decided to run an offline journal. No changes online, but I will start to write down, what I want to achieve, with or without emperor.
Will start tomorrow first thing in the morning.

I noticed that the last couple of days. Struggling if I really should start my business, if theirs need in the presence of subs, and I came to the conclusion, it’s what I want to do. At least in the beginning. You’ll never know, where emperor will take you.



Weight:116.8 kg

Lost my pillbox yesterday on a hike through the forest. Manifested how I will find it laying in the grass. And just did so, exactly how I visualized it.

Ran both, Emperor + LBfH, for 15 minutes because I wanted to notice the ???-shift that should

Ran both, Emperor + LBfH, for 15 minutes, because I wanted to feel the ???- shift that should start after 17-20 minutes. Only thing that started around that time was an intense tiredness. Almost fell asleep at my desk.

I come more and more on terms with the fact that I need to take serious action when I want the subs to work at full potential. Considering getting up earlier to do some workout before making my grandmother some breakfast. Just Walking or jogging for half an hour and some stretching for the beginning should do.

Still didn’t start with my offline journal where I want to brainstorm what my goals should look like and what I really desire to see in my life.

Pondering about a third sub. When to introduce it? In the second cycle? afterwards ? or even later? Also which one? Wealth-related (RICH)? Productivity (LE or AM)? Healing (DR:LB Reborn)? Should healing be run alone?

The day flew by without much accomplishment. I’m getting angry with myself for not taking action.

  1. September
    weight: 116,5kg

Got up at 6:30 went for a walk, 4300 steps. A first step. Considering jogging instead.

Not much action taken today, but a lot of reflection.

I read @Fire s “sermon”

a few times. Reflected his text on my life. I need to take more action, need to become more active, taking control over my life instead of just living from day to day, hoping for some mysterious change happening.

I see a few first steps into taking action. Like getting up earlier and doing some cardio. I’ve listened to emperor 6 times and have been reading a lot in here. It wasn’t action in se. But it gave me a lot to reflect just like Fires text. And it assisted the minimal action I’ve already taken. Theres an anxious part in me, that I will drop out like AjUK, but it’s only little. There’s so much change in my live in the last 30 months, that I can trust my self, that I will keep fighting.

I’m planning to join a martial arts club. Don’t know what style yet. Muay Thai seems popular in here and there’s even a sub. I found a club 10 minutes from here. The members there won quite some medals at world championships, so they know, what they’re doing,.
On the other hand, there’s a wing tsun club 15 minutes away. They offer also escrima, what I did for a year back in college. I really like escrima and wing tsun looks cool (big Ipman fan), but Muay Thai seems a bit more hands on. The sounds more benefiting for masculinity and alpha.

So, fist find a job.
Then join a martial arts club.
Writing my offline journal to outline my bigger goals is still not done. But also a big point on my to-do-list

Realized today, how much I hurt my fiance by telling my family about her depression without asking her about it before. I thought I did it, to reduce the pressure on her. But today I realized, that I did it, to reduce the pressure on me.

  1. September
    Weight: 116,2 kg
    4 Days since I started intermittent fasting, 1,1 kg down. God start, way to go.

Woke up many times this night. Got up at 5:30. Muscle soreness in my legs. Felt like crap. Decided to spent some more time on my healing mat instead of walking.

Sunday or Monday, I’ll visit a renfair with my fiance. I made it a condition, that I have to seriously start looking for a job. And so I did.

First steps are taken. Found 24 possible openings. Started the application for the first one. Counting and Interviewing passengers in public transport.
Don’t know if it’s the subs, but it feels much easier to write the letter of application than in January, when I was looking for job the last time. It’s easier to focus on my abilities, what I have to offer and I’m not as apologetic about my past. Also, I did notice, that I start to like what I see in the mirror more and more with every day, despite being more overweight than most of my life.

There’s another possibel job as well. I like driving (who doesn’t) and a friend of my mothers has a taxi company. When I mentioned it to my mom, she said that a few of their drivers retired, so the’re shorthanded and probably are looking for replacements. Since the owner knows and likes me, perhaps that’s a chance.

Listening to the subs right now, just two hours before I’ll go to bed. Let’s see, what it will do to my sleep.

  1. Oktober
    Weight: 115,8kg

Slept quite well and long. No alarm on Sunday. Got up at 8.
Not much to report today.
Went to a beautiful ren’fair. Ronneburg. One of Germanys only completly undestroyed castles. We took a tour through the castle. Beautiful but huge and kinda like a maze.
Met a couple of new people. Sozializing is easy for me. We met a group of 7 young peeps. Talked about fencing, one of them even had a beginners course with my Trainer. One of them had a lute and played a song for us. Especially interessting since my fiance considers learning it as well.
I also met the organizer of the whole event and had a nice chat with him.
I was energetic the whole day. Only on our way home it felt rather like 4am than 9pm. I was done. Is it me getting older or is it the subs taking their toll?

  1. Oktober
    Weight: 115.5kg

Had a terrible night. Fiance was in severe menstrual pain. Took care of her but woke up pretty often afterwards. Nevertheless got up at 6:30 and went jogging for the first time. Ok, half of the distance was rather walking, but I know it will improve over time.

A nice change that I noticed is, that I’m surprisingly flexible. In the past I wasn’t able to touch the ground with the tips of my fingers after a longer period without sport/stretching, but today it was easy. Is this a part of Emperor?

Finished writing my first application today. Tomorrow I only need to take a new picture and I can send it out. Listened to my subs while writing it and it went real smooth.

Bought Ultimate Writer for my fiance today. Let’s see how it works out for her.

For tomorrow I have a few important to-dos which I keep here on record for accountability.

