Becoming Legendary

Why the nickname Friday? Is it your favorite day or does it have some deeper meaning?

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Hm, honestly I think I am 100% egotistically driven. I want the best (life) for me, my family and friends FIRST. My wish to change the industry has nothing to do with me being altruistic or “in service to others“. The fact that the Elite is so power hungry and obvious in their deception, opens up the biggest opportunity for us to change the power dynamics and rise in status by only be slightly less power hungry than them. Helping others and giving back power to the people will benefit me, my family and friends first.


By the way, how is your productivity after your contemplation?
It’s obviously high since you got this offer.
But I wanna hear it from yourself, sometimes connections do the thing.
Were you able to guide it consciously?

Oh I forgot​:man_facepalming:t2::sweat_smile:
The painkiller

It is not about favorite days but what it stands for. Friday is the end of the work week, the start of the weekend and the day I am going out and partying the most. So friday is metaphorically about fun, seduction, and parties - the Khan lifestyle I am building. Further, the word does include parts of my real name if you read it in a specific way and leave out some letters.


:warning: :warning: Caution Achilles Module :warning: :warning:

Run my first loop of PainkillerZP today, which does include the new Achilles module.

Whenever I wanted to procrastinate, thoughts rushed through my mind:

Why do you wanna stop working? Common, you can do it!

This module has instructed a part of my mind to constantly evaluate what I am doing and make me aware if I am not working. I can‘t trick it. I can no longer distract myself with things that made me temporarily forget that I should be working instead. After finishing 90% of my work, I started to watch a netflix episode in polish (to learn the language, one of my goals). Not even 3 mins in…

Learning Polish is great, but let’s finish all your med work first. You can watch later!

I can‘t hide from it…

So I stopped and proceeded learning until I did EVERYTHING .

Oh you want a break? Okay, go ahead, take a nap, I‘ll wait and come back when you wake up.

While I did feel a bit more restless, I had zero problems falling asleep. No rushing mind, no worrisome thoughts of all the work I still need to do or of consequences if I don’t finish it. So when it was time to rest, I could enjoy that fully and those nagging thoughts disappeared. Until I woke up…

Great you are awake again! Let‘s go to work now! :smiley:

In a way, it feels like I have no longer control over myself. Or to say it better, it is like the part of my mind that wanted me to procrastinate is quiet and powerless now. There is a new commander in chief that doesn‘t tolerate such weakness.
And to be honest, THIS FEELS SCARY.

This module is a 11/10 so far. Though the warning in the description is no joke! It is definitely not a module I would recommend to people who are relatively new to subliminals and might have some limiting beliefs regarding subs & potential mind control.


Ngl this is amazing and scary at the same time.
I am crafting my custom rn and have just another week to make it final and this review got me thinking about it big time. This will be a very hard decision making.

Have you had a similar experience with Achilles (not with me :slight_smile: )?

So final thoughts is that your productivity skyrocketed after the Painkiller zP

@friday !

Looks dope

2 questions

  1. What is your listening cycle like on Wanted Khan V2 and/or Pain Killer

/Are you still doing one full loop every 7 days?

  1. I did not know we could do 3 cores or 2 cores/ 1 ‘Ultima’ in a custom.

How does Commander effect the Khan/Wanted Archtype?

What is your drive?

When I look at hyper-successful people, they most often have one thing in common: Self-esteem issues. Trying to prove others wrong or working to give them a sense of superiority and validation… narcissists are channeling those “low-vibration“ qualities into immense drive that lead them to massive success and insane productivity. In truth, they don‘t desire reaching their goals but what they want is filling the void which they never will pursing external achievements. But it is this rat race and their fail to realize which provides them with a NEVER-ENDING DRIVE pushing them to greatness.

No wonder, it is not uncommon for people to experience procrastination and a lack of work ethic running a title like Wanted because Wanted clears all of that garbage. You no longer need external validation, you don‘t feel the need to prove others wrong; you are totally okay with who you are, self-sufficient, and confident.

