Be the Change You Want to See in The World (Stark Chosen)

I’m deciding if I should run the second loop of Chosen two days after my first, looking to avoid any recon, do you find two loops a week can cause recon or do you just generally get better results with 1 loop?


Depends on the sub, honestly.

Mogul for example gave me “heavy” recon for 2-3 days.
Chosen I can usually run just fine. Probably because there is so much positivity scripting in it. Almost like Sanguine.

But for me (and this was already true on QV2), less in generally more.

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Do you have any recommended resources on how to transmute sexual energy?

Currently reading this one and enjoying it:

Yes, chosen fits me well, too. I am glad it’s still in my stack. It’s all about what fits I guess. And I hope the rest of my stack will fit soon, too.

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The more I run Chosen, the more I want to run Alchemist/Sage Immortal.

It really brings me up to higher vibrations… and then I want MORE.

Actually so far as to that I am thinking of dropping Mogul again because it’s too “earthly.”
Big mistake, because it is a necessity. Still, interesting development.


Cool. Thanks for sharing.

Day 22, washout Day 4

So I accidentally overloaded myself because I cant math.

For some reason, when I set the schedule for the subs in Notion, I didn’t account for the weekends.
So I am well over the 21 days exposure already.

Plus the week in between where I listened to too much (still according to guidelines, but not for my subconscious).

So this washout which I started on Thursday is very necessary.

And I AM already noticing the effects.

ZP is healing so many things in my soul it’s insane. I am drawn very much to shadow work right now. Because I have been acting like sex is “bad” for a spiritual person, money is “bad” etc all these things under the disguise of “spirituality.”

It’s all bs.

Suppressing the shadow only gives it more power.

Integrating, accepting it. It is a part of me that I want nice and shiny things. It’s even in my natal chart. It also says I have a powerful sexuality, so why suppress it?

I can still be a spiritual guy?

All these kinds of things have revealed themselves over the last days in a massive stream of thoughts. I dont even work right now. I took the days off, solely doing shadow work. I yearn to just go into the woods for 2 weeks, but as a father of a young child, not happening.

However I am meditating a lot.

Plus, considering how powerful this all is, I will be running Regeneration and Chosen after this stack for another 21 days. It’s just necessary at this point. Instead of adding onto the bullshit, remove the bullshit.


On another note, reality virtually becomes what I think within days or hours.

When I have a daydream/thought about an interaction or things happening, then it will happen.

And I catch myself every now and then (rarely) to not give the subs credit there although it’s clearly the reason.
Now I also do magick, so some things are clearly coming from this, but still. These kind of details are noticable.

Also, I had been running RICH a TON (overexposure), and I experienced recon by being very anxious about money. When you overexpose yourself on ZP it’s really not pleasant.

Keep within the guidelines!

Saint be like, “Duh!” :wink:


Also the dick keeps getting thicker. Like… crazy.

It’s interesting because it’s been many weeks since I ran a sub for this. Same with the physicla shifting.

So running a ZP sub also enhances all older ones!

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I “randomly” manifest mentors and people that help me with my development.

Today I learned my attachment style because I came across a certain website. This was eye-opening for my own relationship with my wife (and other things).

People would call it coincidence. I know the sub is doing its thing!


Day 24, washout Day 6

So the dreams are coming back big time as well as the ULTRA 8K HD images when I just close my eyes every now and then. The Mind’s Eye is working overtime.

Last night I had a dream of being part of the robbery in the TV show Money Heist (great show btw).
However, we got caught in the end in thrown into a shitty prison. But a) I didn’t lose hope at all (Chosen), and b) I realized this is a metaphor.

I am still living in the prison of my own mind, not able to say what I think and feel in certain situations. This came to me in recent shadow work. A thing my mother gave me. Not blaming, just stating.

Anyway, it’s a prison I definitely need to get out of.

I can always tell when the overexposure fades when the dreams and images come back. The mind has finally time and space to work through it. I need to reduce exposure to less than the recommendations. But for now I will stick with the washout for 2 weeks.


Day 27, washout Day 9

The longer the washout, the better the results. It is crystal clear now that I was overexposed.

Results revolve around charisma. People are supernice and want to talk to me about everything all the time.
Physical, my eyes definitely have an effect on women. That’s Chosen for ya.
Wanted still lingers around body wise.

Every now and then I get the feeling an old sub is currently being worked through.
I ran PS ZP once and now about 2 weeks later I notice it being processed where I am just FULLY fine with who I am sexually and this is GOOD the way I am. And I go after what I want.
So it’s a lot of sexual healing there.

The longer I am in this washout, the more RICH also manifests money. Sometimes smaller things, but recurring payments which is just as nice.

Mogul also keeps getting me ideas and telling me which direction to take, plus it laces me with knowledge I need to find the Source. My source.
This might however, just be the ZP core script. It - imo - inevitably sends you towards a spiritual journey, because we’re all spiritual to begin with.

The confidence of Chosen is also just really powerful. I am fine with whatever comes. I am not easily swayed or ran over. Not in an asshole way. In a detached way!


Day 33, washout day 15

Tomorrow will be the last day of my washout.

I was REALLY tempted to throw in a run of Mind’s Eye because on QV2 this sub was INSANE to my mental health (insane might be the wrong word here :wink: It was very powerful and helpful and still is).

However, I decided to first go into the shadow work healing as planned before we throw more power into our manifestations. Feels like the right choice.

