Becoming an Adult

Okay so for the time being, I’m going to focus on my job. Dating and sex will have to wait.

I’m switching to Mogul.


I have to confess I was listening to Emperor early this week. Yesterday the reconciliation was crazy; I almost bought Renaissance Man. I didn’t but it scared all the way to Mogul. I listened to it again and reconciliation hit again from how I have been slacking in office. Also had the cleaning and closing of accounts which was rough but made it through. What do I want out of life?

  • I want to love and respect myself
  • I want to be independent and not have to rely on my parents for every little thing
  • I want to be a true Sigma
  • I still want my dating and sex life in order
  • I want to truly be productive and be a true asset to my father’s business and eventually be someone
    who can run it.

I’m going with Emperor solo, no stacks. Discipline is also an issue I need to work on.


I was about to say, run Emperor – but how was your reconciliation?

If it was to rough for you can always “downgrade” to Ascended Mogul and pair it up with another sub. Emperor is a massive sub and also stacking it with another sub could overpower that sub. AM can be easily stacked with almost any sub.

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Reconciliation hit hard but strangely never went passed a day. I think it was Wednesday when something was being viciously ripped away that was holding me back but that same something was fighting hard not to go.

Thanks I’ll consider Ascended Mogul.

The reason why so many people report successes on AM is simple and is in accordance with the law of Mental Alchemy that many of us still don’t understand. AM has a “light” script that is attaining its goals does not require a lot of time or lots of action or numerous paths of manifestation or being a really advanced version of ourselves. On the other hand, Emperor pushes you to build your own empire, have an abundant sex life and to become a god amidst men and that requires a lot of time, action=effort and much more paths of manifestation than AM. On top of that, if the current version of you is far from Emperor’s archetype it makes it even harder. It doesn’t mean you won’t get profound results running Emperor it only means it’s going to be rougher, take more time and action and a lot of the potential of that sub will be “wasted” simply because there are not enough paths of manifestation right now although more is going to show up down the road.

For the goals you mentioned AM + Limitless (or QL) would be a great start and with time you could add that component of empire building simply by switching to Emperor. You could also add Libertine to the stack I suggested.

Edit: In case anybody was wondering about the law of Mental Alchemy, it’s simple and has been mentioned many times, take action towards your and your programs goals.


Thank you for this. I have to admit I am far from an Emperor and manifestations would be far away.

Same that’s why I’m going to run AM+Limitless like @Palpatine and @Sub.Zero suggested.

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AM sounds more my speed and Limitless would make a great addition too.

Same here when done with my current stack although I’ll be going for QL instead of Limitless and pairing it up with Paragon to reboot my brain.

We have to bear in mind that the unnecessary scripting (the program goals that are not align with our goals and the action we take) slows us down and possibly causes recon too. On top of that, it deprives us of lots of energy.

People oftentimes don’t wonder why the price is the same for Ascension, Mogul, AM, Emperor or Stark. The reason is simple, there are no inferior an superior programs there are only programs that suits us better or worse at the moment. By suitability I mean our personal goals and current development in light of the action that must be taken upon the script and the number of paths of manifestation. But now, one wants to be smart and save the money (lol) and buys Emperor instead of buying say Ascension that would offer them more suitable development.


Have been keeping away from this thread because I have been trying to decided what I want and need. What I need to do is stop going on and on about how bad my social, dating and sex life is when I stubbornly don’t do what I need to do. What I want is to have a dating, social and sex life that I can be proud of and that could actually help those on this forum; I’ve been around long after all. Going with Daredevil solo.


Country has been going through heavy lockdown so people can’t leave there house. Also I tested positive for Covid which while bad isn’t the sickest I have ever been. During this time I actually went through a 1 week washout and I am going to go through a second week as well since I’m still sick and everything is on lockdown. The washout feels good and I feel like I’m getting to the point before I started using subs. Not sure what I will start listening to again but I have a week to think about it.


Were you feeling symptoms of covid, is that why you got tested?

Wishing you a very speedy recovery!

Yeah. I was fine on Saturday but then night time came and I felt like I got slammed.

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Thanks :blush: I appreciate it

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I decided to go with Emperor. Been listening to Wanted but there was always something in the back of my mind saying this isn’t what I should be focused on right now. Plenty of things are happening in the office and using Wanted makes me feel like I’m walking a fine line.


what did you mean by this?
and what can an action in the context of the subliminals be?