This authentic self-esteem will help you to be productive in the first place but there will come the point when you have reached 100% of what you thought is possible 5 years ago, and 80% of what you think is possible today… when you are at a level where you are genuinely happy with your life. You know you are capable of pushing the boundaries again but it would take 80% more work to reach 20% more success. You will ask yourself: Why should you do that? Why push higher? For what?
I haven’t found a satisfying answer to that yet.


Man this is something that I can honestly relate to since starting subclun few years ago. Drive becomes different.

I know some people don’t like him, but for the positive drive aspect, GaryVee is very good with that. He keeps saying : Do things you like (or love doing) because if you want to achieve great things, you’ll have to put in shit tons of hours a week and the only way to do it is by being inspired to do it because you like it.

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It is definitely like that, to a degree.
Childhood traumas can be a very propelling force towards ATTENTION, which most of the time leads to power. Power and influence is what human beings love to have, especially men, also from an instinctual viewpoint.
Agreeing with Robert Greene I would say that every man has primal inclinations towards certain activities. You know, those who find their passions, I assume that’s more than just “mind programming” but more of a reptilian brain inclination.
So, two points. Attention seeking-Primal inclinations.
Those who seek attention like Stalin, will have ENDLESS ambition to have attention of everyone ALL the time. And they reached that, since they wanted it more than others. I think Achilles work in a similar way.
And there can be a coincidence between seeking attention using an activity and the same activity being your primal inclination.
PS: Power of the will essentially comes from subconscious desires.

My 2 cents-when you’re drive based on low self esteem/ not being good enough/ proving something no longer propels you see what actually motivates you and inspires you, nurture that and let that grow, or pick a mission worth living and dying for, and/or start fulfilling goals as games like your word in that matter, matters more than anything else including how you feel any given moment

@friday -what is your listening schedule these days?

Why did you add Inner circle to your former WANTED KHAN custom and why did you add code of loyalty to the latter?, WANTED KHAN XXX

Have you been able to shift from Khan’s social dominance to Painkiller’s productivity whenever you wish?
How is your EXTERNALLY MEASURABLE social power and influence? Like in your space of work/study like university or work environment, how was/is your practical position? For example: taking leadership position in university’s special departments and stuff.

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@friday, does Machine:Action just motivate you in planning your whole day with useful activities or does it also actively encourage you to do useful activities that bring a return on investment while doing something useless?

@friday will you take the challenge? Raw Egg Chug Challenge!!! - YouTube

Do you want to become a Khan?

Do you TRULY want to become a Khan?

Are you willing to sacrifice what is necessary to become a person of such caliber, to give your best without excuses, to take action every day regardless of how you feel? If not, you should quit subliminals today. I am not joking… It only leads to misery and pain to run a subliminal that tells you to man up while you want to sit on the couch all day watching fucking TV.

Make a decision…

Either QUIT or TAKE ACTION. There are no other options unless you are masochistic.

If you decided to stick with subliminals, go ahead and create an imaginary version of yourself that does exactly what he wants to do all the time. A clone of you that goes to the gym regardless if he feels tired, who never watches TV and who approaches every beautiful girl that he sees. Make a list of all the things he does to become the best version of yourself. Now make this guy your enemy. From now on you are battling against this better version of yourself that doesn’t succumb to how he feels but does what he is supposed to do anyway. If you want to become a Khan, your job is to beat this individual by keeping up with him. It is gonna be difficult, you are going to struggle but these will be the tests, trials and tribulations you have to go through when running a title like Khan — otherwise, you may quit today.


My unmatched perspicacity coupled with my sheer indefatigability makes me a feared opponent in any realm of human endeavor.” ~ Emory


“The truth is if I could clone myself. I would not. The better versions of me already walk the planet. Love was my link to the future.” ~ Emory
