Binaural Beats Question

In the manual there is a part stating that binaural beats may cause the subs to be rendered useless or heavy reconciliation.

I understand why hypnosis and other subs would cause clashes especially from YouTube.

Why do beats and tones fall into the same category? I have used them to knock me out for sleep and its from Iawake not a shotty brand. Im trying to maximize sleep quality and effects from subs.

I think it’s just a cautionary remark to treat them as experimental, and be aware of the possibility that they may not work as effectively because of the subliminal load on your brain.

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@Pyro I think the subliminals are designed to put you into an ideal state or do state shifting. Binaurals might disrupt that process.

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Personally it doesn’t make much sense to me if binaurals can/“may” render the sub “useless”. Frankly, I’ve used them in the past while meditating with a sub and rather than causing a headache, it actually cured one. Second, there is “music” on Youtube which also involves binaurals; musical is something which SC encourages listening to.

My guess is that because binaurals involve frequency modulating one tone with another in the other ear, someone was concerned it would affect the decoding of the subliminal by the brain :wink: I don’t know if SC uses the amplitude/frequency modulation method of presenting the masked signal to the brain, but someone perhaps thought the beat frequency could disrupt the brains ability to decode a modulated signal? After all, not much is understand about the way the brain decodes these modulated signals despite being inaudible to conscious hearing.

Either way I’d say “experimentation is encouraged” and if appropriate results are achieved the warning can be ignored. Otherwise if results don’t happen drop use of the beats and see if it makes a difference.

Doubt it would render it useless but dont think there would be any way to tell which binural beat would put you in the optimal state for sub listening so it might shift you out of the optimal state but youll still process the sub

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