Brain Evolution System by Inspire 3

Hi everyone,

I have a question. Can I use the audio subliminals along with a meditation program like Brain Evolution System? -

I was currently listening to both limitless executive and ascended mogul, but I have recently stopped as I wanted to try this program as well, as I believe in the benefits of lowering your brain frequencies when meditating (to beta, alpha, etc.).

I understand that I should not use any other subliminal program while listening to SC audios, but this program is not subliminal, it uses binaural, rhythmic and temporal entrainment.

So is it OK for me to use both?

Having said this, I am no expert and I know that this Brainev program is a bit old, so I also wanted to ask the forum for opinions on this program, is it outdated? or is it not as good as SC subliminals and I should just ditch it and continue listening to AM and LE?

Thanks in advance for any insights!

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Here is a thread about the beats.


I have asked the same question and received a similar reply. From what I understand its more about not overloading the brain so that it renders one less or completely effective over the other. Which makes sense
In a way and yet not really it’s like asking why you can’t run a sub 24/7 any longer. At least especially not with ZP. I still struggle to understand how listening so little cultivates change and yet @Fire & @SaintSovereign have years if not decades of experience as well as the testimonials of people on this forum and through the support that say otherwise.
That said I am still waiting for the day that someone says that they went from literally nothing to millionaire while running Ecstasy of Gold as recommended.


I used BrainEv before. I used brainwave entrainment for years before doing subliminals. I actually started with Holosync. I never heard from anyone that brainwave entrainment can render subs ineffective. As a matter of fact some companies even add subliminal messaging to their binaural beats or isochronic tones.


That is not good at all. Then it’s better to play it safe and avoid it altogether.

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You can do binaurals beats in the morning and subs at night. Those two technologies do completely different things. Binaunal beats are meant to improve your brain neuroplasticity through specific sound frequencies. Subliminals target your subconscious. Two completely different things.


Got it…

I will stop listening to Brain Evolution and continue listening to my SC audios and growing with them.

Thank you all for your responses!


Wondering if you are you still using BrainEv and what was your experience with the program?

That was years ago. And it didn’t do a lot for me. I used it after years of using Holosync. Maybe I was already used to listening to one hour long binaural beats tracks. The one that I love the most was Profound Meditation Program. Profound Meditation Program 3.0 - iAwake Technologies
Their stuff is just amazing. In all the years that I have used brainwave entrainment and subliminals, all I can say it that they complement great. Brainwave entrainment is meditation. It is technology assisted meditation but it is still meditation. Why the hell would that affect your use of subliminals? It doesn’t even make sense, if you really understand how those two things work.


Thank you…

I recently saw the documentary Rewired from Joe Dispenza and I really got interested in the benefits of meditation and lowering my brain frequencies.

I will check the profound meditation program that you mention.

Are you still using it?

I think it is best to submit a support ticket for this question to be sure of whether or not you want to use a certain other system along with SC subliminals.

All the above advice is good advice but it is always best to be sure. If you want, you can experiment of course but you have to risk not getting results.

I do know that using Joe Dispenza meditations along with SC subs is okay since his meditations don’t have anything extra added in them and they are only spoken words and music.

I frankly don’t know about the other systems mentioned in this thread.

You can submit a support ticket here:


Thank you!


I stopped using it for lack of time. Those tracks are one hour long!!! I might go back to using it.

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Think of it like going to the gym. You’ll spend less than 15 minutes actually working on a muscle group, yet that muscle will still grow. What makes your muscles grow isn’t working out, it’s providing the proper stimulus and letting your body do the rest. Subliminals in the ZP format are the same.

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Indeed. Muscles don’t grow in the gym; they grow when resting after pushing them hard in the gym.


Yeah same here. Holosync was fun at times because of the endorphin rush. When I first ran it back in 2003 or 2004 that is what I remember more than anything. I probably would have had time had I not spent my free time driving to the other side of town for really no reason or so focused on getting a girlfriend. Maybe my life would be radically different right now.
I was so immature and so impatient