So, from next week the stack will be:
Monday: Rebirth, Chosen
Tuesday: Rest
Wednesday: Rest
Thursday: Regeneration, Chosen
Friday: Rest
Saturday: Rest
Sunday: Rest

Still running less loops than recommended, plus Chosen operates as a sort-of sanguine in this sense. To minimize negative feelings from Regen while still working through it.

The Washout Recap

I decided to go with (over) 2 weeks of washout because I overloaded myself a few weeks prior. This was still lingering around.
However, what’s interesting (especially for @SaintSovereign I guess) is the fact, that while overloaded, I still got results, but the extra scripting was kept in a backlog. Throughout the 2 weeks of washout RICH manifested like crazy, Mogul also as well as Chosen of course.

But it’s like it was all stored in my mind until it finally had enough time to process the scripting.

However, PLEASE don’t use this as an excuse to “load” your mind’s backlog with input and then go on a Holiday for 2 weeks lol I know you guys. Because while being overloaded… that was NOT fun lol

Still interesing how the mind operates there.

However I am truly looking forward to the new ZP runs, especially Rebirth and Regen there. I think it’s necessary for me to FINALLY heal instead of putting on top.

Another interesting Chosen effect is with my son who just needs me ALL THE TIME now. I mean it’s lovely, but it’s definitely noticable ever since I ran chosen he seeks contact to me everywhere at all times. Which is lovely. Since children operate mostly from their subconscious (he is 1 1/2yo) it makes sense.


Also MOGUL Manifestation

Some of you may know I run a self-improvement online business.
Started Jan 1st 2020.
In the second year now I already made $23k revenue, 16k profit.

The funny thing is, this never occurred to me. I still thought my business is “not running yet” I still need to make it, etc. Of course, it’s not HUGE, but I NOW realized that detrimental mindset.
This business is already running quite nice.

It just didn’t seem because I had a lot of extra payments (private) to make, so that money isn’t actually in the bank. But for the second year, I’d say that’s already pretty good.

Mogul gave me that realization.

ALONG with a ton of other things like making everything more efficient, etc.

I am also DEEP into minimalism now. It went so far that I finally bought an iPhone to connect my macbook better and don’t have 10 different apps. I consolidated everything, made the business much more lean, got rid of pointless expenses, etc.

The lean entrepreneur. I am loving every second of it.


Day 37, 2 days after Rebirth, Chosen

So Rebirth gave me some tough recon. Or rather, idk if it’s Rebirth per se, or the fact that I run 2 ZP titles back to back.
That SHOULDN’T be an issue, but ever since I overloaded myself it feels like. Then again, this might be another effect Saint mentioned when I consciously tell myself I cannot run the subs according to the guidelines.

Maybe I can? And me just telling myself this is actually making it worse (like the hardgainer mindset).

Anyway, tomorrow Regeneration and Chosen, looking forward to this!

For Rebirth, I don’t notice too much tbh except a completely calm and clean mind. No memories from the past or the future. I am just living in the moment right now. This could be Chosen, though.
However, the effects could also be delayed.


Well Rebirth took this as an offense and got to work right away.

I thought I don’t notice much until I looked into the mirror after the shower. For some reason, the changes for me happen physically first.
It’s Rebirth because I AM NOW that man with a sick body. Virtually overnight there was a huge change.

Rebirth really makes your new reality visual immediately. Whatever that reality may be.
My wife has also been supernice all day. Rebirth Chosen made it my new reality!

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Day 38, Regeneration

Ok Regen is powerful.

The first few hours I felt pretty good about myself. Increased calmness and relaxation. Less worry about things and being FULLY fine with who I am.

Then it is setting in. Right now, my hands are shaking and I feel a pain around the heart chakra. Not like physical pain, but a mixture of anxiety and “heartache?”
I don’t know consciously what’s being worked through there, but I definitely notice my body reacting to it. Feelsbad but also good because you realize things are happening :wink:


Last night I had an interesting experience.

I always sleep with a tensor ring under my pillow.

Last night I had a dream where this ring was on fire. But it was a sort of cleansing blueish flame. Some imagery was in the middle of the ring but I can’t remember what it was. Then, half-asleep in a sort of lucid state, I removed the ring from under my pillow after it burned out.

I didn’t feel threatened or anything. It felt good and right.

I literally PHYSICALLY removed whatever bad thing was still on my mind via that ring.

Never happened to me before.

Obviously I put it back this morning, but this is definitely Regeneration working through stuff!


Day 39, Processing


Guys, treat yourself with Rebirth and Regen, at least every now and then.

It amplified ALL my prior subs I ran. Even Wanted which was like months ago.

Just one loop of Rebirth and Regen so far and I notice, TRULY notice changes. Specifically around the fact that I am FULLY and completely fine with who I am. All the flaws, all the issues. I have absolutely no issue talking about them.
When someone, like my wife for example, mentions something I just say, “Yes, that’s true.” about myself. No need to defend myself, no need to even explain it. It’s just who I am.

This keeps proceeding on other realms where I just openly say what I think and what I want/need/who I am. Sexual, as well as other things.

Today I was out to the shops quickly and the women couldn’t stop staring at me. The cashier forgot how to operate her machine because she was looking at me. Maybe that is also the eyes from Chosen :wink:

But still, it amplifies all the subs I ran so far and you literally FEEL it.