Benefits of running Khan

Sweet @Brandon

So Stark is great to gave you fame in every place, and khan is sexual/social dominance in person. How many time have you been running Khan and Stark?

I ran Stark on and off since it came out but it’s been my main sub I’ve used ever. Khan I started just after the Ultima tests because I bought it a day before I was accepted into the test.

I experimented with loops and currently 1 loop of each seems to be working for me.

I’m 15 days in to stage one of Dragon Reborn. I can’t wait to write a long term review for it.


I ran khan Khan Stage 1 and 2:

I finally got rid of my people pleasing behaviours, that held me back in life for 26 Years.
However, I did not realise it when i was lsitening to my subs. I realised it when i was acutally interacting with people. I realised it when vertain situations came in life where i would have acted like a people pleaser only one month before. Humourously, by this time I stopped listening to KHAN.

I did not use Khan Stage 3 or 4 much.

But from khan stage 4, i can distinctly remember using it before 2 exams which i hadn’t studied for the entire semester at all. I finished the syllabus in 2 days and managed to score high distinctions in both!


This is actually something I’m starting to notice but I’m also noticing that people aren’t as nice as they make out to be, and they take advantage. I had given out dance tutorials to people for free to learn from and ended up putting them on private since people didn’t even bother to learn them, what a waste of time and effort that was but Khan made me notice people’s behaviours and how I was trying to please people.

I can’t say my people pleasing has totally vanished, or that I don’t entirely care as that would be lying but I give less care to it than I used to.


I posted this elsewhere and thought it applies here too

It may not sound like benefits. But it’s worth noting first off, and second it kinda is - if you’re so attractive and intimidating… plus it has its upsides… =) Khan makes you really the WILD man with a ROYAL vibe.


I have been noticing this also…
I walk into a store and women dont even hold eye contact. I wonder what the hell is wrong im running khan…When i smile at them greet them joke with them then i can see the magic. Some women cant look me in the eye.
Just like how some men see an highly attractive lady…and say in there mind wow this is what i want…they wont even talk to her because she is so attractive…the same applies to us as men also oh forgot to add when running khan :wink:


I wrote a 4 month review and I wanted to write a whole six month review but I won’t.

I’ve talked to more girls intimately and with purpose and with feedback from the girl this two months of khan stage 4 than the last three years.
Social dominance and social intelligence is literally the strongest thing I notice.
The intelligence is going to ascend to molecular levels of cue and response to a point where I once looked at a girl at a party after two loops of libertine and within milliseconds read her face and entire aura and energy towards me and reacted almost instantaneously, the first thing that came to my mind when I did that was “lizard brain”

The dominance is almost overwhelming, the last month has been training because The attention and public awe I get at the way I talk and reply and divert topics, I no longer waste time, I say what I want and if someone is trying to talk to me and take me down a certain route I’ll change the topic to something I can work with to reach my goals (I ain’t talking politics to a dude when I’m there to fuck the girl)
The dominance shifts to women. I have made more girls invest in this same two month khan 4 period than my whole life.
(In combination with learning this month wtf investment is and why it’s the most important thing in seduction)
Frame is terrifying too, it’s been growing day by day to a point that I don’t care what is being said or what I’m saying, all I care about in my interactions are the sub lowkey frame battle happening (I will intentionally disagree with a girl I very well agree with internally because it came off as a bit of a frame battle and god knows girls aren’t trying to be your teacher when you’re both hitting on each other, she’s testing frame) again, some advanced shit on molecular levels that I started doing on khan

This is literally the same path world class seducers take, getting girls is not easy and I’m understanding that I didn’t get girls before cuz I didn’t know how complex it was, I’m happy getting girls with all these insane tools

Finally: higher standards, I’m hitting it off way more with hotter girls. I’m literally Casanova and I come off as a very beautiful man. My game seems to calibrate to hotter girls rather than a simp for uglier girls and I love that

Last thing: very very very emotionally unreactive. I am naturally sensitive and things like hot girls hitting on men next to me brings me to my knees but on khan I fight through that and shine. I’ve had multiple instances of insecurity that I instantly realized and my dominance aided me in just standing tall and showing my best side and I felt extremely high value, all those situations which make a man vulnerable but we don’t accept or say, I’m beginning to come out on top on those situations feeling lowkey godlike cause I don’t let those emotions control me

All in all: higher tier of women doing more to get your attention, compliment you, and throw themselves at you

Euphoric levels of self belief and confidence

Intense levels of reconciliation: even on one loop a day holy fuck


Awesome comprehensive description!

lmao -well said. That used to and can still occasionally be a pet peeve of mine too. it’s the highest level for a man’s ‘game’ in a certain way, to remain self assured, confident, and authentically unreactive, still acting from your own desires and intentions in situations like this.

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I see Khan as an upgrade of EQ, since I now network with over 20 professionals daily, it will be very useful.

As well as enhance my relationship because I’ve realized one thing, the more I improve myself, the more females in my life want to walk through hell for me… despite being focused on one person.


The Khark is better, I like it… will be the name of my journal.

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so you’ll do Khan with Stark from stage 1?


Yes I will


I was going to do DR+Khan through the stages
considering adding Stark or Stark in a custom.


DR seems more dense than Khan. Based on what I’ve read, adding stark will be very beneficial.

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Dragon Khan Reborn.

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I was going go with How High Khan I Fly lol

or since khan has Iron Throne in it

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@Brandon this got me thinking. I was concerned with Stark because I didn’t wish to lose the masculine, dominance edge of EQ, but I have Regeneration and I just realized this has Godlike masculinity. Have you run Stark with Regeneration before?

I’m switching from EQ to Khan in January for that dominance edge that I read is not so prominent in Stark. Thing is I like everything mentioned about Stark, but I want it to be as dominant as Khan and EQ when needed.


I’ve never used Stark with GLM or Regeneration - I don’t actually have either of them.

But yeah the dominance edge for me isn’t there when I use Stark but it may be more now I’ve used and nearly finished Khan. I actually just came on to update my journal as I’m changing my stacks to be a bit more focused. I’ll be dropping Khan after this month of use because I want to go back to more focused stacks. I’ll be using Stage 4 in maintenance a couple times a week because I want to maintain my results but not sure if I should use Godlike Masculinity with Stark next time I run it which will be my next focused stack.