  • take a photo and send my first application to a possible employer

  • make the last payment to the debt collector for Germanies propaganda blackmail which I’m unwilling to pay. I need to open a letter from him, what I’m unwilling to do.

  • Open a letter from the chamber of commerce

  • pay the monthly fee for my coaching instructor

  • start my offline journal to really understand what I want to achieve in life

  • Open a new question-thread about which third sub to best add to my stack to reach my goal

  1. Oktober
    Weight: 115.3 kg

Down 2kg in one week. I’m kinda hyped on this.

Night was a little better but still woke up quite often. Had a dream about porn or a porn game. Was rather disturbing, not arousinng at all. Since I started my journey with LBfH and Emperor, I had regular dreams and images pop up in my head during the day about what porn I consumed in the past without any arousal. Perhaps that’s a sign of healing/ letting go.

No Jogging today. Severe muscle soreness in the morning.

I totally forgot, that 3. Oktober is our national holiday. Disrupted my whole schedule. My Uncle didn’t go to work, instead he said he’ll finish a workbench I asked him about a couple of days ago and that he would need my help. So I spent three hours preparing and assembling it. Afterwards I was finally able to tidy up my leather workshop, because I now had the space to store everything. Did this until 7pm and took a long overdue shower.

At 5:30 it started to rain cats and dogs. I called my mom that her bedroom window was still open. Half an hour later she called me, that I immediately HAVE TO come to the bathroom were I left the window opened. Its totally drenched. I wasn’t even in the bathroom today because I was working from right after breakfast. When I told her that, she immediately hang up. I’m so done with this shit. She could have asked me nicely if I could help her mop the bathroom. But this whole unjustified blame thing is infuriating. When I asked my fiance, if she could help her, she told me, that my mom did the same blame game to her. She even clarified, that she wasn’t the one opening the window. It was open already when she got up. And that my mom opens it every night for air circulation.

I don’t take this shit anymore. Could be emperor as well that I’m enforcing my boundaries.

So tomorrow are has the same to do list as today.

  • talking to the taxi company owner.
  1. Oktober
    weight: 115.3kg

Kinda annoyed, that the weight didn’t go down. Had breakfast yesterday and also drank a beer in the evening. Not doing this anymore. Kept to my eating schedule today and won’t have a beer tonight.

No Jogging today either. I was looking outside and there wasn’t the slightest bit of motivation to go outside. Just lay on my healing mat for an hour and started my day.

Also I didn’t do any of the tasks from my list. I’m angry with myself. Or is it disappointment?
Probably the later.

Did some household chores in the morning and in the afternoon I continued cleaning my leather workshop because I was sleepy after to many carbohydrates for lunch. After that I started to high-pressure-clean our yard. You know these relaxing videos of easily removing this dark film from stone? Exactly that.

My mother asked her Taxidriver if they’re still shorthanded and he affirmed. Tomorrow we will visit the owner.

I still need to have a conversation with my mom about her outbreak yesterday. One part of me would have totally forgotten about it, but she need build awareness about this stuff. She also has emotional healing to do and awareness is the first step. Also my fiance expects me to talk to my mom about it. That she’s really pissed when she’s treated like this and I can totally understand her. It’s a good lesson for me to do the things I usually would seek to avoid. Although it would also her responsibility to take care of her well-being, but that’s for another day.

So, for tomorrow I have the same important to-dos which I keep here on record for accountability (again)

  • take a photo and send my first application to a possible employer
  • make the last payment to the debt collector for Germanies propaganda blackmail which I’m unwilling to pay. I need to open a letter from him, what I’m unwilling to do.
  • Open a letter from the chamber of commerce
  • pay the monthly fee for my coaching instructor
  • start my offline journal to really understand what I want to achieve in life
  • Open a new question-thread about which third sub to best add to my stack to reach my goal
  • talking to the taxi company owner.
  1. Oktober
    Weight: 116,1

I got up at 6:30. Straight to the scale. I was shocked. I didn’t eat much yesterday, not after 6pm and still my weight increased by 800 grams. Turned me totally petulant in an instant. I was like “gaining weight, ok, so if you don’t do what you’re supposed to do, then no jogging for you either”.

In the afternoon, I called the Taxi owner, and he said, they’re looking only for a night driver on standby duty. Totally not what I’m looking for. A part of me saw this Idea, of me driving taxi, as a hint of fate, that I came up with the idea and that it will be all easy. So When I got declined, I got petulant again. So I player some Witcher on my PS3.
After that, I continued cleaning the yard.

On the bright side, I did a few tasks from my to-do list. Payed my coaching Instructor, Took the photo for my application and sent it out, and I finally started my offline Journal. Only 3 pages yet, but In know, there will be at least 10 more in the next couple of days.

I also did some research on my third sub. I’m not sure about the approach I should take. Getting hyper produktive and start earning money with my business, healing whats holding me back or running a wealth title. LE sounds pretty good for route 1, AM as well, especially with the alpha scripting. But that’s in Emperor as well, but it’s also in the stacking recommendations. And Genesis would be another option for this path.
Perhaps Nuevo Fucking Vesper is all I need. Will know tomorrow.

Here are my to-dos for tomorrow

  • make the last payment to the debt collector for Germanies propaganda blackmail which I’m unwilling to pay. I need to open a letter from him, what I’m unwilling to do.
  • Open a letter from the chamber of commerce
  • Open a new question-thread about which third sub to best add to my stack to reach my goal
  • Buying Groceries
  • Driving my Aunt to the Airport (Another 100 Bucks in my Pocket)
  • Writing another application for a job in production
  • Continue my offline Journal
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